Temple of the Immovable (Dampa Zangpo)

Dedicated to the Shugendo / Vajrayana path of Acala worship. Knowing that Lord Acala is an integration of Lord Shiva-Rudra who can guide one to true wisdom and the Dharmakaya
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1 month, 4 weeks ago
2 months, 1 week ago
Temple of the Immovable (Dampa Zangpo)
3 months, 4 weeks ago
While I can not vouch for …

While I can not vouch for the rest of the videos on this channel.
This video is probably one of the best understandings and overview of Esoteric / Vajrayana Buddhism in Japan which is the branch / practice I am closely an adherent to or pulis of aside from my more recent initiations into Tibetan schools.
While this video doesn't cover the Shugendou of which I am most closley a follower of it does lay out overarching basics of East Asian (Japanese and Chinese) Vajrayana, how Buddhist schools aren't fully closed off from one another but instead learn from each other and how the general mystical and philosophical forms work together within the cosmology, practice, and eschatology.

Also highlighted are working with divinity and the nature of the divine where one can see how Pagan and Indo-European faiths work well within the cosmology of Buddhism and the Cosmic Buddha / Dharmakāya.

This video is a great beginning stepping stone. Though it does require an understanding of basic Buddhism. ?? ? ? ☸️

4 months ago
Temple of the Immovable (Dampa Zangpo)
4 months ago
**The Lie of “Queer Buddhism”**

The Lie of “Queer Buddhism”
The Buddha and his Saṅgha, contrary to the speculative and dishonest propaganda of many Western “Buddhists” do not condone “LGBTQ”-ideology. The Postmodern pursuit of “Queering Buddhism” has no basis in the Buddha’s original teachings, or authentic and Traditional Buddhism.

While the Buddha did acknowledge the existence of “effeminate” or ‘gender-ambiguous’ individuals (Paṇḍakas), he describes their state as “pitiable” and views their predicament as a karmic punishment in the current life. He did not allow such people, including homosexuals, to enter the Saṅgha and forbade Bodhisattvas and Arahants to associate with them. The Buddha himself was decidedly traditionally masculine in conduct, virtue, and personal character.

Postmodernist ‘scholars’ of so-called “Queer Buddhism” like Bee Scherer and Ann Gleig willfully abuse and desecrate the Buddha’s teachings to justify their own narcissistic desires and should be recognized as demonic enemies of the Buddha Dhamma.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

A breakdown of Zao Gongen and his connection to the Supreme Mahavairocana and the Indo-European Sky Father.?? ? ?In Shugendou, we believe that En no Gyoujya received transmission directly from the Gods and the Buddhas himself.In particular, Mahāmāyūrī whose sutra, mantra, and Dharani, as well as the divine teachings of Mahavairocana Buddha were said to have been given to him by Mahāmāyūrī herself.With this, En no Gyoujya composed the Unlimited Life of the Threefold Body sutra, which praises Vairocana Buddha.Thereby, via Mahavairocana Tantra, one arrives at the Womb Realm or Taizoukai.A Gongen is an avatar and usually a triple composite deity. These deities are often a Kami brought into Buddhism via comparative absorption, but also maybe reflect Vedic Devas at the same time. They usually correlate to. Buddha and/or Bodhisattva. This singular composite is usually a Holy wrathful version or Vajra version.Zao Gongen was, is one of the most popular ones aside from Acala.He is said to represent the totality of Mahavairocana's via the Womb Realm. He is also thought to be a composite of Past, Present, and Future via Shakyamuni, Avalokiteshvara, and Maitreya.His popularity and rise to prominence seem to be among the primary Shugendou regions.His mantra is "Om Bakiryu Svāhā"His seed Sanskrit character is the Om itself ?.Note: Zao Gongen is said by some sources to be Vajragarbhalokeśvara a totality of the 108 names of Avalokiteshvara.This also can be said to correlate to the 108-names theme regarding Rudra-Shiva.Being that the closest and often most direct enlightened version of Rudra-Shiva would be Avalokiteshvara. In the same way the 5 Wisdom Kings Vidyārāja that have Acala as their center and core primary deity being worshiped currently also represent aspects of Rudra-Shiva with the primary of Acala / Acalanātha directly representing Mahavairocana which brings us round circle to how Acala is almost a succession of Zao Gongen or one in the same.Long story short, and a bit of personal belief, in many forms of Vajrayana, especially Japanese, Mahavairocana is seen as the supreme Buddha who correlated directly to Dharmakaya and possibly above that of Shakyamuni in reverence. His is practically equivalent to Brahman, Monad, or Big G God for the Vajrayana understanding (though Western Abrahamic concepts of deity don't apply). With Avalokiteshvara and Rudra-Shiva being his Bodhisattva and Mundane Deva forms respectively, and Rudra directly being seen to equal Dyauspitr / Dyesu Patr he is also the Indo-European equivalent of the Sky Father.

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