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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago

9 months ago
BREAKING: Judge Cannon has made the …

BREAKING: Judge Cannon has made the unusual decision to open up an upcoming hearing to outside parties as she considers whether special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment was valid.

“The Appointments Clause does not permit the attorney general to appoint, without Senate confirmation, a private citizen and like-minded political ally to wield the prosecutorial power of the United States. As such, Jack Smith lacks the authority to prosecute this action,” Christopher Kise, one of the former president’s attorneys, wrote in a motion to the court.

h/t Epoch Times

9 months ago
9 months ago

You know who is really uneasy right now?

Presidents Bush Jr., Clinton, and Obama.

If I'm them watching America EXPLODE in support of Trump after they peirced all the way through their veil of Presidential protections protecting them, I'm worried.

If I'm them, I know there is now nothing preventing Trump's Admin from running us all through the same grinder when he wins. I also know these two fuckers will roll on me to save thier own ass from the gallows in a heartbeat.

If I'm them, I am not feeling very good about the RNC's plan to safeguard the election and the super majority now on fire to vote Trump. I'm not confident at all we can rig the election effectively.

If I'm them, assasination or a globally disruptive event is now likely our only remaining option. I also know a) another pandemic has low probability of success, b) that we tried assasination several times and failed, back when we had far more cover, resources, and power

If I'm them, I suspect Trump's gauntlet represents a MIL-CIV alliance one simply cannot escape. I know I will be forced to confront exculpatory evidence by people who don't fuck around. If I flee, I know Trump will hunt me down like a dog like he did al-Baghdadi.

If, I'm them, I am starting to panic.

11 months ago

I see several popular accounts in our movement promoting runaway crisis fear.

They're like the city engineers who once bemoned the certain doom NYC faced due to all the horse manuer pilling up in NYC streets.

How ever would the city handle the exploding new growth and increased traffic?

Then, the combustion engine was introduced, and none of their drums mattered.

That's Trump. Trump is the combustion engine that transcends piles of shit people dedicated their drums to.

11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 1 week ago

A few DNC sex traffickers, honeypoters, predators, pedophiles, and deviants:

Sean Combs
R Kelly
Les Wexner
John of God/Oprah
Brett Ratner
James Gunn
Kevin Spacey
Anthony Weiner
Ed Buck
Harvey Weinstein
Leon Wieseltier
Mel Reynold
Robert Menendez
Neil Goldschmidt
Joe/Hunter Biden
Barrack Obama
Bill Clinton
Larry Flynt
Hugh Heffner

The RNC has its share as well. The prevalence, scope, and influence, however, is not comparable.

11 months, 1 week ago

There are levels.

Those whose principal agenda is to monetize the movement and exploit narratives to drive relevance, traffic, book sales, and revenue.

Those who monetize the movement because it's an option but don't really give a shit about metrics and factor that if they do a good job pushing truth, revenue will follow.

New comers with the latest and greatest inside information.

Those of us who have never desired to profit off our movement and fight for truth solely because it's our antidote.

11 months, 1 week ago

This anon is going to be very clear:


I don't care how much I admire you, how popular you are, or what anonymous "insider" information you claim to have.

In fact, the harder I am group-think bullied into adopting a narrative, the harder I will reject it.

Sauce or we have the same intel. Sauce or you're driving revenue. Sauce or STFU.

11 months, 1 week ago

Years of fighting in this Information War has taught me to be as vigilant in protecting my warrior spirit as I am in deploying it.

Yes, all our common enemy does is conspire ops against us. No, not everything that happens is an op or a conspiracy.


If for no other reason, do this because you understand that allowing yourself to be in a constant state of cascading stress or sense of impending doom is not healthy for mind, body, or soul.

Under prolonged conditions, our judgment becomes impared, our faculties break down, and we can even develop disease.

Do not be reactionary. Discipline yourself. Excercise internal muscle. Research.

Always resist adopting/repeating the opinions of others you haven't first decerned (vetted) for yourself to be true.

We must guard well our spare moments. We must sustain effective durability. We must be healthy and strong for ourselves, families, and for the key battles that will require all we have to give.

This, I have found, is the way.

11 months, 2 weeks ago
We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago