Canada The Unknown Country

All things Canadian: History, Politics, Culture, Legends, Folklore, People, Nature, Art and Current Events.

“There can be no dedication to Canada’s future without a knowledge of its past.” -Prime Minister John Diefenbaker
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2 weeks, 1 day ago

Canadian PM Arthur Meighen on Exclusion of Oriental Immigration, May 8, 1922.
“But I do not want to accept a modification that really does not call for any change in the present law at all, that won't get us where we frankly want to get, namely, to the point of exclusion, because after we have exclusion there is going to be a sufficient multiplication of these races in this country to constitute all the race problem that we want to have for many years to come.

“…I know it is the almost unanimous opinion of British Columbia, and I find that opinion moving eastward pretty rapidly. There is no doubt in the world that before very long opinion in Alberta will be just as pronounced as is opinion now in British Columbia, and at the rate this immigration is going on that opinion will in time be as pronounced in provinces further east. Let us therefore take occasion by the hand now at a time when it is less difficult, because the more Asiatics you get here the more difficult the problem is going to be. Permit those races to be multiplied twice, three times, four times over, whether by procreation, immigration or by some other process, and then put your exclusion up and you will be faced with an infinitely more difficult problem than confronts you to-day.

Therefore I think we must go to the length of saying to the Government that the will of this House is that we have effective exclusion of the oriental type of immigrants. Let us go that length. By what language you achieve that goal I care not. The language suggested by the Prime Minister [Mackenzie King] would not reach that goal at all, and for that reason I cannot accept it.

Let it be understood that so far as I am concerned I favour exclusion. I think we must have it. I do not care how it is brought about, but I do think it has got to be brought about. Restriction will not do, It must be restriction of such an absolute character that it excludes. That is the position I take on this motion, and I appeal to the Government to help us reach a wording that will leave no doubt in the minds of the people of Canada…what the will of this Parliament is.”

2 weeks, 1 day ago

Indians are conducting organized lootings of our seniors, youth and now even our hungry and poor.

There is no merit to any argument opposing total war against India.

Its an enemy nation with 17 of its people occupying our parliament - SO FAR.

2 weeks, 1 day ago

Entire nations and peoples were destroyed or enslaved for offenses less damaging than the current unprecedented level of rape and theft currently happening to Canada

3 weeks, 1 day ago

Red Ice TV, Active Club England, and a few others were app banned also. It looks like anyone who was covering the British uprising in a big way was banned. Their will most likely be more.


The Western Chauvinist (Main)

The views expressed on this channel are awesome. If you don't like them you can fuck off. GAB:

Red Ice TV, Active Club England, and a few others were app banned also. It looks like anyone who was …
3 weeks, 1 day ago
*****🐐*******RAGECAST 476** - 845pm EST

*🐐*RAGECAST 476 - 845pm EST



❄️ ᚦᛖᚱᛖ•ᛁᛊ•ᚨ•ᛒᛖᛏᛏᛖᚱ•ᚹᚨᛁ


3 weeks, 1 day ago
You don't read things like that …

You don't read things like that every day.

4 weeks, 1 day ago
Canada The Unknown Country
4 weeks, 1 day ago
Canada The Unknown Country
4 weeks, 1 day ago

Awwwww 😔

1 month ago

I don’t think that is English I hear 🤨. Looks like Indians found the lake 😩🤦‍♂️😡. The best lake…

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