UK Cross Platform Wayfarer Channel

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Last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago


Wayfarers are reporting seeing some rewards from the challenge including OPR Live ticks and Pokémon GO rewards.

It’s worth noting that in previous challenges if you qualify in both Ingress & Pokémon GO, those users got their codes via email in the last batch so don’t worry if you don’t see them yet. They will be sent by June 5th.

✉️ Also check your Spam/Junk/Promotions tab

2 months ago

*📍 *SYNC FIXED *📍***

Users are reporting that the usual games with a daily sync (Ingress & Pokémon GO) have now seen new Wayspots sync to the map.

2 months ago

*⛔️ N~~O~~ SYNC? *🚫**

Several users on the Wayfarer forum have mentioned that some recently accepted Wayspots (which do meet inclusion requirements for the relevant games) are not being added to Ingress/Pokémon GO, so the sync to those games appears to be off.

It’s not known if this is a bug or intentional (perhaps due to the Chicago Buried Memories Anomaly as we have seen sync switches off for Anomalies in the past) as Niantic has yet to comment about it.

Don’t say bye bye bye to those Portals & PokéStops just yet. Once sync is back on, you should see them appear at the regular sync times for the games.

4 months ago


Wayfarers have been sent a survey asking for their opinion on how Wayfarer can improve. If you receive one, please ensure you complete it!

4 months ago

As expected, an official announcement has now been posted -


Introducing Edit Appeals in the Wayfarer Help Chat

Hello Explorers,  We have now added the ability to appeal edits in the Wayfarer Help Chat.

As expected, an official announcement has now been posted -
4 months ago
*****✉️*** NEW EMAILS ***🆕*****

*✉️ NEW EMAILS 🆕***

Wayfarers have reported a new email template being sent out for when Niantic review a nomination and make a decision.

The new email makes it clearer that it has been reviewed by Niantic. Have you had any of yours reviewed by Niantic recently?

4 months ago


As shared by NianticTintino here, the Wayfarer Community Forums will be moving to a new platform. This was suspected after the Pikmin Bloom forums made their announcement.

All content on the previous platform will be deleted as of April 15th besides the News which will move across, so save anything you want to keep.

We also want to mention that the Ingress Community Forums are closing down on April 15th as per their announcement, with no replacement platform, suggesting users use r/Ingress instead.


New Forum, New Adventures, Same Explorer Community

Hello Explorers, Mark your calendars: our community forum is moving!

*****🆕*** NEW WAYFARER FORUMS ***🆕*****
4 months ago
***💬*** **APPEAL AN EDIT? ***✍️*****

💬 APPEAL AN EDIT? ✍️****

Wayfarers have discovered they can now Appeal rejected Edits via the Help Chat.

No official announcement has come from Niantic yet but we would think one will soon follow.

Be sure to visit the Help page and then tap the orange chat bubble to appeal your Edits.

4 months ago

Niantic has fixed the 20 meter radius bug for new portals!

Normally, when a new Wayspot submission is accepted, it can only go online if there are no other portals within 20 meters. However, this check also considered Wayspots that never went online in Ingress itself, leading to areas with lots of accepted Wayspots in the database, but no portals that actually appeared in Ingress.

With the latest portal sync, this issue has been fixed and the 20 meter check now only considers portals that are already online in Ingress, even though another Wayspot is within 20 meters but not online as a portal. This also applies retroactively to Wayspots that were accepted a while back but didn't go online due to this bug, so if your submission was affected, check if the portal is now online!

Source: Wayfarer Ambassadors and


4 months ago


It has been announced that the Pikmin Bloom forums will be migrating to a new platform as of April 4th.

As you may know, the Niantic forums (Wayfarer, Ingress, Pikmin Bloom and Monster Hunter Now) are hosted on Vanilla Forums software.

As part of the migration, the Pikmin Bloom team mentioned

• After April 15, 2024 (JST), the content posted in the current Support Community will be deleted and will no longer be viewable.
• Existing official announcements will be migrated to the new Support Community. However, users' posts will not be migrated.
•If there’s any discussion thread that you would like to continue participating in after the migration, please feel free to repost it on the new platform once available.

What this means for those other forums isn’t yet known, but feel free to speculate!

Pikmin Bloom Support Community

Support Community Platform Migration

Thank you for playing Pikmin Bloom. In order to provide a more user-friendly experience, we will be migrating our Support Community platform in April 2024.

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Last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago