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This is last post to set record straight. The MAC adresses coming off the vaxxed is a Psyop. In a car tonight three lads. One with first two other lad has every jab going no MAC. Meet up with other lads in a shed in the middle of nowhere playing music all jabbed and the MAC addresses are off the iphones. I am sorry to have fallen for this but there is so much bullshit out there. I am glad I know and to put recird straight now it was all bollox.
After one year running this channel I have decided that I will be shutting up shop. I would like to thank everyone who shared and helped me grow the channel. I will be continuing to expose the excess deaths and Wakeupeire have kindly agreed to publish the monthly figures. The truth is unstobbale now and we acheived so much in 2023. Thank you all and God bless you all.
COMMENT: ‘Trending’ in Ireland . Vote NO is getting traction for referenda on the 8th of March that proposed to remove women from the constitution and facilitate the ‘reunification’ of migrant families which will lead to a tsunami of the undocumented and unvetted. For every migrant here there are approximately twenty family members waiting to come. Vote NO.
Dear (XXX)
I have been informed that the Quadrivalent FluMist will be given in the school on (XXX)
I do not give my permission for (XXX) to have this vaccine due to many reasons, but mainly due to the poisonous ingredients. The vaccine contains Polysorbate 80 which opens the blood brain barrier to allow heavy metals direct access to the brain. The Fluenz Tetra nasal spray vaccine has not been fully tested on any great number of patients and because of this, carries a black triangle warning to report any reactions asap as part of the research into the drug's side effects and efficacy. Information source:
There are also a lot of discrepancies in the ‘information’ leaflet given to the parents - please see facts and sources below:
According to the vaccine insert (which can be seen here - )
The FluMist is a live vaccine which can shed for a matter of weeks afterwards but predominantly in days 1-3 (please see excerpts below)
12.1 - FluMist and FluMist Quadrivalent contain live attenuated influenza viruses that must infect and replicate in cells lining the nasopharynx of the recipient to induce immunity. Vaccine viruses capable of infection and replication can be cultured from nasal secretions obtained from vaccine recipients (shedding) [see Pharmacodynamics (12.2)].
12.2 - Shedding Studies Shedding of vaccine viruses within 28 days of vaccination with FluMist was evaluated in (1) multi-center study MI-CP129 which enrolled healthy individuals 6 through 59 months of age (N = 200); and (2) multicenter study FM026 which enrolled healthy individuals 5 through 49 years of age (N = 344). In each study, nasal secretions were obtained daily for the first 7 days and every other day through either Day 25 and on Day 28 or through Day 28. In study MI-CP129, individuals with a positive shedding sample at Day 25 or Day 28 were to have additional shedding samples collected every 7 days until culture negative on 2 consecutive samples.
The highest proportion of subjects in each group shed one or more vaccine strains on Days 2-3 post vaccination. After Day 11 among individuals 2 through 49 years of age (n = 443), virus titers did not exceed 1.5 log10 TCID50/mL.
"Virus shedding was evaluated for 21 days by culture of nasal swab specimens. Wild-type A (A/H3N2) influenza virus was documented to have circulated in the community and in the study population during the trial, whereas Type A (A/H1N1) and Type B strains did not."
It is possible for those vaccinated with the spray to spread flu, particularly amongst immune compromised people. Quoted from source:
Vaccine recipients should be informed that Fluenz Tetra is an attenuated live virus vaccine and has the potential for transmission to immunocompromised contacts. Vaccine recipients should attempt to avoid, whenever possible, close association with severely immunocompromised individuals (e.g. bone marrow transplant recipients requiring isolation) for 1-2 weeks following vaccination. Peak incidence of vaccine virus recovery occurred 2-3 days post-vaccination in Fluenz clinical studies. In circumstances where contact with severely immunocompromised individuals is unavoidable, the potential risk of transmission of the influenza vaccine virus should be weighed against the risk of acquiring and transmitting wild-type influenza virus.
As you can see, there is sufficient evidence to support the fact that the vaccine does shed quite predominantly. Due to this, I do not want (XXX) to be in direct contact with anyone receiving the flu mist for the remaining of that week as it could put us all at risk; so we will be keeping them home on (XXXXXXX) dates.
I would appreciate it if this could be noted as authorised absence due to nature of having to keep them off.
The Black Triangle Scheme (▼ or ▼*)
Continued monitoring of medicines with a black triangle status.
