Society for Parapolitical Studies (India)

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1 month, 4 weeks ago

We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: The guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.

-Kissinger on Vietnam war

2 months ago

We joke a lot about India 2020 superpower predictions, which became a meme deservedly so. But we havent been paying attention to another meme that Indian intellectuals hae perpetuated for more than past decade now: Collapse of Pakistan. Usually going by the phrase "failed state" indian foreign affairs and defence experts have been predicting internal collapse of Pak for a decade or so and noone has picked up on joking about it still.

2 months ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Internet Archive (@internetarchive) on X

Sorry to say, is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable. We are working on it. This thread will have updates.

2 months ago

The so-called "American War of Independence" is often presented as a one-on-one struggle between American colonialists and a "tyrannical English" king." This is a totally inaccurate and ahistorical framing of the actual facts and was obviously created later to provide America with a foundation myth.
In reality, the struggle in North America was more like a small proxy war by France seeking revenge against Britain for earlier defeats. It then became rolled up in the much larger Anglo-French War of 1778-1783, a war that raged across three continents and several seas, and involved several other powers. It was a successor to the Seven Years War and a precursor to the Napoleonic Wars, both of which also had minor American involvement.


"The American War Of Independence" Was Merely a Sideshow in a Bigger War

The so-called "American War of Independence" is often presented as a one-on-one struggle between American colonialists and a "tyrannical English" king." This is a totally inaccurate and ahistorical framing of the actual facts and was obviously created later…

2 months, 1 week ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Society for Parapolitical Studies (India) (@Parapolity) on X

>allow them to do absolutely whatever they want

Society for Parapolitical Studies (India)
2 months, 1 week ago

"Chad technocrat dictator LKY fixed Singapore by pure meritocracy and no corruption" is the most annoying talking point regurgitated by braindead right wingers.

LKY's wife became CEO of Temasek holdings, singapore's biggest investment fund(which is state owned).
his youngest son came to be CEO of biggest telecom company in singapore.
his daughter became head of National Nueroscience Institute.
His eldest son became the prime minister himself.

So whoever says LKY did no corruption or nepotism, and was full on meritocrat is absolutely bullshitting.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Shit like this is why i tell y'all that "woke madness" is a psyop


She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Extremism.

Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on after finding no evidence that students were being indoctrinated by the district’s curriculum. Her defiance has brought her backlash.

Shit like this is why i tell y'all that "woke madness" is a psyop
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Why the fuck are random indian …

Why the fuck are random indian lawyers whorecrying for doxxed wignats?

2 months, 2 weeks ago

FxTwitter / FixupX

Cow Momma (@Cow__Momma)

Fire at Income Tax office in Delhi. 10 fire tenders were rushed to the spot.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Some memeboy got reported by bengal police for his meme on mamta and that has resparked the debate about "who is the real dictator?" again.
Both Mamta and Modi are dictatorial, you don't have to pick in that debate. It's not a mutually exclusive thing.

The difference is one of them is more insecure than the other, BJP has made great progress in bengal, and that puts mamta always on the verge of losing her grasp on state. Meanwhile mamta can't threaten modi's grasp on the center.

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