Announcement Olympus Game

Welcome to Olympus Game World! A 3D tower rush #P2E video game integrating blockchain tech and NFT ?⚡️

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9 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello everyone!

The Olympus Game team wishes you all the very best for the festive season. ?

We'd like to thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and your hopes for the Olympus Game project in 2023. Thank you for joining the project by believing in it, investing in it, and spending hours playing on it. Your support keeps us very excited about the upcoming launch.

During this year, we decided to concentrate on developing the game, to the detriment of frequent communication on our channels. As we announced in December, a motivated team has been recruited to inform you of the game's progress. We'll tell you all about it next week! Keeping your trust is essential for the Olympus Game team.

Happy holidays to you all, and see you next year!
Be sure that 2024 will be the year of Olympus Game! ?

10 months, 1 week ago

?? French ??

L'équipe d'Olympus Game est ravie de vous présenter l'état d'avancement de notre projet très attendu. Alors que nous travaillons sans relâche à la sortie du jeu et du token associé, nous comprenons l'impatience de la communauté pour le lancement tant attendu.

Bien qu'un lancement en janvier puisse sembler plus long pour certains, nous voulons que notre communauté sache que ce calendrier est crucial pour assurer la prise en compte méticuleuse de nombreux paramètres vitaux pour le succès du jeu.
La version initiale se présentera sous la forme d'une première version, et d'autres améliorations sont prévues tout au long de l'année 2024. Nous assurons à notre communauté que l'équipe d'Olympus Game tiendra ses promesses concernant la livraison en temps voulu du jeu et du jeton associé.

Malheureusement, malgré notre enthousiasme et nos progrès, nous avons rencontré des difficultés de la part d'une petite faction au sein de la communauté. Malheureusement, certains individus ont fait preuve d'un comportement toxique et ont exprimé leur intention de se débarrasser de leurs jetons dès la sortie du jeu. Bien que nous respections la diversité des opinions, nous ne pouvons pas accepter des demandes qui compromettent la stabilité du projet.

De plus, ces individus ont eu recours à l'envoi de menaces et d'insultes par le biais de canaux de médias sociaux publics et privés, ciblant particulièrement notre PDG, Matthieu Feuillé. De telles actions, y compris les menaces, l'extorsion et le harcèlement, sont légalement répréhensibles dans la majorité des pays. En réponse, nous sommes contraints d'appliquer des mesures strictes, y compris le bannissement des utilisateurs qui se livrent à de tels comportements. L'équipe est tout à fait disposée à répondre aux questions et aux préoccupations, mais nous ne tolérerons pas les insultes ou les menaces.

Nous avons compris que le manque de communication autour du projet est très néfaste pour celui-ci, nous avons dépêchés des recrutements pour pouvoir assigner une personne à la communication au sein de nos réseaux Discord/Telegram, la communication devrait donc s’améliorer très rapidement.

Il est essentiel de rappeler à notre communauté que nous avons sollicité son avis par le biais d'une DAO (Organisation Autonome Décentralisée) pour prendre les décisions qui façonnent Olympus Game. L'option choisie, en accord avec la prise de décision de la DAO, reflète le désir de la majorité pour la longévité du projet, démontrant notre engagement pour un succès mené par la communauté.

Malgré les défis posés par quelques éléments perturbateurs, l'équipe d'Olympus Game reste incroyablement enthousiaste quant à notre prochain lancement. Nous demandons à notre communauté de nous soutenir, car les actions d'une poignée de trolls ne doivent pas éclipser l'enthousiasme et la positivité de la majorité.

10 months, 1 week ago

Announcement (French below)

The Olympus Game team is excited to provide a progress update on our highly anticipated project. As we tirelessly work towards the release of both the game and the associated token, we understand the eagerness within the community for the much-awaited launch.
While a launch in January may seem like a longer wait for some, we want our community to know that this timeline is crucial to ensure the meticulous consideration of numerous parameters vital for the success of the game...

