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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Think of death.
Patience becomes easier.
When the mind ponders on death.
The bitterness of the hardship turns sweet.
When you read about Dār Al Hadīth in Dhammaj - you yearn for a place that is no longer standing. May Allāh destroy the Houthis..who left the source of oceans of knowledge in ruin.
Do you grieve at the calamities that visit you as guests ?
For they will pass by as travellers
And return to where they came
So take a hold of your tongue
To not utter against the decree
For when the dawn of reward is on the horizon
The night of calamities will leave
And the guests will return to there homes.
- لؤلؤة
و إذا رأيت كتابا لم اراه فكأني و قعت على كنز
Whenever i see a book which i have not seen before i feel like i have discovered a treasure
و إذا رأيت علما و لم أعرفه كأني فتود أعضائي أن له أسماعا فتنعم به
And whenever i see knowledge which i do not know, every one of my limbs wishes to be able to hear it so that it too can enjoy it
فإذا رأيتني مع كتبي دائما و المحبرة في يدي
So if you see me always with my books and an inkwell in my hand
لا تقول هي مجنونة ... تقول الكتب تجعلها سعيدة
Do not say she is crazy..rather say books make her happy
و كم العلم في بحر العلم و لا نعرفه
And how much ilm is there in the sea of knowledge and we do not know it
هو مثل القول إمام أحمد " مع المحبرة إلى المقبرة"
It is like the saying of imām ahmad " with the inkwell to the grave"
- لؤلؤة
If their words begin to taunt you,
Tarnishing vessels within you,
And there actions cause your tears to blurr your vision,
Shun them to there decisions,
But do not enrage a war upon them,
For there hearts are also hollow vessels,
Have patience indeed allah is with those who remain patient
And do not say i am alone
For there is a watchful guardian over you
And He sees all that they do.
- لؤلؤة
'When sickness has prevented you from complete concentration in studying. It is to be known that the deprivation from ink and books and concentration is perhaps the sickness more than the sickness itself. Is there a state more abhorrent than to be deprived from the solace found in looking through the books of the salaf. Can a heart be at rest knowing there are books beside it with ilm that has not yet been conquered and yet the fever of the body prevents the mind from absorbing it?
One must take use of there time in good health. And ponder in there days of sickness. The solace of books has been snatched but to know the sweetness of the reward for the pain that is endurred whilst the body suffers - perhaps comes equal to it'
لا بأس طهور إن شاء الله...
- لؤلؤة
'When a woman becomes wounded these are of that which may not heal for centuries. Qawareer.
But when a woman takes these wounds and with the help of Allāh stitches them closed to become her strength - i tell you she is amongst the strongest of women. Muhaaribah.
It is from the wounds that the light of strength enters you. And it is sealing these with eemaan that the pain dissolves.
لا تحزن إن الله معنا
- لؤلؤة
The following lines of poetry were compiled by a student of knowledge who was the only seeker in her home -
'Owing to my woes i composed some poetry:
I am a stranger within my home and this path is merely solitary,
Amidst my inkwell the day is spent,
As if i stand at east and my family sit at west,
Companions found in my books alone,
And yet my heart has not ever been so content
Perhaps i am a feather blown
To either side of this home,
A stranger beset with worry in a strange land
Yet a traveller of pages - oh how they ought to understand,
Alas did every seeker of ilm not face such hardship?
What sweetness in knowing there are others upon this ship
Do not abandon this - even if they take topple upon you bricks
Shun this world and cling not to this Abode of Deceit
- لؤلؤة
If sadness begins to veil you
And trials grow heavy upon you,
Then do not say ' i fear that i will remain like this'
But rather say
' For the patient is Jannah and its bliss '
Did you forget the days of sorrow that passed before you?
Was it not Allāh that forever saves you ?
Entrust your affairs to Him
And are the believers not those whom are pleased with His decree ?
- لؤلؤة
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago