Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Sometimes you look at folk art, from 200 years ago, and see symbols and themes easily recognized today in certain circles.
Moments like these remind me why I create. I come from a long chain of existence, and I try my best to make sure this culture doesn't die.
Making art is an act of patriotism and ethnonationalism. Simple as.
Instagram banned me. It was a matter of time, even though I kept it safe. Not interested in coming back on it anytime soon.
Na skalnym zadupiu, w paryji, na skarpie
Słychać złe szlochy dzieciny upartej.
Bucikiem tupie o czarną glebę-
„Czemuż, Boziu, nie mogę być w niebie,
Czemuż nie mogłem iść na wojenkę
Gdzie z braciszkami mógł zdychać bym pięknie?”
Bozia się patrzy, z politowaniem,
Bo nie dla dziecka jest takie doznanie;
Dziecko ma czekać, bezużytecznie,
Dziecko ma milczeć i czuć się bezpiecznie.
Przygody krwawe są dla dorosłych,
Dla dumnych braciszków i chłopów radosnych.
Nie twoje jest błoto i skomlenie machiny,
Ni kula ołowiu, co tnie ciała bez winy!
Nie doznasz radości tańca szaleńców,
Ominie cie honor kręgu zwycięzców,
Nie zaśniesz obok kolegi w mundurze,
Twa krew nie będzie freskiem na murze!
Nie twoja ta chwała pięknego straceńca,
Ni żaden z ciebie będzie zwycięzca.
Dla ciebie, karle, jedynie polany,
Jedynie biel nieba i fartuch twej mamy.
Twa chata, twe ciało, więzieniem twej duszy,
A twierdzy więziennej nic nie naruszy.
Burze srogie tu tobie nie groźne,
Ni halne wiatry, ni wichry mroźne.
Gdyż oni jak węgiel do pieca wrzucony
Staną się ogniem machiny zbudzonej,
Ty siedź na piecu, grzej małe kości,
Na popielnice się patrząc w zazdrości.
Advice from a painter:
There is no need to prime raw wood before painting. Wood is porous. If the paint is thinned out enough, it will seep into the surface and bond with it well. If it has the consistency of gel or cream, you might have an issue, but otherwise you won't.
Primers are used for slick artificial surfaces, like MDF, which might not allow moisture through their surface.
Historically gesso was used on wood for smoothing out the grain, rather than for helping paint stick. Ironically, some prefer gesso because it prevents the wood from absorbing too much paint at once.
The portrait of Loyola is settled in its new home. Thank you for trusting me!
Horst Wessel is one of my role models. Part fighter, part intellectual, he embodies the ideal of the 'cultured thug'.
As remarkable as he was, he was one of many. He died as one of many, but in his individual death became a symbol of them all.
Horst Wessel
Oil on canvas, 2021
I didn't like the previous one. If he's dry enough tomorrow, and I'll work on him and nothing else, he will be done and dry before the deadline, right? Right?
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago