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When I truly Knew to Doubt by J.A.Coburn (Part 2)
(Continued from Part 1)
Then upon his return to the Eastern Lands where water flows freely across the surface of the land, in plenty from the skies, where the cooling winds caress your cheek in the early mornings dawn as dew rises gently upon leaf .and blade. Here in this land of plenty water was rationed and horded and pinched as though the last drop is near to spent.
Water conserved to the point it appeared near the end of everything we hold dear and nurturing. Water dribbling from tap, the flushing of a toilet a mere pittance, a politeness rather than a necessity. The shower and tap but a mere dribble of desperation so as to make one wonder if they were further off spitting upon themselves to attain cleanliness.
This! This was the moment that he knew all was truly as he had perceived it. The day all doubt was removed from his mind. That was the day the possibility he might simply not understand what was beyond his immediate view was removed from his mind and soul. He had been correct all along. This was the day he cast all doubt aside and asserted he was indeed correct all along despite what others expert or not asserted to the contrary.
When I truly Knew to Doubt by J.A.Coburn (Part 1)
Let it be known to future generations when they ask for me what was the breaking point to which I tossed aside all that I once knew and held as cherished truth to question all that had to that point been taught to me as fact.
When they asked if it were the false plague that swept the world, say to them nay twas not as even at that point he still held room in his heart for doubt.
When they ask if it were the actions of the world's politicians and the sanctity of the vote being called into doubt, say to them nay he yet had room for doubt within his heart.
When they ask if it was the obvious historic lies pressed upon the population by the very government which was tasked with the trust of their people, say to them nay! For he still had room in his heart for doubt.
Nor was it any of the other miriad of reasons for which any reasonable man might come to doubt.
No indeed it was when he crossed over the Mighty Mississippi and found himself wandering and lost in the midst of the vast and endless deserts of the West, the home of tumble weed, and cacti, of pronghorn and desert bird. The land where food is scarce and many a creature perish without ever once having known the soothing embrace of moisture.
It was in this land of heat, desperation and parched dusty death that he had encountered a secret long held from his awareness.
In this land far from the cooling forests and lakes and rivers water did flow most freely from hose and tap and appliance and comfort and ease. In this land so far from home the concept of water conservation was as alien to them as the flormax of nearzanik is to resting upon the lernvor of a terraxinian.
In this land of barren nothing water was left to drain upon the thirsty ground though the greedy sun drank it up into the dry air. Toilets flowed with gallons of cleansing clean water to wash away the waste of man and animal alike. Showers where water sprang forth from taps as water falling freely down a rushing water fall washing away heat and grime and sorrows alike!
(Continued in Part 2)
?Hyperborean Radio (On The Road)?
"So many things fall apart when you consider Logistics".-I.M.Knosp
Hyperborean Wisdom from Hyperborean Radio, The More You Know. ??
? Hyperborean Radio (On The Road) ?
Arguing that Our Ethnic Gods are Owned by Marvel has always been a fallacious argument.
The Pagan Gods far predate them, and the Marvel versions aren't even very similar to the actual lore.
Most of the Gods are still not used or barely touched even some rather "big ones" like Holda, Lugh, Ilmarinen, Freya.
By the same logic that they present with Marvel owning the European Gods one could argue Hollywood owns the Abrahamic God by a far wider margin. (The Passion of the Christ, Ben Hur, Left Behind, The Exorcist, Bruce Almighty to name a few).
Such an argument then asserts that the Ethnic Gods are commodities to be owned while the Abrahamic God has free reign to produce as much propaganda or modern retellings to proselytize their religion. Especially as many Catholic films are actively pushed by the Vatican. Double standards from the Foreign Faith are nothing new but should not be tolerated.
Film, Video Games, Books and Comics; especially in the modern day, are an incredibly valid way in which to enrich people by exposing them and reminding them of the beauty of their Ethnic beliefs and traditions. Doing so does not give ownership to the creators but duty.
One thing to always remember however is the responsibility on those that know the lore, regardless of their actual religious affiliation, to protect our ancestral ethnic traditions and beliefs. As well as to point out both the good and bad of adaptation. (IE:GOW Thor vs. GOW Angrboda).
Site of the Shootout at the O.K. Corral, Tombstone, Arizona?****
?Hyperborean Radio (On the Road)?
"When Those Who Have Been Misled by the Foreign Faith Pray to Saint Michael or the Warrior Jesus on the cusp of war, they are doing something instinctive.
They call to Our War Gods, but they forget their names, their clouded senses see them as Devils.
But who is the Warrior on his White Horse in the Clouds but Wotan, who is the Swift Avenging Sword but Tyr, who is the bright spirited Youth armed before the coming hordes but Lugh.
They know not what they do, may Our True Gods hear our Prayers".-I.M.Knosp
?Hyperborean Radio (On The Road)?
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