Levski Sofia Scarves ✙

Левски София Levski Sofia
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3 weeks, 1 day ago

Nationalism is almost always related to politics. The political doctrine of the past, which was perhaps the best ever created, is now banned and persecuted. Do you support a political party, organization or group in your country that expresses and defends your views as well?

Personally, in France, being an activist is very difficult because the judges and the state consider us enemies.

As for the traditional political party, I cannot support the National Front because it is full of ~~homosexuals~~ and ~~pro-Russians~~.

The movement that I support is Active Club because, honestly, our youth needs a new way of life through sports and fraternity. I believe that the real activist must maintain his body and his mind, to stay active and start a family and of course be community oriented.

3 weeks, 5 days ago

It is impossible to take a side between the liberal dictatorship from the West and the communism from the East. Unfortunately, the people of Ukraine found themselves between the two, but they have directly suffered from the Russian invasion. When did you realize that your path and cause were on the righteous side? What made you take part in the war?

I left and I understood that I was living on the right side for the simple reason that friends of mine live in Ukraine and that this country welcomed me like a son.
Since I live in a kind of liberal dictatorship of good thinking, Ukraine was a real breath of fresh air for me when I went to live there for a while.

I think that Ukrainians have understood that the West is not something interesting. Just like it is not in Moscow for the simple reason that they have known communism and when they come to France, they see a country destroying itself which they do not want for their own country.
Be it uncontrollable immigration, ultra-violence, delinquency and the fact that we cannot go out into the streets safely in France.

Either the apology of communism in France is legal, it is impressive to what extent the state supports it for a lying national novel, I do not understand why France supports such war criminals.
This can openly destabilize and inconvenience the peoples of Central Europe and even Eastern Europe, which I can completely understand in view of the massacre and genocide that the Soviets are committing against their people.

4 weeks, 1 day ago

Bad habits, multiculturalism and liberal democracy have brought only decay to European societies.

As a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and NS SxE, what place does sport have in your life? 

How strong is your movement among nationalists in France and do you organize actions and/or participate in those that coincide with your views as a nationalist?

Multiculturalism in France is for me in essence something destructive
for the average French person.

The majority of french who consider a black person the same as a white person is very disconcerting and can be easily manipulated to reach this point. 
While at the same time, if you state the fact that more than 90 percent of the French prison population are in fact foreigners or other races outside Europe, you are ejected from society. 

As for the role of sports in my life - given that I work a lot at night, I focus on three training sessions per week. I force myself to read three books a week. Being a SxE and bartender is very complicated, because none of my colleagues or clients can understand it.
In the French society, there’s a big problem with alcohol and drugs in general. Many of my colleagues try to understand my lifestyle and the one part that starts to understand it, will join this lifestyle.

I no longer participate in any French national movement but I support it financially. For things like brothers in jail or similar. I focus on my family, my work and from time to time - my friends.
Now I'm more interested in transferring good values to young people in order to prevent them from doing the same stupid things that we did in the past.

2 months, 4 weeks ago
Болгарія ***??***

Болгарія ??
Януш Валюс на банері фанатів "Левськи" на сьогоднішньому матчі проти "Дунав Русе".

Польський емігрант, прихильник Африканерського Руху Опору в ПАР та названий ЗМІ прихильник расистської ідеології. Побоюючись наслідків зростання популярності комуністичної ідеології в південній Африці на початку 1990-х, 10 квітня 1993 року Валюс застрелив Кріса Хані - темношкірого лідера Південноафриканської комуністичної партії.

Вбивство сколихнуло всю країну, Валюса визнали винним, а сама подія мала далекосяжні наслідки. "За одного Хані - тисячу бурів!", - закликали на мітингах чорні екстремісти. Голова натальского відділення АНК Херрі Гвала закликав чорношкірих студентів оволодіти вогнепальною зброєю, для того щоб "вести переговори через приціли автоматів АК-47". Потім він сказав, що він "не готується померти за свободу, а готується вбивати за неї".

Зрештою, країна опинилася на порозі повномасштабної громадянської війни.

Януш Валюс був засуджений до смертної кари, однак у зв'язку з її скасуванням вирок був змінений на довічне ув’язнення. Для більшості чорних у ПАР він є «білим терористом», який вбив їхнього лідера, а частиною білих сприймається як герой, який намагався врятувати країну від червоної чуми. У 1997 році справа Януша Валюса переглядалася, однак вирок не був скасований, що не зашкодило виходу в 2013 році в Польщі книги з назвою «Убити Хані. Історія Януша Валюса».


2 months, 4 weeks ago
***??*** Levski Jugend at todays match …

?? Levski Jugend at todays match against Dunav Ruse

3 months ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
Triumph des Willens ***?***

Triumph des Willens ?
From Norway with HTE

⚡️ The Right voice of Levski Sofia

5 months, 4 weeks ago
A painting dedicated to the martyrdom …

A painting dedicated to the martyrdom of Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich in pre-trial detention in Chelyabinsk.

The author - Artyom Azarov, a resident of Kharkiv, died in the battle for the city.

⚡️ The Right voice of Levski Sofia

6 months ago

A friend from Germany has written a theme specially for our channel.

This month we will have the pleasure to listen him live.

Best regards!

⚡️ The Right voice of Levski Sofia

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