The Kaafiyah Channel

A channel dedicated to the Ash'ari creed. I write, translate, and make Youtube videos.

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1 month, 1 week ago

Islam and The Cultural Imperative
Finishing off this topic…

Why do we act surprised that the average working class white person has no interest in Islam?
-All he hears about us from the globalist mainstream media is that we are terrorists
- He has a secular mindset due to public school, like many Muslims do
- He sees our communities are filled with litter or crime
- He sees Muslim immigrants abusing the welfare system
- He sees the maulvi or dawah bro on the street or local mosque is poorly groomed, with a skull cap and unkept beard, and dressed in Arab/Desi garb and talks like an utter imbecile with no knowledge of Deen or Dunya
- He sees prominent Muslim speakers (not scholars) bragging about high Islamic birthrates (High birth rates are good. However, using them to scare native populations is NOT a good dawah tactic)

Education is the key. We must educate and build up our communities. And follow the examples of the Prophet (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) and Companions. And the Muslims who travelled to places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali, Senegal, Egypt, China, etc and were able to do dawah by inserting themselves into the local cultures and enriching them. Islam beautifies everything it reaches.

Some common sense and historical knowledge is required for dawah. When the Companions conquered Persia, they had no issue adopting Persian style dress.
Many of the scholars and saints in Indonesia and Malaysia even had no issue abandoning their Arabic names and adopting local ones to make it easier for the local population! If you study this history you will find many surprising examples of just how Islam assimilated and carved out its own space within whatever the local culture was, until the area itself became predominantly Muslim.

Contrast this attitude to shalwar kameez wearing uncles or thobe wearing roadmen screaming about how evil the West is, while living in comfort there. Annoying the locals with unnecessary stupid slogans. And trying to get converts to change their names to “Islamic” ones, change their clothes and their food, and calling basic human action “Tashabbu Bil Kuffar!”

For more information on these topics please see the work of Dr Naoki Yamamoto (a Japanese convert who writes about Islam in the Far East), Dr Umar Faruq Abdullah’s work “Islam and The Cultural Imperative”, (attached here) Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed’s lectures, Sh Abdal Hakim Murad and Sh Hamza Yusuf’s lectures on Islam and the West and our shared history.

When the average white person learns that it is Islamic scholarship that preserved the writings of the ancient Greeks and expanded on them, and that we revere Prophet Jesus and Lady Mary (peace be upon them), and that we encourage rigorous classical education, produce cultured scholars and men/women of letters, are against immorality, and preserve cultural values and creativity, then he will at least have a more positive image.

[n.b. A funny note in many of our own discussions with non Muslims, we have seen people get surprised at just how fair Sharia law is and how it would cure many societal ills. But again, we have to take the initiative to educate people about it. When we do this, we will avoid falling into the Zionist/Globohomo/NWO plots.
This will allow our communities to live in harmony and protect us from the oppression that all of humanity has suffered from the same parasitical oligarchical enemies.]

2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Ibn Taymiyya, attributes and limbs

(I found the following in my notes; a brother had asked me a question about what Sh. Saeed Foudah discussed in his al-Sharh al-Kabīr:)

What I gather from this section is that the Taymis (as a group, in line with their leader) divide attributes into two types:
1. ma'āni (qualities)
2. a'yān (substances).

The qualitative attributes are the likes of 'ilm, qudra etc.
The substantial attributes are the likes of wajh, yad, 'ayn etc.

The point being made is that they claim that the substantial attributes are those whose names, in our experience, are that of limbs and parts. But Allah's attributes will never seperate from Him, so it's not called a "part/limb" for that reason.

The problem here is then that their definition of a ''part" is: "That which actually seperates from the whole." We say that a part is: "That which could be conceived to seperate from the whole, even if only imaginarily/hypothetically."

They are thus affirming parts (substances, i.e. a'yān), but such parts that will never seperate from God's essence, that is why they don't use the words "part" or "limb." These parts of God may not look like our parts, but they are distinct parts nonetheless (because wajh isn't yad, yad isn't 'ayn etc.).

This results in Allah's being composite, but a composition that is necessarily indivisible.

5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Three 'aqida texts that I have translated:

  1. The Qayrawani Creed

  2. The Creed of Ibn al-Hajib

  3. The 'Aḍudi Creed

5 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago

الحمد لله
All his lectures are on Telegram too, so you can check them out here (under "Music"):

7 months, 2 weeks ago

It seems that the Shaykh's entire channel has disappeared (been put on private)... Let's wait and hope it gets restored soon.

7 months, 2 weeks ago

I highly recommend this series by Shaykh Adham where he goes through Imam al-Sanusi's al-Muqaddimaat.

He first briefly goes through the matn and after completion of the entire matn, he goes through the Imam's sharh.

The Shaykh speaks very clearly and simplifies the matters to the point no question remains in your mind. May Allah preserve him.

9 months, 3 weeks ago

The people have spoken. As promised then, here is the full statement of Imam al-Izz ibn Abdis Salaam in context.

Some people have taken 3-4 sentences (out of 2 pages!) and put them together, which made it seem as if the Imam said something completely different.

Checking the source is EXTREMELY important and this proves it even more. I have included the original Arabic too.

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