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6 days, 3 hours ago

Al Asas is a book by Allamah Faydh al Rahman al Haqqani. The author is teaching the book himself. The work is a tashil of Sharh al Shamsiyyah (Qutbi).

1 week ago

📗*Higher Reality: Manifestations of the Unseen

👤* Dr.Mostafa al-Badawi (Author),
Islamic Village (Publisher)

#Sufism #Tassawuf #Habaib #Spirituality #Sunni #Modernism #Materialism #Yemen #Awliyah #Jinn #Angels

1 week ago

Higher Reality: Manifestations of the UnseenAbout the bookCommunities have always held some notion of unseen realms regardless of religion or culture. However, the modern age - an age of extreme materialism - is an anomaly in this regard with its systematic erosion of such ideas from the very psyche of man. People are finding it progressively more difficult to comprehend realities that exist beyond the framework of the physical world and how they tie in to the familiar material dimension we have become immersed in.
This unique book seeks to take the reader through various unseen realms that exist outside, or alongside the physical reality we experience. Drawing from rich Islamic sources; the author begins to unravel the various worlds of dreams, angels, demons, spirits and how man has experienced these realities throughout the ages.

About the authorDr Mostafa al- Badawi is one of the world’s premier translators of Islamic spiritual texts. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist and member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He studied under many ulama, foremost among whom is the late Imam Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad (قدس الله سره ) His other translations include: Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, Two Treatises, The Prophetic Invocations, and Degrees of the Soul. He is also the author of Man and the Universe: An Islamic Perspective, recently published. He resides in Madinah.

2 weeks, 1 day ago

This Umm al-Baraheen course by Sh Suraqah is definitely worth the money. If you've studied the text and would like to go more in-depth, this is what you'll need to progress onto the next stage. Also good for recapping everything you have studied in case you're at the intermediate stage.

2 weeks, 5 days ago

On the 77th “Independence Day” of Pakistan, remember that Jinnah never considered Qadianis to be kuffar. This new piece by Jinnah’s new biographer, the secular liberal Yasser Latif Hamdani, highlights Jinnah’s stance on the Qadianis. It also shows some of…

3 weeks, 1 day ago
3 months ago

Thankfully Archive has the PDF of the work.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel by Thomas Suarez.

The excellent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe writes about this work

“A tour de force, based on diligent archival research that looks boldly at the impact of Zionism on Palestine and its people in the first part of the 20th century. The book is the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine. Much of the suffering we witness today can be explained and connected to this formative period covered thoroughly in this book.”

3 months, 1 week ago

Many students who study the tradition attempt to simultaneously uphold three axioms that are together paradoxical:

Axiom 1: Classical scholars must be respected.
Axiom 2: Every opinion of a classical scholar is valid.
Axiom 3: To declare the opinion of a classical scholar invalid is disrespectful.

Each axiom has its justifications.

After all, scholars were extremely intelligent and faithful to their cause; had dedicated themselves to understanding the religion; and have been followed for centuries, making their opinions worthy of consideration as valid representations of the religion.

While accepting this, there is a paradox in upholding the three axioms simultaneously, which becomes clearer in the following scenarios:

(i) A scholar holds an opinion for it to only later be dismissed and perhaps declared invalid by others (e.g. nabidh).

(ii) The opinions of two scholars are mutually exclusive and therefore cannot both be correct simultaneously (e.g. each scholar rejects the view of the other and does not consider the opposing view valid).

(iii) The opinion of one scholar itself entails disrespecting another scholar due to the way they expressed their disagreements (human relationships are complicated).

Therefore, the only way to solve the paradox is to either renounce one of the axioms or qualify them in some way.

Different camps go about this in different ways:

(1) Some people fall off the rails and disagree with all three axioms, leading them to absurdly dismiss the entire tradition and start from scratch.

(2) Others choose to discredit a large number of classical scholars, so they accept the axioms but heavily restrict their understanding of whom they consider scholars--because for some reason they haven't yet figured out how to respect a scholar while disagreeing with him on a particular issue.

(3) Some who respect and navigate the tradition recognise the paradox and may therefore disagree with axiom 2 (that every opinion of a classical scholar is valid);
or qualify their understanding of axiom 3 (that disagreeing with a scholar is inherently disrespectful).

Others, on the other hand, may still force themselves to maintain all three axioms through historical revisionism.

However, historical revisionism comes with its own problems:

(i) It is a gross misrepresentation of reality, especially when done with the sole purpose of maintaining the three axioms.
(ii) It can lead to strong cognitive dissonance.
(iii) It drastically affects one's perception of the trajectory and reception of opinions throughout both classical and post-classical historical periods.

Therefore, historical revisionism is not an option.

I believe there is a middle ground--as you see in camp 3 above--but it's a spectrum and difficult to pinpoint with precision. Broadly speaking, there should be an attitude of respect and humility towards the tradition, while recognising history and human relationships for what they are, and ultimately focusing our attention to the challenges of our age.

3 months, 1 week ago

New Publication in the Classical Text Series (via Ummatics)
Mālikī Authorities on the Imamate
by Dr. Shadee Elmasry

"The following excerpts represent the Mālikī school on the nature, obligation, and reasoning behind the imamate, the preconditions of the Imām, the obligation to obey the Imām, and the circumstances that obligate disobeying him. The authors of these excerpts, listed chronologically, are from among the most authoritative sources in the school: Ibn Yūnus, Ibn Rushd al-Jadd, Khalīl, Ibn Nājī, and al-Nafrāwī."

3 months, 1 week ago

The Royal Society, Rosicrucianism, “The Science”, Darwin, and Dr.

Yesterday Dr. Anthony Fauci was awarded with what Stephen Hawking and others considered as the “highest honor for a scientist”.
Dr. Fauci has been elected a fellow of the United Kingdom’s Royal Society. With this position he joins the ranks of illustrious (mainstream approved) historical figures such as Issac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein.

The Royal Society is the oldest continuous scientific academy in the world. It was founded in 1660AD and in 1662AD it was granted a royal charter from King Charles II. It should be noted that King Charles II was the grandson of Marie De Medici of the infamous Medici banking house of Florence. The influence of Marie De Medici and her children on all the royal houses of Europe is a topic for another post.

Since its inception, the Royal Society has always stamped with its approval whatever the ruling elites have wished to be deemed as “The Science”. They view themselves as the vanguard of everything related to science. Many genius thinkers have been cast aside as “pseudo scientists” by the fatwas issued by the Royal Society. While many actual pseudo scientists have been promoted to levels of deification by it. This should remind us of what the American Medical Association and World Health Organization do today.

The official story regarding the origins of the Royal Society and its founding explicitly speaks about the role of the occult. The Royal Society is seen as the continuation of Gresham College which was itself the continuation of “Invisible College” set up by Francis Bacon.
The “Invisible Colleges” across Europe at the time were all involved in Rosicrucianism and the Kabbalah. (These are also topics for future posts)

In the late 19th century, it was the Royal Society that chose to have Charles Darwin (a member of the wealthy Wedgewood family) and his nonsensical evolution theory promoted at all the universities across England and Europe. As discussed previously, the evolution theory is all about eugenics and is a tool of Empire.

Knowing this history, it is therefore no surprise that the Royal Society would honor the corrupt moron that is Dr Anthony Fauci. His role during the so called covid pandemic was indispensable for the globalist agenda.

While we cannot say that every single mainstream approved figure is a stooge, it does beg the question as to who we should trust regarding “dunyawi knowledge”.
Who are “the experts”?
We have to remember that the division between “religious” and “worldly” knowledge is itself a modern secular innovation.

Just because something comes from the Jesuits, Zionists, or the Royal Society, doesn’t always make it false. But nor should it be treated as infallible. It is vital for us to ground ourselves in the correct knowledge of the rational sciences, metaphysics, and our Creed, which thus gives us basis for investigating every other field of knowledge. As mentioned in previous posts referencing Shaykh Abdurrahman Mihirig, Shaykh Hasan Spiker, Shaykh Asrar Rashid, Shaykh Mahdi Lock, and others, we must rid ourselves of the secular worldview that has been foisted upon us. Every science and area of knowledge must be investigated by learned Muslims. The maulvis who have neither “religious” knowledge nor “dunyawi” knowledge must be replaced by students who will excel in both areas. In an ideal situation, our madaris would have specializations in every field available.
“Dunyawi knowledge” is not something that we can entrust to the kuffar.

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