招募拥有 OPPO Find X6 (PGFM10) 天玑9200 设备的用户,免费帮忙解锁Bootloader并root设备,详询QQ3856728938。
分享这些更多还是想告诉各位,很多时候牛头25的一些提示即使你不去解决,也不会影响你正常使用银行类金融类应用。众所周知APatch并没有出色的隐藏模块,但这并不影响它出色的隐藏效果。不过有些人可能不喜欢,因为APatch可能通过不了牛头应用、Momo等一系列检测器考验 / Many times, even if you don’t solve some of the prompts of NativeTest-v25, it will not affect your normal use of banking and financial applications. It is well known that APatch does not have an excellent hiding module, but this does not affect its excellent hiding effect. However, some people may not like it because APatch may not pass a series of local detectors such as NativeTest and Momo.
牛头应用已经升级到25版本了,但我不建议优先使用 NativeTest-v25 来测试/检查隐藏。因为目前公开的隐藏方案早已停更数月,隐藏(对牛头25而言)有些落后,所以在使用Zygisk的情况下牛头25都会提示注入“Found Injection”。但从银行类金融类应用的实际使用上来看,目前的隐藏方案又很少有无法绕过的(大陆)应用。所以我建议使用大陆应用的用户,想排查隐藏问题应该安装牛头22(NativeTest-v22)。牛头22的检测强度对标于目前公开的隐藏方案,所以它的注入检测更容易反映出当前的隐藏方案是否存在问题。简而言之就是,(除去安卓10假阳性外)不能让牛头22提示“Found Injection”。因为目前公开的隐藏方案不可能会让牛头22提示“Found Injection”。如果你的牛头22提示“Found Injection”,就说明你隐藏操作出现了问题。
Found Injection
Permission Loophole
Property modified
Conventional Tests (8)/(9)/(a)/(b)
If you can't read Chinese, please go to the comment area to view the English introduction of this module "Hidden Permissive". It is forbidden to install "Hidden Permissive" before you understand its function.
本模块由 @HuskyDG 制作,可用来把SELinux由宽容模式切换成强制模式,主要用于默认SELinux为宽容模式的非官方系统(比如官改系统、第三方系统、移植系统)上。众周所知,SELinux为宽容模式极其容易被检测。
注意:非官方系统的设备使用“Hidden Permissive”,Momo可能会提示“SELinux规则异常”,但是这并不影响隐藏。
~~如果你介意Momo应用提示“SELinux规则异常”,你可以移除“Hidden Permissive”并重启手机。开机后安装我制作的Magisk模块:改善系统环境之解决SELinux宽容模式(~~~~点此处即可下载~~~~) 应该可以解决Momo提示。~~ 但是使用我的模块需具备一定的系统恢复能力,因为非官方系统的设备刷入“改善系统环境之解决SELinux宽容模式”可能会无法开机。
解决Momo提示“Bootloader未锁定”和Hunter提示“当前手机boot分区签名验证失败” / To solve the problem of Momo prompting "Bootloader unlocked" and Hunter prompting "the boot.img maybe have been patched", you only need to install a modified version of Safetynet Fix (the download link is in the comment area).
I do not recommend that you install the modified version of Safetynet Fix because I found that installing the modified version of Safetynet Fix will cause some banking and financial applications to be unable to run, so I strongly do not recommend that you install the modified version of Safetynet Fix.
首先说说原版Safetynet Fix的原理:
SafetyNet Fix使用 Zygisk 将代码注入到GSM应用的进程中,并注册一个覆盖真实密钥库提供程序的假密钥库提供程序。当GSM应用尝试使用密钥证明来检测Bootloader状态时,它会向GSM应用抛出异常并假装设备不支持硬件级密钥证明,这样就导致密钥认证级别回退到基本级别。回退到基本级别后就可以轻松绕过了,因为基本级别的认证相比硬件级密钥认证要弱得多,可以通过现有方法绕过。
再说说修改版Safetynet Fix的原理(绕过Momo的“Bootloader未锁定”和Hunter的“当前手机boot分区签名验证失败”的原理):
修改版Safetynet Fix是把对GSM的处理同时给到排除列表中的应用,当排除列表中的应用(如Momo、Hunter)尝试使用密钥证明来检测Bootloader状态时,它会向排除列表中的应用抛出异常并假装设备不支持硬件级密钥证明,这样就导致密钥认证级别回退到基本级别。回退到基本级别后就可以轻松绕过了,因为基本级别的认证相比硬件级密钥认证要弱得多,可以通过现有方法绕过。
因Safetynet Fix“年久失修”,所以目前通过Safetynet认证的模块只有Play Integrity Fix。目前所有修改版Safetynet Fix(也包括我二改的Safetynet Fix),我能想到的使用场景只有用来绕过诸如Momo、Hunter之类检测器的BL检测。
我以前觉得用修改版Safetynet Fix过检测器只是没有实际意义,但后来我发现不仅没有实际意义,还可能会导致一些银行类金融类应用无法运行。简而言之就是安装修改版Safetynet Fix可以绕过Momo、Hunter之类的BL检测,但同时也会导致一些银行类金融类应用无法运行!
一句话,在我看来安装修改版Safetynet Fix来隐藏bl状态纯粹为掩耳盗铃的紫葳行为。如果你是非主流人士,比如只是为了解决Momo提示“Bootloader未锁定”和Hunter提示“当前手机boot分区签名验证失败”,那么你可以去安装!关于所有修改版Safetynet Fix的下载链接我会分享到评论区,但我不希望你去下载!
从上图(P1)中我们还可以发现,KernelSU在未刷任何模块的情况下,牛头22【NativeTest(22)】会提示提示“Conventional Teste (9)”。在刷上Shamiko重启后,上图(P3)中牛头22的提示会变成“Conventional Teste (8)”,宽带助手和万豪也可以正常运行。所以我们可以得出一般性结论,当牛头22提示“Conventional Teste (9)”时会影响隐藏,一些应用可能无法运行。且经我大量测试,此结论也同样适用于非KernelSU的其他root解决方案。
如果你是德尔塔面具(kitsune Mask/kitsune Lite)的用户,牛头22的检测项“Conventional Teste”后面的数字是(9),你可以看以下这篇教程:
德尔塔面具(kitsune Mask/kitsune Lite)的用户不要安装Shamiko!
The video demonstration application in this link (click to view the link) is called "超级用户列表". After installing "超级用户列表" and granting "超级用户列表" root, it can be used to switch Shamiko whitelist mode on and off. It also has one of the most important functions, which is that when Shamiko is in whitelist mode, you can authorize root for other "root-requiring" applications without turning off Shamiko whitelist mode.
In addition, the hidden root module zmod_hide_mod released by the R-installation component channel is also supported by this application "超级用户列表". In the past, when using zmod_hide_mod, in order to authorize root for applications that "require root", you need to open Magisk and temporarily disable zmod_hide_mod. But when you install "超级用户列表" and grant "超级用户列表" root permissions, when authorizing root for some "root-required" applications, you can do it directly in the "超级用户列表" without opening Magisk to temporarily disable zmod_hide_mod.
In addition, considering that free things are destined not to be cherished, and may even suffer discrimination and cold looks, I decided not to share this application in the channel. Please look for the public link to join the group in the navigation and join the group to get it.
Click to view this link, (click link) you will see a module named "改善系统环境之清除敏感更新脚本" inside, its main function is to solve Momo prompts "Device is running a custom ROM" and "init.rc is modified". Part of its ideas come from the HuskyDG channel, thank you @HuskyDG for your contribution to the community. Addressing (Momo) these two tips may prevent the "detection app" from finding signs that the device has been tampered with, but I'm not sure.
If after installing my module and restarting, your Momo prompt still cannot be resolved, it means that your device does not support System read and write operations. In this case, you need to install HuskyDG's Magic Overlayfs module (click Magic Overlayfs to open the download link). In addition, do not remove my modules, use both together! After installing the Magic Overlayfs module, Momo should prompt "Partition mount exception". This should have no impact at the moment!
Warning and Disclaimer: Magic Overlayfs only works with Kitsune Mask/Kitsune Lite and KernelSU, not Magisk and MagiskAlpha. If you install Magic Overlayfs on an unsuitable version of Magisk, you will most likely lose root permissions. For example, the Magisk homepage will prompt "Unable to obtain", and other serious equipment failures may occur! When these failures occur, it can be catastrophic for newbies! It can only be solved by restoring factory settings! If you do not use it according to the instructions, such as installing Magic Overlayfs on Magisk and MagiskAlpha, then all the consequences have nothing to do with me! I do not guarantee that I will provide technical support for system recovery!
Solving Momo prompts "TEE broken"
The Momo prompt "TEE broken" indicates that the TEE of your device is permanently damaged or temporarily damaged, and whether it is permanently damaged or temporarily damaged, they are difficult to repair, so there is no solution to "TEE damage". However, when Momo prompts "TEE broken", "Bootloader unlocked" may also appear. This "Bootloader unlocked" that appears along with "TEE broken" will affect your hidden root , you can solve "Bootloader unlocked" as follows:
If you are a "TEE broken" user of Magisk, MagiskAlpha, or KernelSU, then after installing Shamiko, Momo will not prompt "Bootloader unlocked"; if you are a kitsune Mask/kitsune Lite user, because you cannot install Shamiko, It is possible to install a Magisk module called "改善系统环境之重置敏感属性" (created by me), click "改善系统环境之重置敏感属性" to download. After downloading and installing (remember to restart the device after installation), Momo should no longer prompt "Bootloader unlocked".