Notizie e analisi sull'attualità e la geopolitica.
Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago - Le ultime notizie passano prima da qui ?
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ℹ️ In qualità di Affiliato Amazon, riceviamo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei
Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago
Non possono celare la verità🔥
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago
Новогодняя сказка "По щучьему велению"! ? Луганский академический русский драматический театр имени П.Луспекаева
Today is John Dugan's birthday. Happy Birthday John
On the last day in Moscow, we met and did an interview with an Italian
– Italian lawyer and political scientist, an international consultant to the United Nations at the International Labor Organization and the High Commission on Human Rights, and a professor at the Department of International Law and Diplomatic Relations at the Faculty of Global Processes at Moscow State University, an expert on RT and REN TV; Simone Monticchio
Watch the interview with Simone Monticchio soon in the program In Search of Truth
Many thanks to Simone for the interview
Participó en el programa biblioteca Multimedia de la reconocida directora de orquesta venezolana Marialsira Matute y Villmar Depablos.
Well, that's the end of the forum "Cultural Guides", in which I took part.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend all the seminars due to the session at school, but I am still grateful for the opportunity to attend at least some of them.
I can say that this is not only a great time, but also a huge amount of useful information! The case when I was ready to write down every word I said, so as not to inadvertently lose it. Isn't this an indicator of the speakers' skill?
Many thanks to everyone with whom I had a chance to communicate and whose critical comments, I hope, will allow me not to make mistakes in the future.
Notizie e analisi sull'attualità e la geopolitica.
Last updated 8 months, 1 week ago - Le ultime notizie passano prima da qui ?
? @ultimora_network
? @ultimoragroup
? [email protected]
? @igilu ??? @lopao
ℹ️ In qualità di Affiliato Amazon, riceviamo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei
Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago
Non possono celare la verità🔥
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago