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2 weeks ago

Keyin men ham Tayvan haqida so'radim. Tayvan qanaqa statusda o'zi bu hudud va avtonommi shunaqa mazmunda. Tushundim - ki, bu savolni bermasligim kerak ekan, kamida bunaqa tartibda bermasligim kerak edi. Ozroq jahli chiqib javob berdi: "even not a country, it is a part of China."

Sezilyapti - ki, kuchli mafkurasi bor va uni singdira olishgan. Xitoy baribir qiziq davlat, unikal xodisa desa ham bo'ladi undagi siyosiy jarayonlarni. Aniq tashxis ham qo'yish qiyin.


2 weeks ago

Xitoylik bir tanishim bor. Bu semester kelgan, exchange student sifatida. Uni ham soha meniki bilan deyarli bir xil. U bilan tez - tez ping - pong o'ynab turamiz. Kecha O'zbekiston haqida so'rab qoldi. O'qishidan task berilgan ekan. Xitoyning 'One Belt - One Road' (Bir kamar - Bir yo'l) tashabbusi va O'zbekistonda aynan ushbu tashabbusga nisbatan Hukumat, jamiyat va media qanday fikrdaligi va shu mazvu atrofida. Men o'sha vaqtda ko'proq yaxshi, ijobiy fikr dedim va logistik tarafdan, investitsiya, savdo va dengiz chiqish imkoniyati taraflarini hisobga olgan holda. Sababi mediada ham birorta salbiy narrativlar topish qiyin. Xullas, shundan beri chuqur o'ylayapman, bizda Xitoyga nisbatan qanaqa fikr bor, yoki o'zi rostan ham Xitoy borasida biror fikr shakllanganmi yoki yo'q?! Shuningdek, tariximizni o'rganish vaqtida ko'proq Qo'qon xonligi atrofida o'rganishar ham ekan.

Bir narsani aniq sezdim - ki, Xitoyda bizni juda yaxshi o'rganishgan, o'rganishmoqda va o'rganishda davom etishadi ham. Ularda biz haqimizda yaxshiroq va aniqroq tasavvur va xulosalar bor.


3 weeks, 2 days ago
3 months, 1 week ago

Ba'zan klassik XX asrda yashashni xohlab qolaman. Yoshi kattalardan ularni yoshlik va bolalik davri haqida so'rab qolaman. Menga juda sodda va oddiy tuyiladi va shu sababli ham o'sha davrda yashab ko'rishni istab qolaman. Bu istak faqat bir menda emas deb o'ylayman. Jamiyatni aksar qismida ham.

Buni oddiy biror musiqani ko'proq eshitilishidan ko'pchilik nimani istashini bilsa bo'ladi. Shaxsan o'zim tinglamasamda har holda O'zbek Youtube segmentida bekorga o'tgan asr oxirini eslatadadigan janrdagi qo'shiqlar: "Ko'k jiguli" va Hamdam Sobirovni nostalgiya janridagi kliplari qisqa fursatlarda 100 mlnlab tomoshalarga erishmayapti. Musiqani inson psixologiyasiga ta'siri bilan ham jamiyatni nimani istashini anglasa bo'ladi. Bunga Teylor Svift va uning qo'shiqlarining amerika jamiyatidagi ta'siri misol bo'lishi mumkin.


3 months, 1 week ago


This paper covers the importance and impacts of the policy of implementing tax incentives in taxation systems. The complex relationship between unlawful state aid and direct taxation is also included by highlighting how such incentives distort competition and lead to market distortions in the internal market of a state, especially within internal market of European Union. During the process of implementing tax incentives, the importance of transparency and accountability in tax policy design and implementation to prevent abuses and ensure equal market participation is discussed. Overall, the complex relationship between tax incentives, unlawful state aid, and direct taxation, advocating for a balanced tax policy to encourage investment and innovation are explored by this paper.


Shaxsiy sahifam: @A_Shodiyor

3 months, 1 week ago

Due to Russia - Ukraine war and War in the Middle East, Sanctions are in the center of global political and economic eyes. In this paper, Economic sanctions role as one of the most significant factors in business in sanctioned countries, need to implement adjustments to activities and legal risks. This leads to improved procedures within an entity, standardized document and increased implementation costs, making pre-contractual and contractual methods critical to managing the impact of sanctions on cross-border trade. In this essay, I tried to analyze foreign economics sanctions on contracts, especially commercial contracts legally. [ READ FULL HERE ]

Shaxsiy sahifam:** @A_Shodiyor

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Tacker Karlson Putin bilan intervyusidan so'ng, e'tiborimni tortgan yana bir intervyu tashkil qilibdi. Bu safar Telegram asoschisi Pavel Durov bilan. Qizig'i bu Pavel akani birinchi video intervyusi ekan. Intervyuda Telegramning neytral platforma bo'lib kelayotgani, Hukumatlar tomonidan telegram tomonga bo'lgan bosimlar va talablar, San - Fransiskodagi Durovning hujumga uchragani, nima uchun BAAni tanlagani, nega molk-mulk sotib olmasligi va boshqa qiziqarli mazvularda suhbat bo'libdi. Bu yerda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin. Suhbat ingliz tilida.

