❌️پخش اول کتاب ها و جزوات کنکوری و نهایی❌️
تبلیغات (پیام به جز تبلیغات = بلاک)
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
از اینجا هم میتونید لفت بدید صرفا به عنوان یه ارشیو برای خودم میخوام نگهش دارم^^
فرق نمیکنه بمونید یا نه، فعالیتی صورت نخواهد گرفت.
از اول هفته ای که میاد شروع میکنم?
I don't like it in here anymore. I'll make a new channel soon, maybe in a few days. And sorry for not responding to so many of you guys for almost a month. I didn't feel ready to communicate for several reasons which may not even make sense to you, but I…
I'm not gonna delete this channel. I'd keep this as an archive.
I don't like it in here anymore. I'll make a new channel soon, maybe in a few days.
And sorry for not responding to so many of you guys for almost a month. I didn't feel ready to communicate for several reasons which may not even make sense to you, but I prefered to respect my unreasonable reasons.
Thanks for being here y'all?
همچنان فکر میکنم مژه هاش عجیب شده?
❌️پخش اول کتاب ها و جزوات کنکوری و نهایی❌️
تبلیغات (پیام به جز تبلیغات = بلاک)
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago