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Fan Page Malu Trevejo ??
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
ARZON ACCAUNT O’zbekistondagi Rasmiy resellerlar bilan xamkor bo’lgan eng ishonchli va arzon akkaunt savdo kanal ‼️
Rs: @xitman_store_admin
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
Whoever hopes or thinks that the filthy Rawafidh of Iran or Hizbul-Shaytan want any good for the Muslims - look at their leaders and their allies.
More disgusting than that is, the so-called Muslim rulers of the Arabian Peninsula have done less than the Shi'a to protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
? The introduction of Western and secular lifestyles has profoundly impacted the spiritual lives of many Muslims, leading to a significant cultural shift. Elements such as music, fame, and the pursuit of money and wealth have replaced the values of humility, piety, and sacrifice. The most detrimental outcome of this shift is the decline of the masculine man—one whose purpose used to be for the sake of Allah, where he wouldn't think twice about his own self, but for the dignity of Islam.
Traditionally, Muslim men were raised with the aspiration to be heroes for their religion and nation, cherishing the idea of living a life of valor, sacrifice, and dedication to Allah. The ultimate honor was to live and, if necessary, die for the sake of Allah, upholding justice and righteousness. This noble vision created strong, resilient men who saw beyond worldly gains and focused on their spiritual obligations and the greater good of their communities.
However, the infiltration of secular values has led to a paradigm shift. The modern pursuit of fame and wealth has become the new measure of success, overshadowing the virtues of selflessness and devotion. This shift has eroded the spiritual foundation upon which a Muslim's life is supposed to be built. The constant bombardment of secular ideologies through various media channels has glamorized a lifestyle centered around materialism and instant gratification, leaving little room for the contemplation of one's duties to Allah and society.
As a result, masculinity has been redefined in ways that are contrary to Islamic principles. The ideals of courage, honor, and sacrifice have been replaced with a more selfish and materialistic outlook. People today are increasingly drawn towards superficial success, losing sight of the profound and fulfilling life of worship and service to Allah. This change has created a generation that is disconnected from its spiritual roots and heroic heritage.
Human beings are not meant to live timid and soulless lives, confined to the pursuit of material gains. Such a lifestyle is inherently unfulfilling and contrary to the purpose for which we were created. Our deen teaches us that true contentment and fulfillment come from living a life dedicated to worship and sacrifice. It is through these acts of devotion and service that one finds true peace and purpose. It was through these honorable men that the enemies of our religion were in constant fear. These men embedded the roots of our future deep into the ground so that we may maintain our current reputation. So think about your own lifestyle and purpose—what are you working for?
Without the Arab hypocrites, Israel would have never been successful.
✍️ This is the Russia ??that Kadyrov calls "the only country that protects the honor of the Qur'ān by law".
In reality, Russia is nothing but a system of tyranny and slavery, where you're allowed to blindly follow your master from the Kremlin and his corrupt Muftiyat located in Grozny. Allah's word and his religion have no value to them.
Kadyrov and his servants have chosen the path of tyranny, in order to be slaves to Putin. The honor of our sisters, the honor of the Muslims in general, is nothing of importance.
And as we say since the beginning:
There can be not tyrants where there are no slaves.Sooner or later this system will come to an end, in shā Allah.
✍️ Choosing the wrong ally to de-occupy our lands
For more than 150 days, the world has been witnessing the massacre of the Palestinian population. Some are undecided, while others, like Germany, have chosen a side since day one. Germany is not concerned about justice or peace; rather, it is concerned about their non existent values, interests, and their guilt for what the Nazis have done to the jews, regardless of the cruel crimes Israel commits against civilians.
They chose their ally long ago, an ally for whom they are willing to bear any consequence. They act entirely in their own interests and principles and do not abandon them even when they must stand for justice.
So how is it possible that our people once again choose the path of appeasing the West, when they want to reclaim their occupied territories? Why do we seek the proximity of this incapable ally when they have no principles and are ruthless criminals? Do we consider such an ally so important that we would betray Allah’s path, the path of our ancestors and our Ummah for it?
However, today we see so-called Islamic governments in a desperate situation. They do everything in their power, often sacrificing moral principles and the interests of the Ummah, to gain the favor of other states that will allegedly support them politically later on.
You reap what you sow, and today, these nations have not sown anything that will benefit them in this world or in the hereafter.
The outbreak of the Second Chechen War tested Maskhadov in new ways. He chose the path of resistance, unlike some traitors, leading his people against overwhelming odds. Unlike traditional leaders, he shared the hardships of guerrilla life with his fellow Mujahideen, living in the mountains and forests that became their bastions against the invading enemy along with their treacherous slaves.
Maskhadov's final years were a testament to his unwavering commitment. He led not from behind desks or in comfortable quarters but from the front lines. His life ended as he lived it, steadfast against the hardships that came with fighting on the path of Allah. With the status of Maskhadov, many would have used it as an excuse to sit back from the battlefield, or to flee to a country untouched by war. But here, we see a leader to take an example from. It was freedom or death; no matter how influential he was in the political sphere, Maskhadov humbly lived his final years side by side with his brethren, enduring the hardships with them.
On 08/03/2005, former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov was killed during a raid by the occupying Russian special forces.
May Allah accept his Shahada and all the sacrifices he made in order to make Allah's Word the highest.
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Fan Page Malu Trevejo ??
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
ARZON ACCAUNT O’zbekistondagi Rasmiy resellerlar bilan xamkor bo’lgan eng ishonchli va arzon akkaunt savdo kanal ‼️
Rs: @xitman_store_admin
Menejer : @xitman_store_admin
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