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• По рекламе: @kenzox_blvck 🀄️
Last updated 9 months, 1 week ago
wkwk 5 org
Yang ngevote di paksa kapan gue maksa anjir
Epic abadi ?
Udah epik malah balik epic lagi?
Eonni CEO belike : mandang fisik shibal ?
??? ? ?
??? or ??? colour is the color at the lowest frequency of light that can be seen or captured by the human eye. Oxygenated blood becomes ??? due to the presence of hemoglobin. Positively, the color ??? means love, courage, and strength. In the field of psychology, the color ??? is considered a danger and a warning, passion and energy, aggression, domination, passion and desire, as well as power. in Islam the ??? color is a symbol of the burning fire of hell.? ??? light is the first light absorbed by seawater, so many fish and marine invertebrates that appear saga ??? (bright ???) appear black in their natural habitat. ??? is an additive primary color, which is the complement of cyan (greenish blue). The color ??? was once considered to be a subtractive primary color, and is still sometimes described as such in unscientific writings; however, the colors cyan, magenta and yellow are now known to be closer to the subtractive primary colors detectable by the eye, and are used in modern color printing.?
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• По рекламе: @kenzox_blvck 🀄️
Last updated 9 months, 1 week ago