Julius Evola Archive

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8 months ago

The story of Romulus and Remus is the story of man himself. Romulus is the spiritual element within himself, the one who gives a law and marks a limit. Remo, on the contrary, represents the *animal part of man, his passions, instincts, fears, desires, feelings, the incapability of disciplining himself.

Romulus punishes Remo with death after he crosses the limit,
his rebellion is the root of the inferior biological man. Romulus being hierarchically superior is legitimized to act, create Rome, to establish the Empire.

It is necessary to re-establish Rome in our hearts! And to do this we must draw a furrow and kill the Remo that is within us, the individualistic and selfish element that prevents us from being free and truly Roman. Only in this way, in the daily struggle of the Self and the ego, with the killing of the egocentric, arbitrary and subjective part, beyond time and space, do we find Rome in our existence.

— Mario Polia, Dici “Roma”, dici “Tradizione”*

8 months ago
One of the rarest and solemnest …

One of the rarest and solemnest portraits of Giulio Cesare Evola, wearing the uniform of the Royal Italian Army (Regio Esercito), which dates back to—most likely—the end of the 1910s.

8 months, 1 week ago
Spiritual Virility

Spiritual Virility
Julius Evola

This compilation of the writings of Baron Julius Evola is designed to give the reader a pragmatic compass for navigating the "corrosive waters" of this world. It presents a selection from his works that steers one towards higher existence while remaining engaged in this world on the frontline of the cultural war.

These selections show the obstacles to be overcome and the means of their overcoming. They represent a map of immanent transcendence – not as escapism into a false heaven through pacifistic cowardice, but as an armory from which one can gird himself to fight against the current of disintegration and its agents.

They assist the reader in knowing the enemy and in knowing himself, to "become who he is" – an aristocrat of the soul, an Aryan.


8 months, 2 weeks ago
The Crisis of the Modern World

The Crisis of the Modern World
René Guénon

The Crisis of the Modern World is Guénon's most direct application of traditional metaphysics to the issues of modern society. Here, Guénon analyzes the 'Western deviation' representing a loss of tradition, rampant individualism and generalized social chaos. The softcover edition is a facsimile.


8 months, 2 weeks ago
The Lord of the World

The Lord of the World
Rene Guenon

Guenon sets out to describe the true Lord of the World; an entity present in many esoteric traditions who functions as the Regent of God, exercising the material and spiritual authority of the Deity on this planet. A book for all those interested in Agarttha, Shambhala, and the underlying unity of all mystical traditions.


10 months, 1 week ago

The concept of a State is only possible in a being who, due to internal superiority, ceasing to be a force among others of mankind, realizes himself as a determinant of the law of unity and then in the free legislation the idea of *the State as power will be constructed.

The unity in which such an organism converges is a superior life that has an end in itself, which does not live for the needs of his body, which is not created by the body, but the soul is the profound principle that also supports the body itself as taught by Aristotle.

This means: the Leader will not be the mere representative of the inferiors (democratic thesis), but almost as a spiritual center of gravity for the orderly movement of the individual forces of loyalty and responsibility, a regard for the interest of the whole, maintained without any pressure and any forced centralisation*.

— Evola, “Il Popolo d’Italia”, 12 dicembre 1957

10 months, 2 weeks ago
*Machiavelli’s Prince does not embody the …

*Machiavelli’s Prince does not embody the Right at all; rather, he represents it's inversion: while the Machiavellian leader may invoke spiritual or religious values, he will do so by simply endorsing them as a useful means to his rule, without acknowledging their instrinsic worth. Principles of a higher order — he abuses ‘myths’ to stir the irrational forces of the masses.

one can recognize a mixture between the Machiavellian concept of the "prince" and that of the demagogue son of democracy, the inverted mystique giving the leader the character called by some "charismatic" is completely unscrupulous and sometimes even demonic, as regards the means to establish power: "absolute politics". The first condition for all aristocratic superiority, is to value man within his free personality, the respect towards oneself, towards one's own dignity, to Machiavelli is unknown.*

— Evola, Gli uomini e le rovine (1972)

10 months, 3 weeks ago
`MOS MAIORUM` `-` **The Ways of …

MOS MAIORUM \- The Ways of our Ancestors

FIDES \- Fidelity in words, loyalty in action, and reliability in reputation

PIETAS \- Personal devotion to and honoring of God, family and homeland

RELIGIO \- Respecting the relationship between the Divine and man to maintain Pax Deorum

CULTUS \- Observing the rituals and the correct performance of their rites

DISCIPLINA \- Dedication to practice, study, and independent thinking; living an orderly life with measured austerity

GRAVITAS \- Cultivating dignity via control over one's mind and body; exercising both sincerity and severity CONSTANTIA \- Steadfastness, courage, and unshakable focus in the face of any adversity

VIRTUS \- A knowledge of what is right and wrong; prudence in judgement; honor and nobility in thought and action

DIGNITAS \- Maintaining a good name; commanding respect by one's honor and achievements

AUCTORITAS \- The capacity to exercise rightful authority and give decisive commands as a leader; respecting and obeying those holding authority

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Простота – наивысшая точка соприкосновения жизни …

Простота – наивысшая точка соприкосновения жизни и искусства. Тот, кто презрительно относится к простоте, вызывает только жалость – ибо тем самым он признает свое поражение. Если человек боится простоты, значит, он далек от зрелости.
— Юкио Мисимаф

10 months, 3 weeks ago
**JULIUS EVOLA 1974-2023**

JULIUS EVOLA 1974-2023

La visione del mondo non si basa sui libri, ma su una forma interiore e su una sensibilità aventi un carattere non acquisito ma innato. E la visione del mondo può esser più precisa in un uomo senza particolare istruzione che non in uno scrittore, nel soldato, nell'appartenente ad un ceppo aristrocratico e nel contadino fedele alla terra che non nell'intellettuale borghese, nel «professore» o nel giornalista.
Circa tutto questo, in Italia ci si trova, e non da oggi, in una posizione assai sfavorevole, perché chi fa il buono e il cattivo tempo, chi troneggia nella stampa, nella cultura accademica e nella critica, organizzando vere e proprie massonerie monopolizzatrici, è proprio il tipo deteriore dell'intellettuale, che nulla sa di ciò che è veramente spiritualità, interezza umana, pensiero conforme a saldi principi.

(da "Gli uomini e le rovine")

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