This is a post from Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth on the website. The Irish Government have a contract open for Tender applications for a 'Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Facilities Management and Ancillary Services for accommodation centres for persons fleeing the war in Ukraine and/or int. protection applicants'. The contract has a value of wait for it.....160,000,000. euro over a 2 yr period. Per the post, this is NOT EU funded, so where are the Irish Government getting 160,000,000 euro from to spend on this at a time when we have thousands of homeless Irish people?
e-Procurement platform - Home page
e-Procurement platform home page
We live at a time where we no longer trust journalists, doctors, scientists or politicians. The problem is compounded when one of those journalists also happens to be a doctor. I have no journalistic credentials let alone any medical experience but here I am compelled to call out abuse of both of those professions. In this case I refer to the writing of Irish Times resident quack, Dr. Muiris Houton. As a Doctor he has taken the hypoccratic oath to do no harm and as a journalist he has a duty to tell the truth. He has failed on both. Houston is responsible for some of the most bizarre peices since 2020. You would wonder if he is is really being serious or having fun at our expense gaslighting us to the extreme. The contrarian fear peddler finds danger everywhere. In August 2023 Houston wrote 'Garden may be an anagram of danger" as he warned that gardening could result in medical emergencies, injuries and poisoning. He has profited out of his propensity to peddle fear, monkeypox fear, covid fear, climate fear. He famously gaslit the nation in 2021 with his Irish Times peice, entitled "How moving the clock forward this weekend could kill you". Over the past 3 years he has parroted every slogan out of the WEF/UN/WHO playbook, like “No one is safe until everyone is safe". Recently, in September he attempted to kick start the 2020 covid fear propaganda again when he wrote "So watch out – a ‘Pirola Pirouette’ could make Covid-19 more of a health challenge than we hoped for this winter". He has written proflically about long covid and has failed to make any connection between the symptoms and the known side effects of an untested experimental injectable. He has failed as a doctor to inform the public that there may be dangers associated with these injectables, moreover he has failed as a journalist to tell the truth. This week landmark cases are being taken in the UK by victims of Astrazenica, we have learned about the presence of SV-40 in Pfizer vials. Not a word from Houston. We have the highest excess death rate in Europe. Nothing from Houston on what may be driving those deaths. The turbo cancer, strokes and heart attacks are being noticed and have recently been discussed in the Dail. Doctors all over the world are shouting from the rooftops about the damage that is being done and Houston has not once challenged or mentioned any of their concerns. Today Houston came out with the most egregious statement telling people to get another booster because it may protect inflammation that could result in heart disease. There are no studies or data to back this advice up. It is literally a shot in the dark as he has failed to give informed consent. This is health advise while not mentioning the list of over 1000 potential side efects that Pfizer have listed on their product. Muiris Houston is a public health pariah, a nuisance and danger to ever person on this island.
Another one today,
Ger Hickey in Irish Weather Manipulation - Ireland
Co Limerick at the moment,god must be having some party with all the lines of coke in the sky...sick shit of making these video's as they just keep on spraying us like rats and no one gives a fuck it seems
Dublin this afternoon, to the sheep these are totally normal clouds and anyone that thinks this is unusual needs to wear a tintoil hat.
Mr Two-Hundred in Irish Weather Manipulation - Ireland
Recently my daughter was told the Santa lie and she was devastated. She still wrote her letter to Santa just wanting to hold on to the past. Clinging on to the Santa lie that was told to her by me for over a decade. She was not angry but sad after all Santa was a good guy and she still gets presents. It is hard to believe that we live in a world of adult children who are under the spell of Rugby, Bruce Springsteen and celebrity worship. Those adult children are the ones that bought into the lies of 2020 and are still under that spell. I am sure many harbour doubt just like that 11 year old kid questioning the absurdities of father Christmas. Those adult children now beginning to realise how stupid they were with 9 euro meals, covid passes, masks, social distancing and dangerous "vaccines" that don't work for what they are supposed to. As much as they now privately harbour doubt they dont want to know about the scamdemic when confronted with the truth. They are happy to live the lie as long as the establishment keep lying and they get their presents of Rugby Matches and Bruce Springsteen tickets. A day will come when their world view will be shattered. Its only a matter of time now.
Here's 'Dr' John Campell and his dodgy Our World in Data chart for Ireland's excess deaths. As you can see it makes out Ireland had excessive deaths in 2020 which is not true. 1600 at most, around 5% excess deaths compared to the previous five year average. We're up 19.7% so far this year according to That's why 'Dr' Campbell gets to stay on YouTube. He's managing the story, still banging on about Omicron. Incredible the amount of people still buying what he's selling after he misled them on the jab. That should have been enough.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 Monate, 3 Wochen her
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 4 Monate, 2 Wochen her
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Last updated 1 Monat her