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Federal Reserve to cut rates 3 times by a total of 0.75% this year - Reuters polling
Pay attention in the near future..
It's very close ???
We know that something powerful will take down the Mossad Media satellite. This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, transitioning us to a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate Military EBS.
Starlink is up and seemingly ready for the Army to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.
The Odin Project, as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal.
Q tells us that Mossad media assets will be eliminated. has repeatedly stated that there will be a big Biblical scenario where they present it as World War 3 but in reality they will activate the Military worldwide and then start bombing all the This satanic place.
This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.
What are some of the larger Satanic Illuminati sites in the world? Q showed us things like:
Buckinghan Palace
Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany)
3GD in China
Cern at Swiss/French Border possibly
Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
Israel/Khazarians control CCP
Communication etc
* 34 Satanic buildings and dams will fall
Many events will also take place such as:
Rods of God/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan-targeted sites worldwide
Planes and trains will be grounded
Lights/Energy will be turned off briefly as they switch to Tesla free energy
Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese Coins
ISO20022 coins backed by Precious Metals will be available
WW3 scare event will take place
Nuclear siren
Water events
The stock market collapsed
Global martial arts rules
CASTLE ROCK - Background Julian Assange
Quantum system
Odin project enabled
Nesara / Gesara / RV
Revealing the election through the Military Court - FISA
Military trial
10 countries will run EBS for worldwide coverage
Tremendous truths revealed
Trump and Kennedy inaugurations
ISRAELI MOSSAD has controlled world media out of America.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink
The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal
Satanic Media assets will be removed.
Israeli intelligence was forced to withdraw
Media assets will be removed
* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr will appear.
To convert to Gesara/Greatness, they must play this fake World War 3 scenario to sound the sirens in each National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that have taken place. The Gesara Military Law was implemented which included Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions etc. As usual, all armies will be there to help build new things. We have achieved freedom, saved our children and freed the world of corrupt governments and enslavers.
?Why is GESARA necessary...?
Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing The Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is returning to be a sacred planet, and is taking the entire human population with her. It’s a golden age beyond our wildest imaginations.
The “dark cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hidden humanity’s historical truth for over 13,000 years. It’s plan was to enslave humanity for its own selfish ends. It almost succeeded.
The Galactic Federation of Light and the Forces of Light have been tasked by Prime Creator Source to stop and reverse the momentum of this rebellious and blatant dark cabal, and put an end to its deceit and to help humanity and Mother Earth bring into alignment the goals of The Great Shift in Consciousness.
Here’s a short description of NESARA's mandate in the United States:
Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.
Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.
Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
Removes all dark cabal agents and administration officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.
Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.
Allows the new Republic to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.
Ceases all aggressive U.S. government military action worldwide.
Forces the U.S. military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations that no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil (including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc.).
Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum, and precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Restores financial privacy.
Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the United Nations Security Council.
Releases unprecedented prosperity funds in a “share the wealth redistribution program” for every individual on Earth as well as the release of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across the planet. This means that every human being could become a multi-millionaire instantly without debt of any kind. This is in alignment with the Global Currency Reset & Revaluation (GCR-RV). Stay up-to-date on developments.
Enable the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.
Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on Planet Earth.
Increases benefits to senior citizens and children.
Reinstates the Original Title of Nobility amendment.
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
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Graham Hodsdon
Say GOODBYE to the US Dollar as we know it
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# MILITARY SOURCE: Global Alert! Military Forces Enforce Martial Law Worldwide, Ground Command Confirms!
Global Martial Law, Ground Command, and the Rise of CARE
The world as we know it stands under the oppressive shadow of international martial law, orchestrated not by individual nations but by the figure of Ground Command. As governments worldwide scramble to regain their sovereignty, major global institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have crumbled, leaving room for the emergence of a restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the rise of a formidable new force known as CARE.
Governments are now grappling for the remnants of their sovereignty, while once-almighty institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have fallen into irrelevance. In their wake, a newly restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the emergence of CARE are poised to reshape the world as we know it.
But what does this seismic shift entail, and how does it affect the global financial landscape? In this article, we will delve into the details of these remarkable developments, shining a light on the imminent restructuring of the IRS, the abrupt dismissal of influential figures like Janet Yellen, and the looming handover of assets by the US Federal Reserve and Treasury. Hold onto your seats, dear readers, as we journey through this tumultuous path, revealing truths that have remained hidden for far too long.
?? ?? China warns United States to end all visits to Taiwan and adhere to the One-China policy, or be ready to face the consequences.
🚨DOLLAR COLLAPSE: IMF Warns of Global Fragmentation Along Geopolitical Lines & Dedollarization
***🌐*** Content: ***▪️***Substack - ***▪️***Lena Petrova: Rumble: YouTube: ***▪️***Lena Petrova, CPA - Business/ Tax/ Finance: Rumble:…
Why the U.S. is Pivotal to Global Freedom and the Importance of the First Amendment
The U.S. as the Battleground for Global Liberation
The quest to dismantle the complex web of the Cabal — dominated by the DARPA/CIA axis, and financial moguls like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds — begins in the U.S. This nexus of corruption, intertwined with elite families from South Germany who forged the U.S. financial systems alongside magnates like J.P. Morgan, has orchestrated a global dominion over military industrial complexes and world banking institutions.
Historically, the CIA, an extension of these conglomerates, has destabilized over 70 countries, installing pro-Cabal central banks and puppet governments to maintain control under a guise of democracy.
The Infeasibility of European Revolt
Europeans, overwhelmed by the deep-rooted Cabal networks within their borders, find themselves powerless. The strategic military and covert operations led by U.S.-based elite forces crush any dissent. The populace, mostly unarmed and unprepared, cannot contend with the militarized enforcements of totalitarian regimes backed by these globalist syndicates.
America's Unique Position
In contrast, the United States holds a unique resistance capability thanks to its heavily armed citizenry — with gun ownership exceeding 120% per capita, the highest in the world. This armament empowers Americans to oppose the tyrannical machinations of the UN, CIA, and globalist entities like DAVOS, who aim to usher in an era of continuous warfare, population control, and Orwellian surveillance states under the guise of chaos management.
Crucial Role of the First Amendment
The First Amendment is not just a domestic right but a cornerstone of potential global revolution against these oppressive powers. It protects the free speech that enables Americans to criticize, expose, and mobilize against the Cabal's insidious agenda. In essence, it ensures that Americans can freely educate and organize themselves to resist the dystopian futures planned by these elite overlords.
The Domino Effect of U.S. Resistance
The fall of the Cabal must be initiated from the U.S., as its financial and military infrastructures are pivotal to the Cabal's global operations. By dismantling these from within, the U.S. can catalyze a comprehensive collapse of Cabal influences across major global institutions like the EU, UN, and NATO, inspiring similar liberations across the world.
Global Unity and the Call to Arms
As Americans stand up to reclaim their freedoms and rights, their actions will send ripples worldwide, encouraging and strengthening the resolve of people globally to stand against their corrupt governments and deep state operatives.
2024: The Year of Global Revolutionary Tides
As we move into 2024, a unified global revolution seems imminent. Behind the scenes, enlightened military alliances are subtly undermining the deep state, laying the groundwork for public uprisings against totalitarian regimes. These military interventions will appear only as a last resort, ostensibly at the urgent request of the oppressed societies, to maintain the facade that the liberation was solely by the people's will.
The Unfolding Reality and The Final Push
The truth is, the collapse of the globalist agenda is already underway; what we observe now are the final throes of a dying beast. As these covert operations continue, the public must ready themselves to take up the mantle in their nations, to navigate through potential martial laws, civil unrest, and the pivotal moments of societal reformation.
Trust the Plan. The Awakening is Here.
Q has forewarned us. The scenes unfolding are the culmination of a well-orchestrated devolution strategy to reclaim governance and restore power to the people. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for every global citizen to participate actively in their liberation. Rise, unite, and be the revolution.
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