Tessa Blogs

An author to be here … i started writing random moments and here goes nothing ..
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1 year ago

ምኒሊክ ዛሬም ንጉስ ነው

Of all the real things that ever been said. This is literally the realest. Today is a celebration of adwa victory. 128 years ago today our brave ancestors fought against the fascist Italy and won within a one day war. We lost millions of life's that day but our country stayed sovereign. When the whole world was colonized my Ethiopia was never colonized and defeated the civilized and powerful country at that time. I am so damn proud of that and will forever cherish that victory like it's my birthday.

This government don't like that holiday either
As anyone who knows me well knows I hate this government and everything about it. This is by far the most racist and stupid government I have ever seen. I hate them with passion and today for the second time they stole adwa victory from us.

They don't let us celebrate and funnily enough they be out there arresting people who wears a t-shirt with a flag or the kings photo. Isn't it ridiculous?? But then again everything that this government does is ridiculous.

Why are they ashamed of our history ? I sometimes feel like they came from another country the way they be offended when ever they see our flag or anything related to King Menilek has been said.

A little something about king Menilek is he was a king that will never be forgotten by Ethiopia or the world. He loved our country and led like a true king he was. But some people who are insecure about their existence trash his name and turn this victory day about their stupid insecurities. The whole Ethiopian population from every race fought for adwa and it was not only a victory for us Ethiopian but for a the whole black people. While every black was a slave to the white people. My ancestors defeated them. How can you not be proud of such history ??

It's been over 100 years since the king died but they still get offended when they hear his name, they still fear his name to the point it's a crime to even mention his name positively.

I don't really care how this government and some insecure people decides to portrait the victory or the king but for me it will forever be the greatest victory.

I repeat ምንሊክ ዛሬም ንጉስ ነው. And the haters proved us right by being triggered when ever they hear his name. He is leading them even from beyond. Ironic to be insecure over a victory day. It's not even an independence day it's a fucking victory day !!! let that sink in.

Anyway happy victory day my people. God bless our forever king Menilek and all those who fought and lost their life to gave us freedom. We will forever be in debt of our ancestors for our freedom.

1 year ago
Adwa victory of black people

Adwa victory of black people

1 year ago

I used to look at graduation ceremonies from different universities and that song is like a mandatory song to be opened while graduating
"እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ ።
ያሳለፋችሁት ጊዜ የድካማችሁ ፍሬ
ይሀው ብሩህ ሆኖዋል ልፋታችሁ ዛሬ "

But unity mother fucking university didn’t give us the satisfaction of enjoying that song on our special day. All they had to do was plan a perfect day for graduation coz hell we have been waiting all our life for this moment but like I said they don’t really care about us and I will never forgive them for that day.

On top of that on the graduation ceremony after they said "መነሳንሳችሁን ከቀኝ ወደ ግራ አዙሩ። ተመርቃችኃል" they legit said "it was for this y'all been annoying us saying let's graduate" wow what a speech.. we didn't realize that we were there to stuck with y'all and not graduate forever. They actually think us asking for a proper graduation and saying they did us wrong when they postponed graduation day when we only had a week left was not right. And we should have kept quite and be grateful.. how ironic.
They didn't even prepare a proper place for our parents to sit down and celebrate, they just let them stand for hours without even any shelter and say " We weren't expecting so many graduates like this" really ??? The list was on your hands but you didn't expect us to show up to our graduation ???
2021 batch has been robbed of off our graduation.

1 year ago

"We were robbed of our graduation"

I learned at Unity University and graduated on December 4/2021. Our batch and the previous graduating batch didn’t get a chance to celebrate graduation properly because of covid. We graduated around the time covid was a hit. A locked down happened while we had one year left for graduation. We were on a locked down for 8 months straight. Although the school promised to continue the study online nothing of that sort happened. We just sat down at our house and be lazy for straight up 8 months.

This was back in 2020. Covid was real serious and many people were dying on daily basis. that was actually really sad and horrifying. Millions of people lost their life. Am still not sure if it completely vanished right now on 2024 but in my country it’s pretty much forgotten.

Anyway after 8 months of break our batch and the graduating batch been called to school to immediately start class and to finish one semester within 15 days. For us it was fine, for the graduating batch... Not so much. Even though school started covid was still hitting like crazy.

Graduation is always held at millennium hall but that halk became a covid treatment centre so the graduation was held at our school compound which was fine honestly because the school is huge. The problem was since we haven’t covered anything we should have while we were on locked down we kinda had a tight schedule and that was kind of too much for a graduating class with working on research and all.

