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The official Yescoin™
Probably something.
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Last updated 1 month ago
Last updated 4 days, 23 hours ago
I haven't ben here in a long time
Wow a lot going on
Happy Fourth!
One of my favorite catacomb saints
Venerable Confessor Seraphim (Zagorovsky), Heiromonk of Kharkov (†1943)
A blog featuring the history and teachings of the Russian Orthodox Catacomb Church.
Mostly done with the aristocracy piece. Iris Murdoch makes a return in this one!
I know I am late to the game, but this is one of the best things I have read in a bit
Talk about a blast from the past
What's a telegram?
Having just looked at how God knows things as acts of His will, Father Loudovikos says the following:
“But there is also a third ontologically important consequence of the text cited above: to say that God "knows God as entities as acts of His own will" implies a radical overcoming of any separation between matter and spirit as it is widely spread in western thought, from Augustine to Descartes until our contemporary era. Matter and spirit are absolutely ontologically equal, as they are both created things by their respective divine wills/logoi, Both are united and conceived as one in God's providence, as we shall later see, and neither of them are superior to the other or more affiliated with God than the other; both bear God's image upon them and, as we shall see, both consist in equal eschatological vocations to be fulfilled in the spirit. As we shall also later see, the whole of creation, both spiritual and material can be said to consist of only one divine logos in God's loving will. Thus, while in Plato dualism cannot be overcome, as the "spiritual beings" (of which the human soul is the superior) possess by nature a certain kinship with Ideas or even the One, in Maximus dualism is forever overcome because both spiritual and material beings are, in their uncreated principles, ontologically equal and equally "spiritual." This is revolutionary for ancient Greek ontology.“
(Pg 69, 70 A Eucharistic Ontology)
Summary: since the essence of things are their logoi (God’s will for that thing, it’s predestination, it’s vocation, which a thing can freely “lean into”, or reject), the body and spirit are ontologically equal, and thus the soul is not valued more than the body, nor is the body valued more than the soul. Both have been predestined, willed, for a purpose.
??New Blood $atellite??
#248 – Creatine Induced Onlinitis
[Dimes and Judas the latest Ben Shapiro rap, a conspiracy of Canadian manufacturing cartels to sell out to China, and the concept of “a system is what it does” in relation to the current Texas border crisis. Following a Movie Korner reviewing the original Death Wish, they dive into the book “Decadence” by Jim Hougan which explores the unknown history of the 1960s counterculture movements, how they were a decentralized and apolitical response to an over-rationalized existence, and how social revolution is impossible for a meta-people. Lastly, on the edition of The Copepranos Society, Dimes meets once again with The Prudentialist for a wildly popular discussion on the metaphysics of communication, tying together the concepts of McLuhan, Innis, Hougan, and beyond.]
Blood $atellite
#248 - Creatine Induced Onlinitis [“engagement I just with him! to whom?”] - Blood $atellite
Two Caucazoid psychos living in Canada and Hong Kong discuss dissident right politics, conspiracy theories, fringe spirituality, ideal catastrophe futures, far-right-cenobite culture, harmonyjamming, Canadian politics, splainsplaining, genocidal irony, and…
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Last updated 1 day, 1 hour ago
The official Yescoin™
Probably something.
Play🕹️: @realyescoinbot
Player support: @yescoincare
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Last updated 1 month ago
Last updated 4 days, 23 hours ago