The Breakaway Germans (Reichsdeutschen)

Channel about the Breakaway Reich

1) No trolling.
2) No flat earth stupidity.
3) No porn.
4) Against all abrahamic/jewish desert cults (christianity, islam and judaism) and any retarded notions about multiracial kumbaya, anti-racism or "humanity".
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3 months, 1 week ago
The Breakaway Germans (Reichsdeutschen)
3 months, 1 week ago
The Breakaway Germans (Reichsdeutschen)
3 months, 3 weeks ago

badly burned. He would respond to the distress calls, speaking to a man naming himself Alberto, who claimed that a huge, glowing object had been directly over his ship before it had vanished with alarming speed only moments before his response. Alberto would…

5 months, 1 week ago
*caring and said they were her …

caring and said they were her friends. Told her they are going to do some tests but they won’t hurt. Witness feels slight stinging in the breast area, some type of injection on each side in the armpit area. They want to see how earth women feed their babies and how they are shaped. They then helped her off the table (did not talk, could read their thoughts). They said she might see them again some time. The witness walked to the door, down steps. All of a sudden she was back in her car. Turned and saw the door closing on craft and legs going in as it took off with a whistling, whiny sound. Shot off the ground and was gone.

The RD ⬛️⬜️?and their relation to the UFO abduction phenomenon (Part 1 & Part 2)

"It may be important to note that UFO abductions occur almost exclusively on the American continent, Europe and Australia."

The Reichsdeutschen: UFO Abductions & Race Preservation

5 months, 1 week ago
UFO Missouri abduction 1982 ([Source](

UFO Missouri abduction 1982 (Source)

*A local woman recalled that at the point where she was supposed to turn south in her car, she didn’t. She felt as if the car was being pulled by a force faster and faster toward a light at tree-level above and ahead of her. No engine sound, smooth no bumps felt like the car was floating. Then she is in a clearing in the woods with a disc-shaped craft (silver) that has three legs underneath, a light shining toward the ground, and steps that fold down. She is drawn into the craft and through several rooms to a larger room with a platform like padded white silver chrome that molds to body. She “knows” to lie down.

She then sees half a dozen men about six feet one or two inches tall, good build, long blond hair, high cheekbones, blue eyes. They wore tight-fitting jumpsuits (brown) with matching shoes and belts. Pale yellow stole draped over one shoulder. Winged emblem on chest, circle with “hawk-eagle” head in center and wings on each side.

The men were pleasant,*


5 months, 3 weeks ago

*I’ve become active and started interviewing people I have met dozens of people, commercial, military, Coast Guard, mariners and submariners who have had observations.

“I don’t have any data yet. That’s the next step. But this is several dozen people that have seen phenomena in our oceans, the tropical eastern and western Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean, and the North Atlantic and eastern seaboard.
“So this is happening, and I am trying to get a better understanding of it.”

Time to take the threat seriously

A report by the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence also uncovered 274 observations of UFOs by military personnel between August 2022 and April 2023.

Garry Nolan, professor in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine, who helped found the Sol Foundation said it was time to take the threat seriously.

He said: “As represented by multiple credible military personnel, objects have been recorded by sonar moving at speeds underwater that are far beyond our best submarines or other hardware.

“Similarly, objects close to the surface have been observed by pilots in multiple flyovers. Objects have been observed rising from the ocean as seen from the decks of military or commercial ships.

“Therefore, the chance of multiple coincidental glitches is unlikely and therefore it opens the question of whether these represent some kind of non-human intelligence at work."*


7 months, 2 weeks ago
The Breakaway Germans (Reichsdeutschen)
7 months, 2 weeks ago
The Breakaway Germans (Reichsdeutschen)
8 months ago


*...passed out. When he woke up again, he continued to walk on Route 3, and upon reaching the intersection of Route 35, a driver found him walking disoriented and aimlessly like a robot. The driver picked him up and took him to a police station where he was later transferred to the Spanish Hospital. It is still a mystery of what happened between the time of the meeting and the time when he woke up in the "Rural Society of Bahía Blanca", about 9 kilometers away and when Doctor Ricardo Smirnoff attended him at the Spanish Hospital. Dr. Altoperro stated that it was a curious case since Llanca, a young man of about 25 or 26 years of age, was in a state of total amnesia.

In the hospital, he still couldn't remember anything from his past. He did not know who he was, where he was born or even who his parents were. He was constantly crying and asking what city he was in. When his head or hands were touched, he instinctively backed away, as if that caused pain. He had a severe headache in the area of the right parietal-temporal lobe. The police were notified and were subsequently transferred to the Municipal Hospital.

On October 30, at 10:00 p.m. when he woke up in his bed at the Municipal Hospital of Bahía Blanca, he regained his memory and remembered the experience in detail until the moment when he passed out when he saw his bloody finger. His clothes were intact, folded in the (drawer drawers) in his hospital room. He felt the desire to smoke and to know what time it was. He searched his clothes and found that his watch, cigarette lighter, and cigarettes were missing from a metal box. The pants pockets still contained the 150,000 Argentine pesos he carried when he left his house. He asked about his truck, which worried him more than the UFO and its occupants. He was told that the police had found him parked on an shoulder in Villa Bordeu, about 18 kilometers from the city of Bahía Blanca, with the cat in its place and with one of the tires removed. His papers in the glove compartment of the truck had not been disturbed.*


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