The largest AI art gallery on Telegram!
Ads: @CaptainJamesCook
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
ঌ #Tumblr Pictures #Tumblr Quotes ༯
ঌ - ??:?? ? صـور : @vVv7v ~ @VvVvT
ঌ @VvVv85bot #Tik Tok ༯ @vVVvTTbot
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago
I wish I could post something about what's been happening in Gaza but between work and my own mental health it's been hard and others have done a really good job of telling people.
It's not my job to be this...moral person, but aesthetics without intention is so facile as to insult anyone with a functioning brain. Politics effect art in every possible way, from the works of early civilizations to the sponsored works of the Renaissance to the symphonic works of the Romantic Period, all art is influenced by politics. To remove politics from art is to embody a childish mindset that one must grow past.
if anyone was curious, I am much more active on my channel I used to talk about music on.
I post mostly about hardcore punk, metalcore, screamo, jazz and whatever else I feel like talking about.
Also more goth-y stuff too like post punk, EBM and industrial as well.
apologies for the lack of posting, I have been swamped with work
being a fledgling author is much harder than I ever expected it would be
Pink Washing and homonationalism will not save any western LGBTQi+ person, of any stripe.
Alliances with those who are less fortunate is the only survival strategy; because the same people who are eliminating people in Palestine, Sudan, Tigray, Indonesia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kurdistan, or indigenous people across the globe are going to come for you next. Unless you want to trim off all the most authentic parts and become just another cog.
Our shelter is in solidarity, not in colonialist systems. Imperialism is the most prescient enemy.
The largest AI art gallery on Telegram!
Ads: @CaptainJamesCook
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
ঌ #Tumblr Pictures #Tumblr Quotes ༯
ঌ - ??:?? ? صـور : @vVv7v ~ @VvVvT
ঌ @VvVv85bot #Tik Tok ༯ @vVVvTTbot
Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago