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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
LineageOS | 18.1 | R QPR3 | Mi8937?Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
??Author: @me_cafebabe
?Build Date: June 25, 2024
?Security Patch: 2024-02-05
?Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g42a16894478f
?sha256sum: 15c27cb
?Download: [Smash] [Telegram by F3] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
❗️Known Issues:
- No longer needed to flash RDP converter- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
~~- KernelSU is supported (~~~~Download Manager~~~~)~~-
LineageOS | 18.1 | R QPR3 | Mi8937_4_19?Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937_4_19]
??Author: @me_cafebabe
?Build Date: June 25, 2024
?Security Patch: 2024-02-05
?Kernel: 4.19.315-Mi8937v2-gbaecec5449e2
?sha256sum: dd1f335
?Download: [Smash] [Telegram by F3] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
❗️Known Issues:
- No longer needed to flash RDP converter- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
~~- KernelSU is supported (~~~~Download Manager~~~~)~~- Wireguard is supported
Oopsie, I didn't catch sensors error while bringing up U QPR3, resulted in this build has broken sensors...
Since we've switched to EROFS, making hotfixes isn't longer possible
I'll rebuild it with the fix later
Failing to record screen on latest LineageOS 21? Disable the "HEVC encoding" option. This option shouldn't had came to our devices...
Some people still don't know which devices we're supporting, in 2024...
Mi8937 & Mi8937_4_19:
- Redmi 3S / 3X (land)
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada)
- Redmi 4A (rolex)
- Redmi 4X (santoni)
- Redmi 5A (riva)
- Redmi Note 5A / Y1 Lite (ugglite)
- Redmi Note 5A / Y1 Prime (ugg)
Tiare & Tiare_4_19:
- Redmi Go (tiare)
Official LineageOS Mi8917:
- Redmi 4A (rolex)
- Redmi 5A (riva)
- Redmi Note 5A / Y1 Lite (ugglite)
Official LineageOS Mi8937:
- Redmi 3S / 3X (land)
- Redmi 4X (santoni)
- Redmi Note 5A / Y1 Prime (ugg)
June 2024 Changelog:
- Update to latest ROM sources
- KernelSU: Update to version v11876
(The last KernelSU version, will drop it in next month's build)
- Mulch WebView: Update to version 126.0.6478.110
- ROM: Set build tag to release-keys
(I'm already signing my builds with private keys)
- Disable continuous transaction tracing on all build types
- prop: Set HW timeout multiplier to 6
Kernel 4.19:
- kernel: Upstream to 4.19.315
Android 14 QPR3:
- Build missing libraries for 14 QPR3
- Other small adaptions
If Google would keep on doing the same shit in every QPR updates of Android 15, our devices could only survive till Android 15 QPR2 I guess? maybe on Android 15 QPR3, even if we managed to boot it, some hardware functions would stop working
actually, having k5.4 won't make it survive for much longer (old HAL versions is a blocker too), I'm doing it mainly just for the sake of "the first k5.x for our devices" and "the 3rd kernel update for our devices"
one step further
(left: Redmi 4A, right: Redmi 3S)
(the display driver is definitely not simplefb tho... it's MDSS)
How many downstream kernel versions our devices had booted:
3.18.20 (2016, Stock Android 6.0)
3.18.31 (2016, Stock Android 7.1)
3.18.71 (2017, Stock Android 8.1)
3.18.140 (Custom kernels, EOL of k3.18)
~~4.4~~ (not really sure, only just heard someone pro was trying it in back then)
4.9.112 (2019, by Nichcream and Rupansh on land&santoni)
4.9.163 (2019, by Nichcream and Rupansh on land&santoni)
4.9.179 (2019, by Nichcream and Rupansh on land&santoni)
4.9.220 (April 2020, The first open source k4.9 on santoni by Artem)
4.9.227 (2020, android-4.9-q based msm-4.9, that's most devices' k4.9 starting point)
4.9.233 (August 2020, The first usable version for Redmi Note 5A by adislice and me)
4.9.248 (December 2020, The first boot of Mi8937 Unified Kernel)
4.9.264 (April 2021, The first boot on Redmi Go)
4.9.337 (January 7, 2023, EOL of k4.9)
~~4.14~~ (My failed attempt)
4.19.157 (June 2021, The first boot on 8937 by Lanik & 439 by me)
4.19.272 (March 2023, I just fixed the legendary KGSL issue)
4.19.282 (June 2023, Our first release with k4.19)
4.19.312 (April 2024)
5.4.268 (May 2024, The first boot that I can get kernel log)
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago