Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month ago
Всем прекрасного воскресенья! 🌞Уже больше недели я работаю над потрясающим материалом по теме "Экскаватор". Получился невероятно полезный и красивый контент. Сегодня финализирую файл и вношу последние правки. Уже завтра поделюсь с вами всеми подробностями.
🔥 - если очень ждёте.
Oh No, Not Again…
My daughter caught yet another bug a week ago, making it the sixth time since starting nursery school. It looked like a cold at first, but gradually things got worse, and she was running a high fever (иметь высокую температуру) for two days. Watching her suffer was heartbreaking, and my anxiety went through the roof (волнение зашкаливало) as we couldn't bring the fever down (сбить температуру).
The whole night, I was monitoring her temperature and making sure she was as comfortable as possible. As I was watching over her (присматривать), the strangest thing happened. My daughter started speaking English in her sleep. "Mummy, don't cut it, please. I don't want you to cut it," she pleaded, sounding genuinely distressed. I had no idea what she was dreaming about, but I gently reassured her, saying, "I won't cut it, sweetheart." She seemed to accept this and drifted back into a more peaceful slumber (сон).
By morning, I was utterly exhausted, both physically and emotionally. It was a long night filled with worry and the hope that her fever would break (температура спадёт) soon. When the doctor came, she diagnosed tonsillitis (ангина) and prescribed antibiotics. We’re on the mend now...
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? - Do your children become delirious (бредить) when they have a high fever? Share your experience in the comments.
Как бы вы сказали по-английски приставучий (прилипучий) малыш? Тот, который всё время висит на маме и никак не может её отпустить.
*?- понятия не имею, но очень интересно
?? - проще простого, напишу в комментариях*⬇️
Nastya’s Adventures in Scratch Land
Being a parent to a three-year-old is never dull. My daughter recently embarked on a series of adventures (пережила ряд приключений) that left her with a collection of scratches (царапин), grazes (ссадин), and scrapes (царапин)– each with its own little story.
First up (сначала) was the tricycle incident. One bright morning, as Nastya and her dad were heading to nursery school, she decided she was ready to tackle (справиться) the gentle slope all by herself. “Look, Dad, no hands!” she might as well have said. Halfway down, she lost her balance and tumbled off (свалилась), earning a scratch on her elbow (заработав царапину на локте). She proudly showed me her new “battle scar” when she got home, and we promptly stuck on a plaster (UK)/band-aid(US) (мы оперативно наклеили пластырь). “Look! I've got a plaster,” she said, showing it off to anyone who would look.
A few days later, Nastya’s knee met its match (дословно: встретило свою половинку, т.е. получила такую же царапину на колене) at the nursery playground. She was dashing around (носилась повсюду), playing tag (играя в догонялки) with her friends, when her foot caught on a pebble (споткнулась о камушек). Down she went, with a dramatic flair worthy of an Oscar. She ended up with a graze (ссадина) on her knee. When I picked her up that afternoon, she greeted me with, “Mummy, look at my new scratch! It’s even bigger than the last one!” Another plaster later, and she was back in action.
The highlight (самый яркий момент) came during naptime at nursery. Nastya decided that getting off the top bunk bed (двухэтажная кровать) by herself was a fantastic idea. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. She lost her footing (потеряла равновесие) and ended up with a scrape (царапина) on her chest. “Mummy, I’m collecting scratches!” she told me, as if it was a new hobby. We applied yet another plaster, and she proudly added it to her collection.
*? *So, fellow parents, how do your kids get their scratches? Any funny stories you’d like to share?
I was over the moon (на седьмом небе от счастья) last week when I left my daughter in the nursery school for the whole day. I was looking forward to the next month, imagining how much time I would have for all my gazillion (несметное количество) tasks.
But life had other plans for me (жизнь распорядилась иначе), as we all caught a cold during this extended weekend in May (майские праздники). I was so angry, that I felt like I could have thrown a tantrum (закатить истерику) like a toddler!
Not only could I not do my chores ? (я не только не смогла сделать дела по дому), but I also couldn't record myself reading the book aloud. My throat was killing me, it felt raw and scratchy (по-русски мы просто скажем сильно болит, чувствую режущую боль, raw - саднящий, scratchy - царапающий). I literally felt as if I swallowed glass.
We are on the mend (идем на поправку). I'll get back to you soon with reading aloud.
Happy spring holidays ?
Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month ago