By the end of 2021 we started doing research. Literally 2 months before graduation, we were also taking some courses side by side but hey what the fuck the school care about stressing out students and who cares if they dont even graduate right?
With all those struggles we finally got close to our graduation day. We were told before two months that our graduation is on November 20/2021. So everyone was preparing for the big day and those fuckers postponed the graduation date when we had literally a week left for graduation. They made everything upside down for because everything was prepared but they didn’t care. They didn’t even care to explain as to why the graduation is being postponed. For how long? We didn’t know, they didn’t give us any specific time or reason. We have worked literally our whole life to see this day but like I said they never cared about us. They are only interested in the money we pay.

After a week we have been told that graduation is on December 4, which is like a week after of they announced the new date. Ridiculous right? But it’s alright let’s just graduate and get it over with. And for our surprise they messed up the graduation list. They forgot so many students name to be included on the graduation list and we were told we are not included on the graduation ceremony, the registrar office was filled with students that have been told they will not be participating in the graduation ceremony because unfortunately they haven’t finished all the courses needed. that wasn’t the case though, they just forgot to include many of us because the ceremony was being processed within short period of time and there was many students to be graduated.

After like a week of argument (which was all the time we had until graduation btw) they finally included the entire graduating students name when we literally had two days left for graduation. At that point most of us just wanted to get it over with and never go back to that school.

It was finally our graduation day. Such a lovely day and a celebration of more than 18 years hustle. Ahh how my heart was filled with happiness. But unity decided to hit us just one more time to make sure they robbed off our graduation fully. They didn’t open the song “እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ ” now everyone who graduated knows how big of a deal that song is on a graduation ceremony. Of all the things they did during graduation I will never forgive them for not listening to that beautiful song on my graduation. Ever since I was a kid even ever I think about graduation that song is always in my mind.

1 year ago

I went to one of the most beautiful church in addis ababa last week. I really loved the view .. it felt like heaven, it gave me a peace of mind.

After we got to the church we went to the place where they give holy water. It looks different than the ordinary church's I know in the city. It was really beautiful

You have to remove your shoe before going to the holy water place, me and my best friend removed our shoe and started waiting for our line. As i was waiting for my line some woman called me and gave me a bunch of bottles to set a line for her. For some reason she didn't wanna get near the holy water place which is understandable because there are some rules u should follow before being close to such place in our religion.

So i took the bottles and put them in line for her. Since it was my first day there i asked my friend who brought me to that place where i can get a holy water for this tiny bottle i circled in the picture above.
She showed me and I looked back to see the woman that gave me the bottle but she disappeared. From the place and from my mind.

I figured I will just go get the holy water and she will come to me to get her bottle, i got the holy water but the woman vanished and I couldn't even remember what her face looked like. It was a mind blowing experience. I waited for almost an hour for someone to approach me because I obviously forgot what she looked like within a minute but she wouldn't if she were following my footstep to receive her bottle right ???

No one approached me. I looked at the people around incase something clicked in my mind and remember her face but nothing.

Was she even real ?? Did someone really gave me this bottle ??
It's a mystery to me but I took the bottle my home because someone I felt like it was meant for me.

why would someone give u a bottle and not follow up ur lead to take back their belongings no ??

What ever luck this bottle held for her .. I took it. And still now i don't remember what she looked like.

1 year ago
Tessa Blogs
1 year ago

Matthew perry and friends

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a die hard friends fan. As a kid I used to hate the show, why you may ask …. its because my brother used to love the show so much that he didn’t give me much time. I remember I was a child and friends used to be aired on ETV every Saturday 1P.M, back then we don’t really have much choice besides watching ETV and our childhood was pretty much awesome because we used to play around with our neighbors, we had to create our own games to play around. We had no smart phones, no Computers, no social media .. Thank God ! so pretty much our life was normal. And imagine how its gonna make you feel when your brother sit down and watch TV shows instead of playing with you on Saturday ? so yea I hated friends and after we grow up all my brother does was watch friends on his PC. He laughs every damn time, he knows every line of every episode yet he always re watch it and laugh like its something new.

Then I got addicted to friends, literally addicted to the point where I would have to watch at least an episode every day. I love them to the point where I started to feel like am one of their friends too. I hate watching the last episode of friends because it felt like the end of an era. But then again I will re watch it. I became even worse than my brother, all my family remembers me when ever they see the cast or see an episode of friends. I refer everything from it even lines when I talk with everyone. that’s how much friends meant to me.

