Preparing for Ramadan

Rectifying the self for the destroyer of pleasure that may come any time now, for Ramadan and for the meeting with Allah in the Hereafter
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3 weeks, 3 days ago

Six Months to go till Ramaḍān Bi-idhnillāh
◽️It is reported that Muʿlā b. Al-Faḍl رحمه الله said:

They (the Salaf) used to supplicate to Allāh for six months asking Him to get them to the month of Ramaḍān; and they used to supplicate for six months that Allāh accept [their fasting and other worship in Ramaḍān].

—Abul-Qāsim Al-Aṣbahānī, Al-Targhīb wa Al-Tarhīb article 1761

◽️‘Amr Ibn Qays رحمه الله said:

“Glad tidings to the one who rectifies himself before Ramaḍān”

—Lataa’if al-Ma‘aarif, 138

1 month, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago

From The Abandoned Sunan:

Making up the missed fasts from the month of Ramaḍān, during the first ten days Dhul-Hijjah, in order to take advantage of the virtuous time:

*It was narrated from Al-Aswad bin Qais that he said: 'Umar bin Al-Khattāb loved making up the missed fasts of Ramaḍān in the ten days. That is, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

Narrated by Abdul Razzaq with a valid chain of transmission. It was also narrated in Marfu' form (as a Hadīth), however, that is not valid, and that is why Imām al-Dāraqutni decided that the correct position is to stop (at 'Umar).

And the heads of the Tabi'īn acted upon this such as:
Sa'īd bin Al-Musayyib - رحمه الله:

That is that he did not see anything wrong with making up missed fasts of Ramaḍān on the ten, meaning - the ten of Dhul-Hijjah.

Narrated by Ibn Abī Shaybah. And its chain is authentic.
—Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azīz al-Khudayr*


***Al-Muhaddith Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî said:

Those who issued fatâwâ on making up what was missed from ramadân during the 10 days of dhul-hijjah are; Abû Hurayrah, ibn al-Musayyib, Ibrâhîm an-Nakha’î, and Hammâd ibn Abî Sulaymân. What has been confirmed from them has been narrated by Ibn Abî Shaybah.***

Via Ahlus-sunnah

3 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: Is it a condition to make up the fasts of Ramadân before fasting the 6 days of Shawwâl?

He said: This is correct, that you start with making up [the fasts of Ramadân] first.

I said: And [can we] fast the 6 days of any month, or only Shawwâl [to attain the reward]?

He said: From Shawwâl till Dhul-Hijjah.

5 months, 3 weeks ago
***?***In these days, do the honourable …

?In these days, do the honourable and noble deed of asking Allah to accept.

Do not feel arrogant that you did a worship to Allah.
Imagine you were desperate and you borrowed a thousand dollars from someone, and then you went to pay it back. You were late and it was deficient, so do you give that thousand dollars back in arrogance? Do you say hey take your thousand dollars and get out of my face? Or do you give that thousand dollars back in humility, wanting him not to be mad at you because he did you a favour? The blessings of Allah over you are numerous and there is nothing you can do on this earth that can pay Him back for what He has given you, so do not get arrogant with your deeds. Ask Allah to accept your deeds from you and be humble. Allah gave you and gave you and no matter what you do, you can never repay it. No matter how good you perfected it and no matter how much of it you did, Allah gave you much more than you can imagine.

—Shaykh AMJ حفظه الله تعالى [Gems of Ramadan 28]

5 months, 3 weeks ago
**Be among those exceptions. From now …

Be among those exceptions. From now on, you need to plan for what is after the ‘Eid, otherwise the Shaytaan will get the better part of you.

◽️After Ramadan, have a certain portion of Qur’an to recite every day. From now you have to make the intention that no matter what happens, I am not going to miss it every single day.

◽️Have nightly private moments with Allah, no matter how small they are. Never miss them, no matter what.

◽️Have days of the month that you fast, no matter what. Two or three days a month, and then you are going to see that you need more. You are going to progress, but just start with a little bit that you will not leave no matter what kind of day you have.

—Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibrīl حفظه الله تعالى [Gems of Ramadan 28- Saying Goodbye To Ramadan Pardon and Forgive]

5 months, 3 weeks ago
Try to better yourself and be …

Try to better yourself and be consistent in the good deeds you did during this Ramadan, throughout the year.

***Do not be a Ramadani.

Be an Imaani, Ihsaani, Rabbaani – that is exactly what we are trying to get at. Ramadan dies and the days die, but the Lord of Ramadan and the days never dies!***

—Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibrīl حفظه الله تعالى [Gems of Ramadan 28- Saying Goodbye To Ramadan Pardon and Forgive]


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