The initial release will be in the form of a first-release version, with further enhancements planned throughout 2024. We assure our community that the Olympus Game team will uphold its promises regarding the timely delivery of both the game and the associated token.

Unfortunately, amidst our excitement and progress, we have encountered challenges from a small faction within the community. Regrettably, some individuals have exhibited toxic behavior and expressed their intention to dump their tokens as soon as it will be released. While we respect the diversity of opinions, we cannot entertain requests that undermine the stability of the project.
Moreover, these individuals have resorted to sending threats and insults through both public and private social media channels, particularly targeting our CEO, Matthieu Feuillé. Such actions, including threats, extortion, and harassment, are legally reprehensible in the majority of countries. In response, we are compelled to enforce strict measures, including banning users engaging in such behavior. The team is more than willing to address questions and concerns, but we will not tolerate insults or threats.

We understand that the lack of communication from the team is a strong problem right now. That’s why we have recruited a new staff to improve the communication and that will start soon communicating on our Telegram and Discord.

It is essential to remind our community that we have sought their input through a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) to make decisions that shape Olympus Game. The chosen option, consistent with the DAO's decision-making, reflects the majority's desire for the project's longevity, demonstrating our commitment to community-driven success.

Despite the challenges posed by a few disruptive elements, the Olympus Game team remains incredibly enthusiastic about our upcoming launch. We urge our community to stand by us, as the actions of a handful of trolls should not overshadow the excitement and positivity of the majority.

11 months ago

Listing and game launch update:
-> Our whole system is ready, we are currently testing it to ensure that everything is working well.
-> We are also making some internal audits on our contracts that takes some time to be completed.

We will be able to announce you the exact listing & game launch date really soon.

11 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*** The DAO Vote has ended! …

? The DAO Vote has ended! ?

The holders of $OLYMP decided to go for the choice n°2. We will keep you updated in the next weeks about the date of the $OLYMP listing and the release of the game.

1 year ago


As you may know, the crypto gaming market is down. Even the biggest P2E projects are at their all-time low and even lower than before the bull market. 95% of the projects launched during the bull market are now at -99% on their token value.

99% of the P2E projects launched in the past 10 months are at -95% of their value, even the projects with millions of dollars of investment and strong VCs behind them.

We want to hear your voice about which strategy you want us to follow. In order to vote, you must hold aOLYMP or bOLYMP, 1 OLYMP = 1 vote right.

Choice 1: We still do an IDO, taking into account that most of the IDO are failing right now, and the ones that succeed experience strong drops in their token value after listing.

Choice 2: We do a soft launch, we launch the token and the game, but we restrict the token sales, applying high fees on the sale of the $OLYMP to avoid a big crash in its value. When the market is better, we will remove this sales tax. (For example, if you try to sell 1000$ of OLYMP, you will receive only 100$ in real).

Choice 3: We pause the project until the next bull market, as everything is ready on our side, we just need 1-2 weeks to launch everything when the bull market happens.

You can start voting here:
End of the vote: 31/10/2023

Olympus Game Beta

Olympus Game Decentralized App

1 year ago
Announcement Olympus Game
1 year ago
Announcement Olympus Game
1 year ago
Dear Olympians,

Dear Olympians,

As you know, our team delivered the beta version of the game this summer. We are proud that Olympus Game is probably one of the few Play2Earn games with real and addictive gameplay. The next step is to launch on the blockchain mainnet and list our token which was initially set to be done in September.

For the sake of transparency, we would like to detail the challenges encountered in recent months, which are the main reasons for the delay.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in Olympus Game. We look forward to bringing you an exciting and innovative play-to-earn experience in the near future. Stay tuned for further updates and developments.

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1 year, 1 month ago
One day remaining until the end …

One day remaining until the end of our monthly August tournament!

The Beta is FREE and anyone can play, so we'll see you in the arena!

⛓️ Connect and create your free account:
? Play Olympus Game:

The rules:

Play at least 15 battles.
You have until the end of 31st of August.

And the winner from our August tournament week 3 is...

?️ Max3

Congrats! You've won a Starter Pack!

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