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Rob Roos

Al mijn updates vanuit het Europees Parlement
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Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

LaSoldiers, de straat kanaal van Telegram⚡️ Contacteer ons via @LScontact


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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

1 month ago

De Europese Unie laat onze boeren telkens weer in de steek. Luister 👂

1 month ago

Our civilization is facing existential threats. This is the moment for conservatives and patriots to join forces. Either we keep quibbling and our countries go down — or we stand together and take back our continent.

My keynote speech at #MakeEuropeGreatAgain in Bucharest:

1 month, 2 weeks ago

🇧🇷 Sob Lula, o Brasil está se transformando em uma tirania. A liberdade de expressão não existe mais. As forças de oposição temem serem presas.

Sua luta pela liberdade é nossa luta pela liberdade também. Em todo o Ocidente, vemos o autoritarismo e a censura de esquerda em ascensão.

Mas se ficarmos juntos, podemos detê-lo.

É por isso que eu — junto com meu colega MEP Hermann Tertsch — convidei Eduardo Bolsonaro e outros patriotas brasileiros para o Parlamento Europeu.

Total apoio aos patriotas e conservadores brasileiros!

3 months ago

🚨 De WHO heeft nu al de macht om een pandemie uit te roepen. Het heeft ook de macht om het einde van de pandemie te bepalen.

Nu wil het de macht om vrijheidsbeperkingen in te voeren.

We hebben 3 maanden om dit nog te voorkomen. Bekijk mijn speech in de Amerikaanse Senaat:

3 months ago

🚨 The #WHO already has the exclusive power to declare a pandemic. It also has the exclusive power to declare its end.

Now, it wants the worldwide power to impose restrictions & bypass democracy during a pandemic.

We have 3 months to stop this. Watch my speech in the US Senate and SHARE:

3 months, 1 week ago
The [#WHO](?q=%23WHO) wants the right to …

The #WHO wants the right to impose restrictions and bypass democracy during a pandemic. A massive imminent threat to democracy worldwide.

We have three months left to stop this power grab. Senator Ron Johnson invited me to the U.S. Senate to speak about this tomorrow. Stay tuned!

5 months, 1 week ago
Rob Roos
5 months, 1 week ago
***🚨*** Het Europees Parlement wil de …

🚨 Het Europees Parlement wil de Verdragen van de #EU veranderen. Daarmee zou Nederland nog meer macht verliezen. Dat mag niet gebeuren.

Het is belangrijk dat Nederlanders dit weten. Daarom plaatste ik vandaag deze tekst in @telegraaf, @ADnl, @De_Stentor en @tubantia:

5 months, 1 week ago

🎄 Het is bijna kerst. In mijn laatste video vanuit Straatsburg dit jaar wil ik u bedanken voor alle steun die ik in 2023 van u heb gekregen. Dat is voor mij een enorme steun in de rug.

Ik wens iedereen heel fijne Kerstdagen en alvast een gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

6 months, 3 weeks ago

🚨 BREAKING: Very bad news. The European Parliament and Member States just reached an agreement on introducing the Digital Identity, #eID.

Directly afterwards, #EU Commissioner Breton said: "Now that we have a Digital Identity Wallet, we have to put something in it...", suggesting a connection between #CBDC and eID.

They ignored all the privacy experts and security specialists. They're pushing it all through.

I am not optimistic. But it is not too late yet. Parliament still has to vote about this. Let your MEP know that you oppose the Digital Identity and that you want your MEP to vote against it!

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Vrijheid voor iedereen! Ook voor jou?

Wij zijn ook te vinden op @klokkenluiders2 en mewe:

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

LaSoldiers, de straat kanaal van Telegram⚡️ Contacteer ons via @LScontact


Backup kanaal👇👇👇

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago