islamic knowledge

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2 months, 1 week ago

If someone believes/claims that God is in the Sky or physically above the ^Arsh, he:

- is a non-Muslim
- must embrace Islaam immediately
- has attributed weakness and need to Allaah

In reality, Allaah existed before He created the Sky, without being in need of the Sky. Thereafter He created the Sky and still exists without being in need of the Sky.

Allaah existed before He created the ^Arsh. He Created the ^Arsh, not out of need for it, but as a great sign of His power.

2 months, 1 week ago

Today is the first day of the month of Rajab.

We ask Allāh to bless us during the months of Rajab and Sha^bān and enable us to obey Him during the month of Ramadan. Ameen

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Celebrating “Christmas”…

The Prophet ﷺ said

"حتى متى ترعون عن ذكر الفاجر اذكروه بما فيه حتى يحذره الناس"
رواه البيهقي

Until when will you refrain from mentioning the wicked person by name?! Mention him and his (evil) attributes so people would be aware"

Some celebrities who are known to be Muslims sometimes behave in ways that are not only Haraam but their actions are imitated by their young fans.

When Muslims who are known as a Muslims take pictures every year with their family in front of a Christmas trees, what message do you think that sends out? Does it cry, "this is Haraam don't do it?" On the contrary, it's as though it says, "it's ok to have a Christmas tree, it's just with my family".

Imagine how our convert brothers and sisters feel when they have struggled so much to get their families to accept their conversion and some have not been able to bring their own parents around, Allaah Does what He wills. They have changed their lives. Those who came from Christian backgrounds, now do not have Christmas trees in their homes but then they see Muslims, online, who have millions of followers happily taking pictures in front of one. How sad is that!

Those who spread corruption while being in the inner circle can be more dangerous than those on the outside.

The Prophet ﷺ said
يبيع دينه لعرض من الدنيا قليل
"They sell their religion for a low price"

For what? To make their colleagues happy? To fit in?
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

Anyone that openly and shamelessly disobeys Allaah is not worth your support. Teach your children what is better. Not how to support a football team. Believe me, they can develop and grow without it.

3 months, 4 weeks ago

Allah is the Creator of Everything

Allah created the first human from soil.
Allah created the angels from light.
Allah created the jinn from fire.
Allah created the heavens and made them the residence of the angels.
Allah created the Earth and made it a residence for humans, jinn, and animals.

4 months, 1 week ago

Halloween, a warning against a pagan practice.

October 31st was the final day of the year for the Celtic people of the north and that day was called the day of Samhain. This individual Samhein, معاذ الله, they claimed him to be their ‘god’ of the spirits of the dead.

According to their belief the evil spirits would rise to the surface and would terrorise people on that evening and on that evening if you did something wrong to a person, they say they would come back to haunt you or hurt you, so some people would put on a disguise so that you could not recognise them. Nowadays people also burn fires called the Jack O’Lanterns which the non-Muslims put inside their window made out from the vegetable the pumpkin.

What actually happened in Europe is the Church moved the so called ‘All Saints Day’ [the day they remember their saints based on their beliefs], they moved it from May 13th to November the 1st in 1834 CE and what they said was the 31st Night of October is ‘All Hallows Evening’ which in America and other countries became known as Halloween where they depict the forces of evil.

Nowadays what is happening is that children put on disguises they dress as little devils, witches, goblins, vampires anything classed as evil and they go out and ‘Trick or Treat’ where they come to your house asking for candy.

Nowadays even some Muslims participate by decorating their houses, throwing parties and sending their children dressed in these evil disguises. This act is not permissible, it is sinful. You should not allow allow your children to participate in such evil acts.

Do not be the Muslim that falls into the Hadeeth mentioned by Prophet MuHammad ﷺ said:

‎مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ

Which means, "Whoever imitates a people is one of them" narrated by _Aboo Daawood_ from the route of _Ibn ^Umar_ and others. Meaning that he sins. And this sin may even reach blasphemy.

The Prophet ﷺ also said:

‎" لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سُنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ ، وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّى لَوْ سَلَكُوا جُحْرَ ضَبٍّ لَسَلَكْتُمُوهُ " ، قُلْنَا : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ الْيَهُودُ وَالنَّصَارَى ؟ قَالَ : " فَمَنْ ؟ "

which means that a group of Muslims will be imitating non-Muslims to the extent that if they entered a hole of a Dabb (animal similar to a lizard) they would copy them by entering that hole.

Celebrating Halloween is Haraam.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Use each Moment Wisely

No matter how much you love someone and become attached to that person– you will inevitably depart them.
{إِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ وَإِنَّهُم مَّيِّتُونَ}

The Verse means:
Surely you ( محمد the Messenger of Allah) shall die and they (too) shall surely die.

Allah the Exalted did not create us to remain eternally in this life and not die; and He did not create us to eat, drink, and immerse ourselves in the temptations and perishable enjoyments of this life.

Instead, Allah created us to order us to worship Him, as is mentioned in the Qur’aan, in the Verse that means: 
Allah created the jinn and the humans only to order them to worship Him.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

**If you feel worried, think about Gaza. If you are sick, think about Gaza. Thank Allah for all the endowments He granted you without Him being obligated to do so.

Obey Allah.**

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