Fikrimcha, ushbu intervyudan keyin AQShda ham Telegramga qiziqib foydalanadiganlar ko'payib qolsa kerak.


6 months ago

Based on the additional information provided regarding the legal context and Italian rules on the preparation of a company's financial statements, here is a further analysis and advisement for Steel Factory on how to proceed and the prospects of success in challenging the dividend distribution and the payment to MultiSteel:

  1. Legal Framework and Compliance:
    - Article 2478-bis of the Civil Code in Italy specifies the rules for preparing financial statements for Srl (limited liability companies) and the distribution of profits.
    - Financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the rules applicable to Spas (public limited companies) and presented to shareholders for approval within a certain timeframe.
    - Profits for distribution must be 'really attained' and indicated in the financial statements approved by the shareholders.

  2. Dividend Distribution Analysis:
    - The shareholders' meeting approved the distribution of a dividend of €50,000 based on the Company's financial statements.
    - The Company's balance sheet indicated an 'accumulated profits brought forward' of €200,000, which could justify the dividend distribution under Italian rules.
    - If the dividend distribution was made in compliance with the financial statements and approved by the shareholders in good faith, it may be protected under Article 2478-bis, paragraph 6 of the CC.

  3. Payment to MultiSteel Analysis:
    - The Company purchased technical equipment worth €120,000 from MultiSteel, with a subsequent overestimation of the market value of the goods by €60,000.
    - The overestimation of the goods' value may raise concerns about the Company's financial decision-making and the accuracy of its financial reporting, potentially impacting the legitimacy of the payment to MultiSteel.

  4. Recommendations for Steel Factory:
    - Steel Factory could consider seeking legal advice to assess the specific circumstances of the case and the prospects of success in challenging the dividend distribution and the payment to MultiSteel.
    - Steel Factory may need to gather evidence to support its claims, such as financial records, communication with the Company, and legal guidance on potential legal grounds for challenge.
    - Considering the legal framework and the Company's financial situation as depicted in the financial statements, Steel Factory should evaluate the strength of its case before proceeding with legal action.

In conclusion, while challenges to the dividend distribution and payment to MultiSteel are possible, the success of such challenges would depend on the adherence to the legal requirements, the Company's financial disclosures, and the specific circumstances surrounding the transactions. Steel Factory should consider legal counsel to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

6 months ago

Based on the provided information, Steel Factory can potentially challenge the actions of Builpod (the Company) regarding the distribution of dividends and the payment to MultiSteel. Here are some key points to consider in analyzing this situation:

  1. Dividend Distribution:
    - The Company incurred a loss of €100,000 in the previous financial year and had failed to meet its financial commitments to Steel Factory.
    - The shareholders' meeting approved the distribution of a dividend of €50,000 despite the Company's financial difficulties.
    - Steel Factory could argue that the dividend distribution was imprudent and unjustified given the Company's financial losses and outstanding debts to suppliers.

  2. Payment to MultiSteel:
    - The Company ordered technical equipment worth €120,000 from MultiSteel and paid the purchase price.
    - The market value of the goods was overestimated by €60,000, indicating a potential misjudgment or miscalculation by the Company.
    - Steel Factory could challenge the payment to MultiSteel based on the Company's financial irresponsibility and potential mismanagement of funds.

  3. Legal Grounds for Challenge:
    - Steel Factory may have a reasonable prospect of success in challenging both the dividend distribution and the payment to MultiSteel if it can demonstrate that these actions were detrimental to its interests as a creditor.
    - The inability of the Company to meet its financial obligations, coupled with questionable financial decisions, could strengthen Steel Factory's case in court.

  4. Legal Action:
    - Steel Factory could consider pursuing legal action against the Company to recover its outstanding invoices (€150,000) and challenge the dividend distribution and payment to MultiSteel.
    - Steel Factory may seek legal counsel to assess the viability of its claims and determine the best course of action to protect its interests as a creditor.

In conclusion, Steel Factory appears to have grounds to challenge the actions of Builpod (the Company) regarding the dividend distribution and payment to MultiSteel. However, the success of such a challenge would depend on legal proceedings and the ability to demonstrate the detrimental impact of these actions on Steel Factory's rights as a creditor.

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