Then chandler died on October 28/2023. Actually the actor who played Chandler died. Matthew perry. Matty is chandler, there is no other explanation. Last year matty wrote a book called “Friends, Lovers and the big terrible thing” I felt really sad for him after I read that memoir, mostly his life is just like chandler him self but the difference is chandler got a happy ending, Matty didn’t. and it really did broke my heart that he left the world without even having a family. He was never married, he didn’t have kids and he wasn’t healthy most of the time, Chandler is my all time favorite and I am not even exaggerating when I say I cry with him when ever things were messed up and was genuinely happy for him when he was happy. I even forgot that he was just a character, he was a real person to me and after I read his book I felt bad for matty and I actually learned a lot from it. We always take things for granted because we are young. But I realize that we are going to get old before we even know it and things gonna get nasty if we are all alone. And low key my path was the same as matty took when he was young and thank God for his book because it was like a wake up call for me.

So you can imagine how bad I felt when he died, it haven't even been a year since I read his book and it was hear breaking, I hated how matty lived and died alone. May he rest in heaven.

1 year ago

I don't like rophnan's new album

And before you even start insulting me for it I am a huge fan of rophnan and his work. He is the most revolutionary musician and I am proud that he is part of my generation.

But I didn't like his new album .. or should I say albums
He dropped two albums at once, while that was exciting news after hearing the songs I was disappointed.

Same beats, same flow and not much of an interesting lyrics.

Rophnan is big on lyrics, his lyrics are mind blowing for me and makes u wanna pause the song to rethink what he meant and how the hell he came up with such magical words.

Reflection was his first album and the hits were a masterpieces. I was in a dark place when that album was released and I listen to the album repeatedly and it somehow made me forget my misery.

I immediately fall in love with his songs .. and him to be honest ?

And then he dropped 3 .. not an album but 3 singles at once ...
OH MY GODDDDD I was amazed by his lyrics and it has an amazing hit .. once again he set the bar high.

And then 6 album... I have no words for 6, am not even exaggerating. I wasn't expecting such masterpiece. Yeamagnu Quine, Qal, Hiwot, Wegheta ... The lyrics makes me wonder what is going on in his mind.
Those songs literally gives me goosebumps like they are new when I listen to them even now.

That's how much rophnan set the bar too high and how much he means to me ...... and with all that expectations I was expecting a much more amazing hits when i hear he is releasing new albums . Especially when I heard it was gonna be 2 albums at once I knew am gonna be busy for atleast the next 2 months.
But I couldn't even listen to it for 2 days straight.

It is not bad to be fair ( or am I saying this coz it's rophnan? I don't really know but I hope it's not) but it's not good, I didn't feel the goosebumps I felt when I heard his previous albums.

Maybe it's coz the songs didn't meet my expectation or maybe like everyone kept saying I didn't give it enough time but I am disappointed.

I felt like he didn't give it enough time.
I think it would have been nice if he just dropped 1 quality album instead of 2 lame once. But it's just me tho ?‍♀

1 year, 1 month ago

A little something about epiphany

Epiphany is one of the greatest holidays celebrated through out the world by Christians, it a representation of Jesus Christ's baptism. During this holidays ህዝበ ክርስቲያኑ "ለጥምቀት ያልሆነ ቀሚስ ይበጣጠስ" ብሎ ነጭ ለብሶ አምሮበት የሚያከብረው በአል ነው።

And the roads will be covered by our flag, the whole country looks so beautiful and everyone celebrate it as a whole even if they may not be Christians.

Sadly this days we are being ruled by the most stupidest and racist government ever and the government will be triggered when ever they see flag ... Mind you it's our countries flag ... how ridiculous is it to be arrested for wearing your own flag, for loving and being proud of your own flag.

It may sound like a joke but this days it's a real crime having our own country flag.
Ethiopia has never been colonized so it's safe to say we are not familiar with not showing off our flag. It feels like we are under colonization this days though.

There is always a conflict when ever there is a Holiday because the government don't wanna see our own flag.

And there comes this years epiphany, it felt like the people had enough, they didn't even bother to be scared .. The whole addis ababa is covered by our flag, it felt new .. it felt good.. Addis ababa once again felt like home ❤️.

Am scared of as to how the people hated our flag ሀገርን ያክል ትልቅ ነገር ጠልቶ ወደዘር ያነስነው ነገር።

V for vendetta is one of the greatest movie that has ever been made and one of the greatest line from this movie is "people shouldn't be afraid of the governments. Governments should be afraid of their people"

We are the mass.. they are the few !!
They can only hold us against our will if we let them. They make us kill each other and play us like puppets but we will never see them get hurt.

Today I was so proud of Addis ababa and the people, seeing my flag everywhere and the people united has been the best thing about today.

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