Wisdom Chinabad

Wisdom o’quv markazi Chinobod filiali rasmiy kanali.

? Manzil: Baliqchi tumani, Chinobod shaharchasi,

Moʻljal: Chinobod toʻyxonasi chap tomonida.

?+998 90 140 55 77
? +998 93 706 02 72

We recommend to visit

?? O'zbekistondagi N1 Akkaunt Savdo Kanali!

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!

? Kanalga Joylangan Xar Bir Akkauntga "SENATOR" Shaxsan O'zi Javob Beradi!

✍️Admin: @deSENATOR_AKKS ✅ Org ‼


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Kun davomida eng sara va so'nggi yangiliklar tafsiloti bilan YO'L-YO'LAKAY tanishtirib boramiz.

Voqea va hodisaga guvoh bo‘ldingizmi, voqealikni bizga yuboring: @yyuzbot

Reklama bo‘yicha: @zorzorads

Instagram sahifamiz: https://bit.ly/3wlZDZH

Last updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago


- ?YouTube: youtube.com//senatorpubgm

? O'zbekistondagi eng ishonchli va eng arzon narxlarda UC sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizga bog'laning:? @SenatorsMarket

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

My dear students!

I know you can
But nothing comes easy,
It takes much practice.


2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago
**Do’stingni olib kel va pulingni olib …

Do’stingni olib kel va pulingni olib ket!

Noyabr oyi uchun barcha darajadagi guruhlarimizga o’quvchilar qabuli ochiq.

Do’stingni olib kel va har bir olib kelingan do’sting uchun bir martalik 50 000 so’m chegirma yutib ol.

Olib kelgan do’stingga ham birinchi oyiga 50 000 so’m chegirma beriladi.

5ta do’stingni olib kelib o’z nomingga ro’yxatdan o’tkaz va keyingi oyga bepul o’qi.

O’zinga ravo ko’rgan narsani do’stinga ham ulash va ularni ham ingliz tilini o’rganishiga sababchi bo’l.

? @Wisdom_Chinabad

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Bu Avstraliyada grant asosida o'qishni xohlovchilar uchun juda yaxshi imkoniyat.
Hamma soat 12.00da Wisdom binosiga yig'ilamiz.
U yerdan moshinalarga o'tirib jo'nab ketamiz.
Barcha do'stlaringizni ham olib olishinglar mumkin.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Bugun soat 6da Chempionat.

Hamma jamoadashlari bilan kelish esdan chiqmasin.

Chempion bo‘l va chegirmalarni qo‘lga kirit.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Dialogue 1.
1 What sport does the man like?
2 What sport does the woman like?
3 What sport do they both like?

Dialogue 2.
4 Who likes computer games? The man/the woman/both
5 Who likes Tomb Raider? The man/the woman/both
6 Who likes Grand Theft Auto? The man/the woman/both

Dialogue 3.
7 Who likes fashion? The man/the woman/both
8 Who likes Armani? The man/the woman/both
9 Who likes diesel jeans? The man/the woman/both
10 Who likes sunglasses? The man/the woman/both


9 months, 2 weeks ago

Speaker 1
1. Nick goes to a big _____ school.
2. It’s in the center of _____.
3. The school was built _____ years ago.
4. There are around _____ teachers.
5. The school is only for _____.
6. During the term, he lives in _____.
7. He is at home on _____.
8. All students wear _____.
9. The colour of pants is _____.
10. After school he wants to go _____.

Speaker 2
11. Oakland School is a state _____ school.
12. It is located in the _____ of England.
13. Approximately _____ students study there.
14. There are around
15. Students from various _____ come to the school.
16. The number of teachers _____.
17. Stephanie attends school _____ days a week.
18. Lesson starts at _____ and finish at _____.
19. The color of a skirt is _____.
20. After school she wants to get a _____.

9 months, 3 weeks ago


The site I talked about


IELTS Writing Task 2 - IELTS Simon

This is the index page for my IELTS writing task 2 lessons.

We recommend to visit

?? O'zbekistondagi N1 Akkaunt Savdo Kanali!

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!

? Kanalga Joylangan Xar Bir Akkauntga "SENATOR" Shaxsan O'zi Javob Beradi!

✍️Admin: @deSENATOR_AKKS ✅ Org ‼


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Kun davomida eng sara va so'nggi yangiliklar tafsiloti bilan YO'L-YO'LAKAY tanishtirib boramiz.

Voqea va hodisaga guvoh bo‘ldingizmi, voqealikni bizga yuboring: @yyuzbot

Reklama bo‘yicha: @zorzorads

Instagram sahifamiz: https://bit.ly/3wlZDZH

Last updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago


- ?YouTube: youtube.com//senatorpubgm

? O'zbekistondagi eng ishonchli va eng arzon narxlarda UC sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizga bog'laning:? @SenatorsMarket

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago