
We recommend to visit

Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

5 months ago

We will be live in 20 mins or less. Thank you for listening. Please pay attention. That's all I'm asking. Telegram will keep going after that.

5 months ago

Oh that's what we are doing? OK... we will be live again in a few minutes.
Hi Eric.

5 months ago

We're just starting. Tonight will be a night. Thank you for being here.
GREEN means GO.
??Ally Carter

5 months, 1 week ago

Diddy is not the only one.
Epstein wasn't the only one.
Who did they sell kids to? Where did the kids come from? Why did all of this get covered up for so long? Where is the outrage for the children?
When you know how serious this is, you won't be able to sleep. If you realize how many babies are abused and invisible, you wouldn't stop demanding the truth.

5 months, 1 week ago

Long story short... I told my social workers, supervisors, and ombudsman of Riverside County California child protective services what was happening. They knew. They documented and padded the truth with "social worker jargon" and dismissed it. I begged them to help me, and they told me to either keep quiet or they would ship me to Arizona where no one would hear from me again. So on the night I was auctioned to Russia , I ran. I disappeared from child protective services custody for one whole year. No one did anything. If anything, they collected more money for me while taking me out of the missing kids system. Ask yourselves where all of these children in evil situations are coming from? Who are their parents/legal guardians, and how were they protecting them? My mexican foster parents were paid off so I could walk in and out of the front door instead of my bedroom window. Who is going to hold the people accountable that were supposed to be protecting the children?

5 months, 1 week ago

We have already gone through cases and courrupt courts. We just went through a case for 8 months for CPS. All they did was collect information and drop it after it got to the point that they felt it needed to be silenced. You know that phrase "Don't put your eggs in one basket? Survivors need to speak out, but I'm telling you I know how this court stuff goes. The justyce system is rigged. Research the free Mason brotherhood. Ask yourself how all of this information everywhere so quiet when our authority should be taking action? In every area, there is a case that should be loud and it's not. Who do you think covers that up? Who do you think is making sure the Epstein files stay covered? How much information are you just now finding out that should've been news headlines YEARS AGO?!
Who do you think sits at the top , in the middle, and throughout this elite food chain. It is time to expose the elite, but are we going to ever talk about who is helping them? If you sign their paycheck, then who do you think they pay off to keep things quiet?

10 months ago

There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child- and an instinct to make any child who needs love, her own.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

If you're telling the truth, it will cost you everything.
The truth is PRICELESS.

10 months, 2 weeks ago


We recommend to visit

Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago