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7 months, 4 weeks ago

New Tour Promo just dropped!


7 months, 4 weeks ago


That's a lot of money just to try and imprison my friends

8 months ago
*****?*******RAGECAST 473 - 825pm EST**

*?*RAGECAST 473 - 825pm EST

The last broadcast before the trans Canada terror crusade begins!

You commies better relax - the added hysterical strain on your heart is risky with your vaxx situation. Surfs up, losers.




❄️ ᚦᛖᚱᛖ•ᛁᛊ•ᚨ•ᛒᛖᛏᛏᛖᚱ•ᚹᚨᛁ


8 months ago
It's hilarious that they don't even …

It's hilarious that they don't even realize their own departure would simultaneously fix a lot of the problems this country has... then they would immediately want to come back.

The lack of self awareness that they are the problem... Is part of the fucking problem.


8 months ago
What are you doings?
10 months ago
Who is the REAL threat?

Who is the REAL threat?

Deana? Or Diagolon?


10 months, 1 week ago

The Liberal party of Canada is a terrorist organization promoting violence on peaceful protestors and funding a violent communist revolution through backchannels such as the Canadian Anti Hate Network, Jews, who routinely lie about receiving government funding and assistance.

Conservatives need to wake up to reality that they are in physical danger, that their families will be targeted and there is no way any version of peace can exist with these people freely roaming about.

We cannot coexist, so someone has to go.

If the CPC will not act to defend Canada from attackers, the people will do it themselves and hold the Conservatives to the fire next for direction of duty in the face of the enemy.

War is coming, act accordingly.

10 months, 1 week ago

We aren't violent... Or an organization.

10 months, 1 week ago


It is a non-stop steady stream of men 18-40 entering North America with "no memory" of how they got here. They 'walked from Pakistan'.

They are being instructed to say this by the same people facilitating their arrival.

We are being intentionally flooded and invaded by third world men for the sole intent purpose of overwhelming our infrastructure and bolstering a ready made army for the coming strike against the remaining white men while ours are conscripted to die in a pointless war.

This is an invasion and our leaders are complicit are holding the doors open.

(US/Mexico Border)

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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago