Eastern Orthodox Exposed

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1 month ago
Eastern Orthodox Exposed
1 month ago



St Photius the Magus?

In the fascinating book, Scribes & Scholars , by L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, there is a very interesting aside about St Photius: ‘Jealous...

Eastern Orthodox Exposed
1 month, 1 week ago
So Latins did not assert the …

So Latins did not assert the Filioque in order to exclude the Father from being the fount & the Holy Spirit proceeding principally from the Father; indeed, the Filioque strongly affirms that the Father is the fountain of the Trinity and from him alone Spirit proceeds principally. But as we saw, Augustine says that both are equally one principle of Spirit's hypostatic procession and both eternally communicate the divine essence to the Spirit. And this is explicitly condemned at Blachernae which says communication of being & essence is from the Father alone do not be deceived by the likes of Truglia who, on their path to the eternal flames of hell, want to drag in others with them. Submit to the truth that Christ taught in the Gospel of S. John that he receives everything from His Father and the Spirit receives everything from both.

1 month, 1 week ago

Therefore, St. Augustine teaches that the Holy Spirit receives His being and essence from all eternity from both, yet from the Father principally, confirming the exact same words of Florence. In fact, Florence is using Augustine WORD-FOR-WORD. Craig Truglia has written a billion articles on Augustine yet he has not been able to explain any of these. Indeed, he is a dishonest liar and knows that the communication of essence to the Spirit from both the Father and the Son refutes his beliefs, but he won't admit it. If any Eastern Orthodox says that the Holy Spirit has been communicated being and essence from all eternity from the Father and the Son, they automatically profess the Filioque. And the honest Eastern Orthodox have admitted that the Spirit has being and essence from Father alone!

1 month, 1 week ago

As we can see clearly, St. Augustine is talking about the hypostatic procession ALONE and no eternal manifestation (which exists nowhere) or temporal mission. Why? Because he says just as the Father eternally begets the Son and gives him essence and this act is timeless so do the Father and the Son "without any beginning in time" give the divine essence to the Holy Spirit from all eternity. He then affirms the Latin doctrine by saying that the Spirit proceeds from the Father principally but equally from both.

1 month, 1 week ago

On the contrary, the council of Florence says that the Spirit proceeds from both equally as from one principle, so he receives His being and essence from both, but nonetheless, he proceeds from the Father principally because the Father has spiration of himself…

4 months ago

Was Fr. John Romanides an Ecumenist? Yes!


Was Fr. John Romanides an Ecumenist? Yes!

August 14, 2014 Perhaps one of the most controversial professors of theology in the last 50 years has been the New Calendarist Greek priest, Fr. John Romanides. A sampling of Fr. John Romanides&#82…

[Was Fr. John Romanides an Ecumenist? Yes!](https://nftu.net/fr-john-romanides-ecumenist-yes/)
4 months ago

"I think it is a real tragedy—and I am not talking about a tragedy of Aeschylus, but about something shameful [Trans. note—‘Here, Father John is making a play on the words Aischylos and aischos.’]—that there are not any intellectually compelling Marxists in Greece. Of course, their absence is a windfall for the police, the political Right, and Modern Greek theologians, but it is a misfortune for the pursuit of the truth. Marxism started out with principles taken from experience and ended up where it ended up. From a scholarly point of view, Marxism and Patristic theology share the same foundation, so that if Marxists and Patristic theologians would come together, they would be able to communicate with each other.

'Although it is true that Marxism came into conflict with religion, we need to ask ourselves, with what kind of religion did it come into conflict? It did not come into conflict with revelation, but with religion that is identified with metaphysics...."

Romanides, Patristic Theology, pp. 178-9

5 months, 2 weeks ago


Hieronymus Catholic

The Eastern Orthodox Church Accepted the Council of Florence

It is well known that the Catholic Church attempted to reunite with the Eastern Orthodox (EO) Church at the Council of Florence in the 15th century, whereat the Greek and Latin delegates debated fo…

6 months, 2 weeks ago
Eastern Orthodox Exposed
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