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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
So illiterate whites embrace something for edginess' sake, and a black guy thinks that is a coherent philosophy and then proceeds to adopt its views, but just for blacks instead. If you’re going to be an ”African imperialist” then at least build your ideology from the ground up.
Peak nigger intellect.
I don't take the side of either Russia or Ukraine because I know for a fact that Europe could end the war at this very moment if it wanted to, and that every second that it does not spend time actively trying to end it are seconds in which I am ashamed of being European. Just like it doesn't make sense that Europe stayed in NATO after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Perhaps it is time for subcontinental aspirations within Europe to say no to these obvious losers, but that would shake the very core of global politics and make a lot of highly powerful people very angry. Mild indifference is the sickness of all men, and it is only when they see struggle in front of them that they wish they had done something before. We're living in a time unlike any other, with such activity and ignorance, even despite all of the information in front of us on a daily basis on our screens, and men are dying because of it. It's so sad and comical.
“I often think about the amount of geniuses who were racist antisemites. Like Bobby Fischer had an IQ of 180-210 by various estimates. Born Jewish, converted to Catholicism later in life and got canceled for being a racist antisemite. Chris Langan is probably the smartest person on Earth rn (195-210 IQ) and he's a racist antisemite. Heidegger, Pound, Heine, Tesla, Dahl, Ford, Elliot, Disney etc....”
Sent to me by a friend
Don't approach the world from the American lens; the American lens reeks of unwalkable cities, unhealthy lifestyles, detached and lonely living, heavy consumerism, rotting nuclear families as opposed to sane extended ones, environmental pollution, and "liberty."
Don't export ideologies exclusive to their environment to Europe!
"But I am a national anarchi-AA-CCKK" ?
"People of color" are not cultured in terms of cooking except for East Asians and races like them. High culture outside of cooking entails sustainability and timelessness, and Africans (especially African-Americans) are nothing more than globohomo goys who overcook their chicken and don’t consume lactose, as well as wipe their shit with their hands and cause food poisoning.
How big is your green egg grill? Can you name the five mother sauces? Do you know what a Maillard reaction is? Are you capable of processing cheese and milk? Do you know who Escoffier is? Yeah, shut up, nigger.
This article below goes into thorough detail about digital warfare, and it explains why the Chinese and other countries act the way they do when it comes to surveillance and etc. While excessive surveillance over one's own citizens in the form of cameras on…
America must die and balkanize; there is no other solution for America. England must face the repercussions of its long struggle against itself, its own kin.
The Anglo believes in world conquest; he believes in world imperialism. Whether racial or not, the Anglo is the Jew, and we must disconnect ourselves from the Anglo as Europeans. They are the only ones who are capable of such unculture and suffering; their collapse should put a smile on the faces of the men inhabiting the mainland.
Even if there are those Anglos who are of the hearth and the soil, we cannot trust him. America is a product of this experiment! And we should not feed their parasitic vision of a frontier, even as romantic as it is, for it will lead to the inevitable. Those Anglos who believe in this delusion and who do not come to us as members of the mainland are filth.
The Anglo is the only group capable of speaking for liberal capitalism without experiencing severe spiritual dillema; the idea of Angloness is inherently liberal-capitalist and globalist and is a cancer to the idea of a multipolar world and a true world. Thus, their psychoanalysis, their materialism, and their idea of "Faust" fit perfectly into that scheme, even if Spengler was right about so many things! Faust must die! The demon must die!
Once upon a time, there was either a fed or a retard who decided to co-opt our movement by focusing on people like Kalergi rather than, say, Hans Kohn, and it’s been an issue for us ever since. Kalergi meant no harm, while it was the Jewish academia of the…
Once upon a time, there was either a fed or a retard who decided to co-opt our movement by focusing on people like Kalergi rather than, say, Hans Kohn, and it’s been an issue for us ever since. Kalergi meant no harm, while it was the Jewish academia of the 50s and 40s that really dealt the final blow, which is the civic state.
Kalergi: The Most Misunderstood Man
by Duns Scotus, Arjuna, and Zoltanous
The many signs of a healthy movement include the ability to comically self-critique and joke about affairs. Only a man with strong convictions and the truth on his side can simultaneously have fun. This is what every other movement except ours lacks, and you can never really tell when they’re joking or if they’re even self-aware when all you hear are incorrect buzzwords to make up for their lack of intellect and study. They can’t even comprehend being right and having fun, let alone being literate and not using simplistic terms to designate anyone they disagree with; self-aware comical agreement is the peak of Übermensch philosophy.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago