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Foydasi bor , albatta ???
4-6 CEFR guruh uchun (Dushanbalik guruh )
Speaking uchun topic vocabulary?
#Describe People ?**
?? Meticulous [C2-adjective]
?? juda ehtiyotkor | sinchkov
Ex. I am a meticulous person, and I pay great attention to detail in all my work.
?? Charismatic [C2-adjective]
?? o'ziga jalb qiladigan
Ex. The charismatic leader had a natural ability to inspire and motivate his team.
?? Astute [C1-adjective]
?? juda aqilli | uddaburon
Ex. The professor's erudite lectures were highly informative and engaging.
?? Erudite [C1-adjective]
?? bilimdon | o'qimishli
Ex. She was a well-respected and erudite scholar.
?? Perspicacious [C1-adjective]
?? zehni o'tkir | ziyrak
Ex. The detective's perspicacious mind allowed him to solve complex cases quickly.
?? Sagacious [C1-adjective]
?? mulohazali | zehnli
Ex. Her sagacious advice helped me make wise decisions in my personal life.
?? Unflappable [C1-adjective]
?? ko'ngli keng | og'ir-vazmin
Ex. Even in stressful situations, he remained unflappable and handled everything calmly.
?? Consummate [C1-adjective]
?? o'ta tajribali | mahoratli
Ex. The pianist's consummate skills were evident in her flawless performance.
?? Virtue [C2-noun]
?? yaxshi xislat | ezgulik
Ex. Kindness is a virtue that can make a positive impact on people's lives.
?? high-flyer [C1-noun]
?? iqtidorli | kelajagi porloq
Ex. Sarah is a high-flyer who has achieved great success in her career at a young age.
?? larger than life [idiom]
?? jozibali | o'ziga rom etadigan
Ex. The actor's larger-than-life personality captivated the audience during the performance**.
Ko‘p darajali test sinovi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati
✅ Ma’lumki, Agentlik xodimlari xalqaro hamkorlar (British Council, Cambridge Assessment English, CITO International) bilan birgalikda ko‘p darajali (multilevel) test sinovini takomillashtirish yuzasidan tegishli ishlarni olib borishmoqda.
✍️ Chet tilini bilish darajasini baholash boshqarmasi tomonidan gapirish ko‘nikmasi uchun yangi format loyihasi ishlab chiqildi.
⌚️ Hozirda ushbu formatni Agentlik huzuridagi Ilmiy o‘quv-amaliy markaz bilan hamkorlikda approbatsiyadan o‘tkazish rejalashtirilgan.
Ko‘p darajali test sinovi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati 2024-yil sentabr oyidan boshlab amaliyotga joriy etiladi.
? Talabgorlar va barcha qiziquvchilar yangi format va namunaviy topshiriqlar (pdf) bilan tanishishlari mumkin.
Test answers
Kechroq javobini tashlayman
Ertaga ertalab 6:00 da hamma CEFR chilarga dars bor. Hech kim qolib ketmasin.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 4 weeks ago