?918团队春晚内幕IP | 公平发射?
?专业团队 一年磨一剑
?开盘时间:2月9日 下午
?合约: 2月9日下午公布,初期限购
✉️TG : https://t.me/longbsc2024
✅Btok: https://btok360.com/longbsc2024
? BabyBNB ?
Round 1 of BABY BNB starting on 27th At 3pm utc. 150 wallets will be added in round1
The baby of the BNB ?Nothing can be more bullish than this.
BabyBNB will kick-off the MEME season of 2024. Mainly because of the bullish narrative it is making in the scene by being the first Baby of BNB.
Meme + utility = BabyBNB
All whitelisted Members mint NFT by sending 1.5 BNB directly to the CA
NFT CA: 0x56Bf41eAC298Ffa0e5bE13862bA43337A18Da7ae
?Website: Babybnb.baby
?TG: https://t.me/BabyBNBPortal
✖️: https://x.com/babybnb_