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1 month ago
Oscar's | 8.0
1 month ago
Cristiano Ronaldo plays with number 7, …

Cristiano Ronaldo plays with number 7, do you know who else has got number 7? Rahmatullo 🎉****

Recently one of my students Rahmatullo got an overall band 7.0 with a staggering score from listening 8.5. He studied in my group starting from a beginner level and has been consistent ever since.

There is one quality that my successful students have in common - independent learning. Apart from study materials given in the classroom, he would seek knowledge everywhere YouTube, Internet and etc. So congratulation to him and let this be just a beginning of his success story. ⚡️

1 month ago

Euro 2024 🏆****
Winner is ............

1 month, 1 week ago

Let's do one exercise 💪*
⚠️Identify the problem with parallelism**⚠️*

"Not far from the farm, several apartment blocks have been constructed along with houses which have been relocated from north to south"

1 month, 1 week ago

Types of Parallelism:
Parallel Structure with Coordinating Conjunctions:

Uses coordinating conjunctions like "and," "or," "but" to connect parallel elements.
Example: He enjoys reading novels, watching movies, and playing video games.

Parallel Structure with Correlative Conjunctions:
Uses paired conjunctions such as "either...or," "neither...nor," "both...and," "not only...but also" to connect parallel elements.
Example: She is not only intelligent but also creative.

Parallelism in Lists:
Ensures that items in a list are presented in a consistent grammatical form.
Example: The project requires dedication, perseverance, and attention to detail.

Common Errors in Parallelism: ‼️
Mixing Verb Forms:
Incorrect: She likes to swim, hiking, and riding a bicycle.
Correct: She likes to swim, hike, and ride a bicycle.

Mismatched Structures:
Incorrect: The teacher asked the students to read, studying, and write an essay.
Correct: The teacher asked the students to read, study, and write an essay.

Improving Parallelism:📊
To improve your use of parallelism in writing, focus on:

*📆Consistency:* Ensure that items in a series or list follow the same grammatical structure (verbs, nouns, gerunds, etc.).

*🎯Accuracy:* Check that parallel elements are logically and grammatically correct within the context of the sentence.

*📚Practice:* Review examples of parallelism and practice restructuring sentences to achieve parallel structure effectively.

Video lesson 📺 click here
Video lesson 2 click here


1 month, 1 week ago


Parallelism ⚠️

Parallelism in writing refers to the balanced structure of a sentence or a series of sentences that have similar grammatical structures or patterns. It involves using the same grammatical form for words, phrases, or clauses that are of equal importance and typically appear in a list or series.

Importance of Parallelism:
1. Clarity and Coherence:
Parallelism helps in organizing ideas and making them clear to the reader by maintaining consistency in structure.

2. Aesthetic Appeal:
Well-structured parallelism enhances the readability and flow of your writing, making it more pleasing to read.

3. Logical Structure:
It ensures that ideas are presented in a logical order, helping readers follow the argument or narrative smoothly.

Examples of Parallelism:

Incorrect: She likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle.
Correct: She likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

In the correct example, all items in the list ("hiking," "swimming," "riding a bicycle") are in the same grammatical form (gerunds), maintaining parallel structure.


1 month, 1 week ago


1. Apprehensive: Feeling anxious or fearful about something that might happen in the future.
Example: Jane felt apprehensive about starting her new job because she was unsure of what to expect.

2. Cynical: Distrustful of others' motives or skeptical about the sincerity or goodness of human actions.
Example: Mark is cynical about politicians' promises, believing they rarely keep their word once elected.

3.Tactful: Having or showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.
Example: When giving feedback, Maria was tactful, ensuring her suggestions were constructive and not offensive.

4.Self-absorbed: Preoccupied with one’s own thoughts, interests, or concerns to the exclusion of others.
Example: Tom was so self-absorbed that he didn't notice his friend was upset and needed support.

5.Self-congratulatory: Praising oneself or one’s own accomplishments in a way that can be seen as boastful.
Example: After winning the award, Jenna's self-congratulatory speech left some people feeling uncomfortable because it focused too much on her achievements.

6.Self-deprecating: Modestly or humorously critical of oneself.
Example: Despite his success, John often made self-deprecating jokes about his early failures, endearing him to his colleagues.

7.Well-adjusted: Mentally and emotionally stable and able to deal with the demands of life.
Example: After moving to a new city, Emily quickly became well-adjusted, making new friends and adapting to her new job.
8.Well-bred: Having or showing good manners; refined.
Example: Sarah's well-bred manners were evident at the dinner party, where she was polite and considerate to all the guests.

9.Desirable trait: A characteristic or quality that is considered positive or beneficial.
Example: Honesty is a desirable trait in a friend because it builds trust and reliability in the relationship.

10.Attitude of superiority: A mindset or behavior that suggests one believes they are better or more important than others.
Example: His attitude of superiority made it difficult for him to work effectively in a team, as he often dismissed others' ideas.

11.Disrupting the classroom: Engaging in behavior that interrupts the flow of a class or distracts other students from learning.
Example: Talking loudly during the lecture, Tim was constantly disrupting the classroom and preventing others from concentrating.

  1. Inherent characteristics: Qualities or attributes that are a fundamental part of something or someone and are present naturally.
    Example: An inherent characteristic of gold is its resistance to tarnish, which makes it valuable for jewelry.
    13.Be perceived to do something: How one’s actions or intentions are viewed or interpreted by others.
    Example: Despite his good intentions, his decision to leave the meeting early was perceived to be disrespectful by his colleagues.


1 month, 1 week ago


Sample sample
Describe a friend you have known for a long time.
You should say:

- how long have you known each other,
- where and how you met this friend,
- how you are similar to and different from this friend,
and say what you like doing together.

Well, I would now like to talk about a situation when I met my best friend MY. I have known him for almost 3 years. Back in 2021, I used to work in a learning center called CE and this friend of mine happened to be a new employee in our company. In the lunch time, the manager of the learning center told me about the arrival of the new staff as a potential candidate for teaching IELTS. First, I was cynical about him since he stayed quite and looked like a spy from our competitors, but then his sincerity won me over.

We are just the same but opposites, like the image in a mirror. I am self-congratulatory and he is self-deprecating. I motivate people with encouragement but he bring people down to rock bottom to make them rise up again. Quite an interesting chemistry.

While he has the attitude of superiority when he works with me, I enjoy sharing the same group while teaching. It is simply a worthy experience for learners to get to see both sides of the world like they say "stick and carrot"

Bold words are extracted from Vocabulary for IELTS advanced unit 1


1 month, 1 week ago

Eid Mubarak)

1 month, 2 weeks ago
Oscar's | 8.0
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