Official Account of Somesh Thakre
Indian YouTuber
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
A space for collaborating on video Tasks Share Vedio ,exchange expertise, and work together Earn together❤️to create compelling content.Let's make every frame count!⚠️We don't pay you guys for tasks.Problem contact @DopamineKaBot1_bot #PecafullCommunity🫶
Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago
عود ليش محد گايلي هلاك دنياي بلاك يا ملاك
maybe one day i'll get married
and you'll be my maid of honor
and during your toast, you'll make everyone cry
and I'll finally see tears from my father
maybe our kids will be best friends
we'll live down the street from each other
and maybe I'll smile cause your daughter laughs like her mother
i'll be missing you every minute you aren't here ♡
sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right station.
بداية النهاية :( مداصدك بقى شهر واحد وتخلص السنة .. اتمنى تصير معجزة تحسن الاحوال وتبرد قلبي ?
lowkey i want to have breakfast at my house ( homesickness is strong )
تايلور بليز مسحي هاي الاغنية مداتحمل ❤️
guys lowkey snap streak is actually fun i'm sorry i've been a big hater for so long ?
Official Account of Somesh Thakre
Indian YouTuber
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
A space for collaborating on video Tasks Share Vedio ,exchange expertise, and work together Earn together❤️to create compelling content.Let's make every frame count!⚠️We don't pay you guys for tasks.Problem contact @DopamineKaBot1_bot #PecafullCommunity🫶
Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago