ارسال سوژه، انتقاد، پیشنهاد👇
Last updated 1 Monat, 1 Woche her
ارتباط با ما:
Last updated 5 Jahre, 7 Monate her
" اولین طنز پرداز مجازی در آذربایجان "
🔴فقط ارسال سوژه وسفارش تبلیغات
(عکس،کلیپ،وویس،جوک و...) ⬇ ⬇ ⬇
اینستا پیجیمیز 👇
Last updated 3 Monate, 3 Wochen her
🇫🇷 قنوات الدعوة باللغة الفرنسية التابعة لجمعية تبليغ الإسلام 🇫🇷
*🍃قناة الدعوة*
*🍃 قناة للرد على الإلحاد*
*🍃قناة سؤال و جواب*
*🍃 قناة بطاقات دعوية فرنسية*
🍃 قناة فيديوهات دعوية فرنسية
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) praying in front of a stick does not mean that he prays to idols.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prayed only to God, and when he entered Mecca, he broke the idols and ordered people to worship Allah alone.
When we stand up to pray, we face the direction of the Kaabah 🕋 wherever we are,
But prophet Muhammed peace be upon him teaches us to take a barrier before we pray (called in Arabic Sutrah).
This barrier is placed in front of the person praying, so that no one would disturb him or interrupt his prayer.
He said: “When one of you prays, let him place something in front of him. If he can't find anything, let him set up a stick.
If he can't find anything, let him draw a line, and then whoever passes in front of him will not harm him...
P.s: Anything can be used as a barrier during prayer, such as a chair or anything about 3 cubits high.
Have you ever asked yourself...
▪️What is hell⁉️
▫️Hell is the abode of torment and misery. ⛔️
🔺Allah says in the Quran:
“Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait • For the transgressors, a place of return, • In which they will remain for ages [unending]”
[Surah 78, An-Naba, Verses 21-23]
▪️Who are the people of Hell⁉️
▫️They are the infidels, disbelievers, and polytheists and sinners. 🚫🚫
▪︎ How to be saved from Hellfire ⁉️
▫️You can get salvation from Hellfire by believing in God and His Messenger, and to obey their orders.
Healing with vital energy is a new form of treatment that is based on lies and sorcery in order to consume people’s wealth unlawfully. It is a kind of healing that has Buddhist origins and is based on myths.
These are pagan practices mixed with lies, sorcery and black magic, even though their practitioners claim that they promote human development or have psychological benefits.
You should understand that such matters are strictly prohibited and are very dangerous, because in the world today there is a very active promotion of Buddhism that is concealed under the name of healing and exercise.
ارسال سوژه، انتقاد، پیشنهاد👇
Last updated 1 Monat, 1 Woche her
ارتباط با ما:
Last updated 5 Jahre, 7 Monate her
" اولین طنز پرداز مجازی در آذربایجان "
🔴فقط ارسال سوژه وسفارش تبلیغات
(عکس،کلیپ،وویس،جوک و...) ⬇ ⬇ ⬇
اینستا پیجیمیز 👇
Last updated 3 Monate, 3 Wochen her