Match Ready

We will make you Match Ready!
The complete, structured and systematic guide to successfully secure your residency spot in the US (within 1 year).
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3 months, 1 week ago

Amboss useful links
[v] Preventative Medicine
[v] Health care system -*  ===> 7 =8

[v] infection prevention and control ==> 11=12
[v] patient communication and counseling  =====> 13 =14 QUESTIONS
[v] palliative medicine (very important)  ======> 7 =9 QUESTIONS
[v] quality and safety  ======> 29==43 QUESTIONS
[v] ethics  ======> 73===75 QUESTIONS
[v] Death (very important)  ======> 5===6(1Q also ethics)QUESTIONS
[v] Vaccination == 9
[v] Immunization schedule==== 16
Total Questions from these Article: 152==187 questions

EDIT- links:
Health care system -
infection prevention and control
patient communication and counseling
overview of palliative medicine
quality and safety
palliative medicine (very important)
Death (very important)

3 months, 1 week ago

Non-US IMG grom Ethiopia: Step 2 CK score 275, took the exam in June

My advice on preparation

The whole Step 2 preparation took me 5 months, but aside from the 5 weeks of intensive, I was so busy with work and personal life and I didn’t use the rest of the time properly.

Phase 1: I started my preparation for Step 2 the day I took Step 1 and UWORLD was the material I began with. I did 40 questions per day and did my first pass system-wise. I can’t stress this enough, but I read every explanation with great attention to algorithms. I also listened to DIP’s shelf review and the episodes he recommended for Step 2 on his Divine Patch episode. When I finished each system, I read White Coat Companion with UWorld’s notes annotated. This step helped me consolidate my knowledge. My score on UWorld first pass was between 77 % and 94%. I also read “UWorld Notes” as a revision once I was done with UWorld.

Phase 2: By the time I was done with UWorld, I only had 5 weeks till the exam. So, I decided to dedicate 16.5 hours per day for the rest of my preparation. During my dedicated, I did all CMS forms, AMBOSS Qbank (Score: 90%), HY Questions and articles, repeated UWorld Qbank (Score: 93 -96%), listened to DIP rapid review, did NBME 9 to 14(Score: 260s to 270s), UWSA 1 & 2 and revised selected topics on FA Step 1. For Amboss Qbank and UWorld second pass, I did 500Q per day, exam mode. I only read explanations for my wrongs and questions I had doubts about. I took notes on all the materials I read or listened to.

Phase 3: The last week of my intensive was used solely for revision of the notes I have taken so far and did the New Free 120 (90%) and the two old ones. I also re-read High Yield Amboss Articles and did questions under the articles. This is by far the most helpful material for the “Non-Medical” part of the real exam.

Exam Day: Despite all my efforts, I felt underprepared even on the exam day. And unfortunately, my exam experience was terrible. I was kind of sure I would fail. I have never seen an exam as such, in short. I was marking 30 questions per block till I later saw the futility and stopped marking at all. I answered not a single question with confidence. It was as if I was on a guessing spree. I did the first five blocks in one sitting and then took a lunch break and I did all the other blocks with a break in between. I didn’t feel tired at all and didn’t lose stamina even on the last block. I think that is because I was practicing by doing 500 questions per day during my intensive. Anyways, let me classify the exam questions as “medical” and “non-medical” for simplicity. The “non-medical” ones were mainly ethics and quality improvement.  No material is good enough for their weird ethics questions but if you read all AMBOSS articles listed in this amazing write-up guide (here and I would add articles on “Adult health maintenance”, “Adolescent health care”, “Well-child visits”, “Pain Management”, “Vaccination” and “USPSTF”), you will answer all non-ethics “non-medical” questions. As for the “medical” part, you will find no question full of hints and there is not enough time to logically reason and cancel alternatives to reach the single best answer. The questions are so vague and re-reading the question adds no clarity at all. The questions were most similar to Block 3 of New Free 120. The only explanation to my score is that most of my guesses were right and that is because I did lots of questions and had a very good step 1 foundation. People say to trust your preparation, and I guess that is true.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Starting final year of residency
What I’ve learned so far:

⁃ Do your best to ask as many “dumb” questions in your first year
⁃ Find a mentor in your program
⁃ It gets much easier after the first 3 months

6 months, 3 weeks ago

? Inspiring Journey Alert! ?

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share a bit of my journey with you all in the hopes that it might inspire some of you. My main aim is simply to encourage and uplift each other.

I grew up in a small town in Ethiopia and attended nursing school at the University of Gondar before making the move to the States. It was during this time, observing the rigorous training and vast knowledge acquired by medical students, that I realized my calling lay in becoming a doctor and I have what it takes to be one even thou it was little too late at that point. For me, it wasn't about the title, but rather the profound impact a doctor can have on someone's life.
I had the privilege of being part of three major teaching hospitals in Ethiopia: Gondar, Tikur Ambessa, and Hawassa and many more here in the states. While most doctors I encountered earned my utmost respect, there were unfortunately a few senior doctors who seemed to view themselves as infallible please don't be one of them. But that's a story for another time.

Determined to achieve my goal of becoming a doctor, I began working as an RN (nurse) immediately upon moving to the States and was able to help other Ethiopians  transition to the field as well which I am proud of. Working alongside doctors and residents from all over the world only fueled my passion further. However, I couldn't help but feel disheartened by the limited number of Ethiopian doctors within the US healthcare system.

Despite facing numerous hurdles and having to support my family at times, I pursued my dream of attending medical school. It meant sacrificing visits back home for almost a decade and juggling work and studies, but the drive to make a difference kept me going.

It was through a YouTube video by Dr. Tinsae and Dr. Abdu that I stumbled upon this telegram group. Seeing their achievements and watching Hakim podcast videos, filled me with motivation. It was like seeing reflections of myself achieving great things.

And now, I'm thrilled to share that I've matched at Mayo Clinic in internal medicine. My hope is to see more fellow Ethiopians in the US health system.

I say all this to remind you that if I can do it, so can you. Let's continue to support and inspire each other on this incredible journey. Together, we can achieve greatness!

Keep pushing forward Yagerie Lijochi,

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Now that the dusts have settled it’s time to plan for next steps!Matched 2024 applicants especially requiring the J1 visa from Ethiopia we all know that amidst the celebrations you are all worried about the subsequent processes and the visa situation.Our team here is ready to help in any ways we can and we urge for all of you to form a group immediately and start planning.Because this is a process you are going to do individually and as well as a group.We plan to host a live discussion panel detailing our experiences and the lengths we went last year and the steps we did in coordination with Ministry of Health ,Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,Senators and Congressional leadership.We strongly encourage for you to select 1 or 2 coordinators and for them to reach out to us.
With Regards
Matched2023 applicants

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Congratulations again to all matched applicants!!Wherever you go you might be the first Ethiopian or among many in the programs history.Be sure to be in your best behavior from day 1 and never forget your journey or what brought you here.And please please look back and uplift the next generation following suit!We have all went to new programs and subsequently opened the doors for many of our peers to join us.Be fearless and a trailblazer!!We are so proud and happy of our most successful Match Season to date with extraordinary results!Adios to Match2024 and remember tomorrow is Day 1 for Match2025!!!Cheers to yet another successful match season!
Match Ready Team

7 months ago

Our DMS are full of all thank you and congratulations messages we have received from all the matched applicants!Thank you very much for letting us be part of your journey and that we might have had such a tiny help in you realizing your dreams.For those unmatched-don’t let that email define your life!Yall are amazing and deserve the best.The fight is still not over and our team is always ready to help you in your SOAP journey and subsequent Scramble !You got this!
To the matched applicants this is your time now to give back to the community!As we always say if you can’t pay it back-pay it forward!!!
Match Ready Team!!!!

7 months, 1 week ago

Tips for #SOAP2024

  1. If you get the dreaded email, DO NOT PANIC. Although you will panic.

  2. Take the time from 930-11am EST to get through all the feelings. Shout, scream, cry, vent, workout etc. Get the negative emotions out the way as you’ll need the energy to focus.

  3. Round up your support systems. Tell EVERYONE you didn’t match. There is no shame in it. People will come help IF they know you need help.

  4. 11am: Grab the unmatched list from the NRMP site. Split up the programs with your support systems to research. Excel is your friend.

  5. Filter progs you don’t qualify for, whether it’s scores, visa, yog etc. Don’t waste tokens.

  6. Make slight modifications to PS to target specialties. Don’t change them up completely - there is no time for that. Get one Support system to make edits.

  7. Use ~40-42 tokens Round 1

  8. Have all applications submitted asap. SOAP is 1st come 1st serve. Ideally before midnight March 13.

  9. March 14: Dress up in case you have a video interview. Phone, laptop fully charged. Internet connection stable. Environment conducive for an interview.

  10. Eat. Hydrate.

  11. Interviews will be shorter. Be confident. If asked why you didn’t match, be honest. This question tackles critical thinking and introspection. Nail it.

  12. March 15: do as March 14.

  13. Be kind to yourself.

  14. March 16: Accept an offer if it comes. Don’t believe promises.

  15. Recheck NRMP unmatched list every round. Use remaining tokens after Round 1/2.

  16. Don’t panic. Be kind to yourself. Vent. The system isn’t fair. We know this.

  17. If unmatched after round 4 - prepare for Scramble. Will do another thread for that.

Good luck and God speed

You’re truly amazing! Do not let some out-dated algorithm dictate how you feel about yourself or dismiss your accomplishments.

Throughout this process be kind to yourself!

7 months, 1 week ago

I certified my rank order list (ROL), but… 
What if I messed up?
What if I don’t match?
What if my list doesn’t get processed?
What if I should have ranked programs in a different order?
What if, what if, what if…
These thoughts, and their associated feelings, are 100% normal. Please re-read that last sentence. 

You are no longer in control of one of the biggest decisions of your life and your human nature is kicking in to try to protect you from this unique and frightening experience. With these thoughts, your brain is searching for an opportunity to regain the control you lost as soon as you hit submit-- cue worrying. By worrying about different (highly unlikely) situations, your brain tricks you into thinking you are still in control of the outcome. Unfortunately, this “control” is only a figment of your imagination and, if given free reign, this imagination will cost you significant emotional energy and rob you of a celebration you’ve spent the last 2 years plus earning.

The cost of these thoughts, and resulting feelings, lies in the amount of power you give them. For some, there’s a tendency to obsess over the suggestions our mind presents us and snowball them into a series of hypothetical disasters that may result. For others, there’s a tendency to suppress the feelings, distract ourselves from them, and pretend they don’t exist ultimately allowing them to wreak havoc undercover (perhaps manifesting as hesitation in planning a match day celebration because, you know, what if you don’t match?). 

The first step in stripping power from these thoughts and feelings is acknowledging the discomfort. Thank your brain for trying to protect you by way of presenting these thoughts and feelings during these uncertain times. After you acknowledge its presence, name the feeling that comes with the thought. Is it fear? Is it disappointment? Naming an uncomfortable feeling makes it easier to process. After acknowledging the feeling and giving it a name, sit with it. Invite the feeling to the table and ask what it’s there to teach you. Is it signaling an opportunity to try trusting yourself for the first time? Is it showing you just how much being in this position means to you? What’s there for you to learn? 

After you’ve sat with the feeling and extracted the lesson it is there to teach you, kindly dismiss the feeling. Don’t let the thought or feeling drive the car. Visualize picking up the thought and feeling and placing it in the backseat. The thought and feeling will still be along for the ride (again, this is normal) but, having been acknowledged, named, and addressed, it will no longer be in a position where it has the power to guide your direction, thoughts, or actions. 
With more space in the driver’s seat, you have the perfect opportunity to welcome joy, excitement, and peace. What if you replaced those terrifying thoughts with:
What if I match (at my dream program)?
What if I ordered my list perfectly?
What if it all works out?

You will never again be in a position where you could match at the X, Y, or Z program. This moment right here, right now is a once in a lifetime chance to feel. The incredible possibilities ahead of you is a once in a lifetime chance to be excited about. Give yourself permission to celebrate this moment and admire just how far you’ve come! So now, my question to you: how are you going to look back on these next few weeks? Will they be some of the most beautiful days of your life or will you allow worry to steal this celebration from you?

7 months, 2 weeks ago
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