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5 months, 4 weeks ago

In this paper Shaykh Abdurrahman Ali Mihirig (a senior student of Shaykh Saeed Fodeh, and one of the leading scholars of Kalam and Philosophy in the world) explains the Sunni view regarding the Speech of Allāh.
One of Jake Brancatella’s key errors has been his misunderstanding of the Sunni position regarding this topic.
Many Taymiyyans/Wahhabis historically have had the same issue. This brief essay will put the matter at rest and refute the false allegations against the Ahlus Sunnah.

5 months, 4 weeks ago

This paper has been compiled by a brother at Safina Society, refuting Jake Brancatella.
It focuses on Jake’s blatant plagiarism (he literally copy pastes arguments that are not his) , his misunderstanding of Arabic texts, his misattributions and slanders against Sunni Imams.

6 months ago
6 months, 1 week ago

Al Asas is a book by Allamah Faydh al Rahman al Haqqani. The author is teaching the book himself. The work is a tashil of Sharh al Shamsiyyah (Qutbi).

6 months, 1 week ago

Higher Reality: Manifestations of the UnseenAbout the bookCommunities have always held some notion of unseen realms regardless of religion or culture. However, the modern age - an age of extreme materialism - is an anomaly in this regard with its systematic erosion of such ideas from the very psyche of man. People are finding it progressively more difficult to comprehend realities that exist beyond the framework of the physical world and how they tie in to the familiar material dimension we have become immersed in.
This unique book seeks to take the reader through various unseen realms that exist outside, or alongside the physical reality we experience. Drawing from rich Islamic sources; the author begins to unravel the various worlds of dreams, angels, demons, spirits and how man has experienced these realities throughout the ages.

About the authorDr Mostafa al- Badawi is one of the world’s premier translators of Islamic spiritual texts. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist and member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He studied under many ulama, foremost among whom is the late Imam Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad (قدس الله سره ) His other translations include: Book of Assistance, The Lives of Man, Two Treatises, The Prophetic Invocations, and Degrees of the Soul. He is also the author of Man and the Universe: An Islamic Perspective, recently published. He resides in Madinah.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

This Umm al-Baraheen course by Sh Suraqah is definitely worth the money. If you've studied the text and would like to go more in-depth, this is what you'll need to progress onto the next stage. Also good for recapping everything you have studied in case you're at the intermediate stage.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

On the 77th “Independence Day” of Pakistan, remember that Jinnah never considered Qadianis to be kuffar. This new piece by Jinnah’s new biographer, the secular liberal Yasser Latif Hamdani, highlights Jinnah’s stance on the Qadianis. It also shows some of…

6 months, 3 weeks ago
9 months ago

Thankfully Archive has the PDF of the work.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel by Thomas Suarez.

The excellent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe writes about this work

“A tour de force, based on diligent archival research that looks boldly at the impact of Zionism on Palestine and its people in the first part of the 20th century. The book is the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine. Much of the suffering we witness today can be explained and connected to this formative period covered thoroughly in this book.”

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