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Barbara O'Neill

Naturopath And Lecturer On Health Issue. Achieve Optimal Health And Well-Being Do your own research Learn to Heal Yourself!
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

Children own bed & potty training

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Discover the Power of Oregano Oil! 💊

🌿Ancient healer, modern-day miracle

Oregano oil has been used for centuries as a potent remedy for a wide range of health issues like :
• Immune boosting
• Fights respiratory infections
• Supports digestive health

Today, science has unlocked the secret behind its extraordinary benefits :
– Powerful compounds like carvacrol and thymol!

💪These compounds give oregano oil its impressive :
• Antiviral
• Antibacterial
• Anti-inflammatory

🔬In fact, studies show that it’s even more effective than some pharmaceutical alternatives!

Oregano oil is a true champion in the world of natural remedies.

🔨DIY magic, make your own oregano oil at home!
1️⃣Infuse dried oregano in a carrier oil, like olive or almond oil, for 2-3 weeks.
2️⃣ Strain, and store in a dark, cool place.


*🫒Use Organic extra virgin olive oil*

*🌿Use organic oregano*

*🤷‍♀️How to use it?*

• Use it topically for Nail Fungus, Athlete’s Foot,Insect Bites, Warts

• Add a few drops to a diffuser for respiratory health

• Take 3-4 drops of oregano oil up to 3 x daily

• For children, 1-2 drops up to 2 x daily (Be extra cautious with infants and toddlers)

The best times to use :
– When symptoms first appear or when you’re seeking preventative care during cold and flu season.

📌Don’t miss out on these three other powerhouse
remedies :

1️⃣ Echinacea - Boosts immunity
2️⃣ Elderberry - Fights colds and flu
3️⃣ Garlic - Enhances heart health

Whether you’re new to holistic health or a seasoned pro, oregano oil and its fellow natural healers are essential tools for a vibrant, healthy life!

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

1 month, 3 weeks ago

What vitamins do you lack?

☘️ If you often have bad breath, you lack vitamin B3.

☘️ Even with mild bruises, bruises appear and do not go away for a long time - not enough vitamin C.

☘️ Constipation can be caused by a deficiency of B vitamins.

☘️ Dizziness and tinnitus - lack of vitamins B3 and E, as well as manganese and potassium.

☘️ Redness of the eyes, inability to quickly adapt in the dark, barley - lack of vitamins A and B2.

☘️ Dandruff appears - deficiency of vitamins B12, B6, F and selenium.

☘️ Dark and brittle hair is a sign of a lack of vitamins B, F and iodine.

☘️ Hair loss - lack of vitamins B9, C, H, inositol.

☘️ Insomnia - a deficiency of B vitamins, potassium and calcium.

☘️ Frequent nosebleeds - lack of vitamins C, K and B3.

☘️ Acne and red spots on the neck are signs of vitamin A and B deficiency.

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

1 month, 3 weeks ago

More foods and drinks are being synthesized in laboratories. 🥼

It's crucial to prioritize your health by being mindful of what you consume daily.

Opt for homemade meals with natural ingredients over processed junk. ⚠️

Let's reject toxins and plastic-laden foods. Detoxify your body, strengthen your organs, and resist the onslaught of synthetic viruses. Your health is in your hands. 💊

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

1 month, 3 weeks ago
**A folk remedy for pressure**

A folk remedy for pressure

High blood pressure will return to normal, constipation, stomach and bladder pain will disappear if you pour a tablespoon with a slide of dill seeds into a teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Cover the teapot with a napkin or wrap it in a towel for 40 minutes so that the seeds steam well and release all the valuable substances into the water.

The resulting medicine should be drunk directly from the spout of the kettle in 5-7 sips. Be sure to drink with meals, not on an empty stomach or after a meal.

📌 The course of treatment is a week, then the infusion can be used periodically, say, 2-3 days a month, for prevention.

📌In addition to the above effect, this infusion perfectly treats coughs, bronchitis, throat diseases, and also relieves insomnia.

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

1 month, 4 weeks ago
***⚠️*****Instant noodles causes*****⚠️***

⚠️Instant noodles causes⚠️

Stomach ulcer
Kidney damage
Thyroid imbalance
Immune suppression.
Menstrual irregularities

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill🌿

2 months ago
Herbs for Maintain Health of Organs.

Herbs for Maintain Health of Organs.

Brain - Gingko biloba, Cayenne pepper, Ginseng, kelp, Brahmi, Rosemary, Ashwagandha.

Heart - Caco, Motherwort, garlic, turmeric, ginger, arjuna, Hawthorn, lemon Balm.

Lungs - Mullein, Yarrow, Peppermint, Yerba Santa, Licorice, Adhatoda vasica, Long pepper, Garlic, Clove, Parsley.

Liver - Milk Thistle, Artichoke, Burdock, Dandelion, Green tea, Goji berry, Astragalus, Phyllanthus niruri Shiitake.

Stomach lining - Chamomile, Licorice, Marshmallow, Fennel, Goldenseal, Slippery Elm, Aloevera, Indian Gooseberry, Asparagus.

Stomach Digestion - Ginger, cumin seeds, Peppermint, Coriander, Cinnamon, Fennel, Aniseed.

Kidneys - Boerhavia diffusa, Chicory, Drumstick, Tribulus Terrestris, Ginger, Bilberry, Cranberry, wheat grass, Coriander, Black currant.

Colon - Jackfruit, soursop, Aegle mermelos, Angelica, Aloevera, Agrimony, Bitter gourd, black cohosh, Flaxseeds.

Bones - Boneset, Asparagus Racemosus, Boswellia, Alfalfa, Stinging nettle, Dandelion, Parsley, Ashwagandha.

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill📱

2 months ago

Discover this amazing dental solution that takes only 60 seconds before you go to sleep and helps you regenerate your teeth and gums and eliminate cavities for good.

Helps with infammation, supports a heathy mouth enviroment. It support the balance of mouth bacteria and the respiratory tract.

Get Yours Now: ✔️

2 months, 1 week ago

**10 Warning Signs That Your Body May Be Full of Parasites

  1. Chronic digestive issues**If parasite infestation attacks your intestines, then it can destroy the gut lining and cause inflammation that leads to chronic diarrhea.

2. Abdominal painParasites that reside in the upper small intestinal region can cause irritation and inflammation in the area. This leads to abdominal pain and a bloated feeling.

3. Anal itchingIf the area around your anus is itching, especially at night, then you may have a parasite infection. Pinworms are the types of parasites that are the reason for anal itching that occurs at night when the female pinworms lay eggs around the anus area. They cause itching, irritations, crawling sensations, and even acute pain.

5. Change in appetite and weight lossIf your appetite suddenly increases and your body weight decreases, then these may be symptoms of pinworm or tapeworm infestation.

6. Mental distressParasite infestations also influence our mental and emotional state. They can cause depression, mood swings, visual hallucinations, and anxiety. These symptoms are often paired with digestive problems.

7. Teeth grindingTeeth grinding while sleeping may be a sign of having a parasite infestation. Known as bruxism, teeth grinding can occur due to restlessness and anxiety because of the toxins and waste that the parasites release in the body.

8. Iron deficiency anemiaIntestinal pinworms or roundworms can cause iron deficiency and anemia. These parasites steal the nutrients such as good vitamins and iron that the person consumes.

9. Skin problemsIntestinal parasites cause inflammation in the body that leads to some skin problems such as eczema, rashes, hives, and other types of skin allergies.

10. Muscle and joint painSome parasites invade joint and muscle tissues where they cause pain and irritation that is often misdiagnosed as arthritis.
Parasites can also stop the waste products to leave your body, which causes pain in the upper area of the abdomen.

Follow: @DrBarbaraOneill📱

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