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📆 Bilimni baholash agentligi tomonidan chet tillaridan joriy yil 28–29-dekabr kunlari o‘tkazilishi belgilangan milliy sertifikat imtihonlari 26–27-dekabr kunlari tashkil etiladi.
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*‼️ *28–29-dekabr kunlari chet tillaridan imtihonlar o‘tkazilmaydi.
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There is a view that students enrolled in full-time courses should engage in extra activities although they spend much time studying. I completely disagree with this view for two main reasons: allocating their time to other activities, students may fail to master their fields to the full, and these activities can divert their focus.
Full-time students often struggle with time-management if they are involved in extra activities. In fact, full time courses usually require students to submit a wide array of assignments until the marked deadlines, which are not only crucial but also quite time-consuming. So, unless students spend their time wisely, they are less likely to finish their course successfully, failing to excel in their related fields. Some may argue that social activities help students to grow into more sociable people, thanks to networks and friends they make through these activities. However, they may disrupt learning process, enabling student to gain adequate knowledge.
Moreover, students may lose concentration on their studies if they are frequently involved in other activities outside the classroom, which can take its toll on their overall academic performance. In other words, student need to stay focused on the subjects they are learning all the time. if students are distracted by other activities, they are likely to become diverted, resulting in poor academic achievements. This is usually undesired, as to become a professional, students have to obtain fundamental knowledge to the fullest.
In conclusion, full-time student are suggested to take up extra activities, but I believe they should be more concerned with their time and academic results to be successful in the long run.
279 words
Full-time students should spend a lot of time on studies, but they should be involved in other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Bugun soat 9:00 da mana shu yerda adjective vs adverbs dan online quiz bo'ladi!!! Shu guruhda xozir "present tenses" mavzusida quiz boshlanadi!!!
Shu guruhda xozir "present tenses" mavzusida quiz boshlanadi!!!
Ertaga shu guruh start oladi!
Shu munosabat bilan, IELTS CENTERda 16-sentabr(Dushanba) kuni darslar qoldiriladi. Barcha o’qituvchilar tomonidan qoldirilgan darslar o’tib beriladi. Iltimos, xabarni barchaga yetkazing. Tushunganingiz uchun Rahmat!
Assalomu alaykum hammaga. Barcha qo'llab quvvatlaganlarga rahmat! O'zini kerakli vaqtida nasib qilgan bo'lsa olamiz 9.0ni ham.
Faqat, hamma IELTS tayyorlanuvchilari, tayyorlovchilariga tavsiyam shuki, IELTS ni hayotizdagi eng muhim narsa deb qaramang. Bu shunchaki vosita. Va bu biror yaxshilik uchun vosita bo'lsin.
IELTSni maqtanish uchun, kimgadir ko'rsatib qo'yish uchun, tog'ayizni o'g'li 7.0 olgani uchun o'rgansayiz oxirida pushaymon bo'lishiz mumkin. Boshqa aniq sizga har taraflama foyda keltiradigan maqsadiz bo'lsin.
Niyatiz maqtanish bo'lsa ham, kimdandir yaxshiroq ekanligizni ko'rsatish uchun bo'lsa ham erishishiz mumkin, lekin nima foyda?
Ayting, agar shu menga nasib qilsa, bu orqali ota-onamga yordam bermoqchiman. Ishlab pul topib ularni roziliklari yo'lida ishlatmoqchiman deng va qiling.
Yokida, IELTS ballimni olsam ishimda keyingi darajaga ko'tarilib bu orqali oilamni ta'minotini yaxshilayman deng. Oxiri borib nimadir yaxshilik uchun bo'lsin.
Amallarimiz niyatlarimizga bog'liqligini esdan chiqarmaylik, niyatni to'g'irlab olaylik...
P.S. Bu gaplar avvalo o'zim uchun eslatma. Hammamizga bularga amal qilish nasib qilsin.
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