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4 days, 16 hours ago
War as Inner Experience

War as Inner Experience
Ernst Jünger

In his war diaries "In Stahlgewittern" (1920) and "Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis" (1926), Jünger glorified the war as a mythical natural event, from which he saw a "new steel-hard blow of man entering the present". From the horror of the trenches to the sound and fury of the battlefields on the Western front, Jünger celebrates war as a total event belonging to our nature. For him, Man is not destroyed but created by war; he is measured by his capacity to endure pain and sacrifice - if war brings cruel death, it also brings the re-birth of a new Man and of a new world.

5 days, 16 hours ago
The Practice of Ancient Turkish Freemasonry

The Practice of Ancient Turkish Freemasonry
Rudolf von Sebottendorff

This important work by Rudolf von Sebottendorff (founder of the Thule Society and head of the Bavarian Germanic Order) reveals the secret spiritual exercises of the Bektashi mystics, which preserve ancient doctrines of natural philosophy corrupted or forgotten by modern Freemasonry. Sebottendorff explains how the cabbalistic formulas of Sufi mysticism are integrated with Masonic hand signs in a program of spiritual exercises that collect spiritual power into the body and transform the soul from its base condition into a heightened state: the Magnum Opus of the alchemists.

6 days, 16 hours ago
Esoterism and the Symbolic

Esoterism and the Symbolic
R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

As a contemporary "renaissance man," R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz may fall into that category of genius shared by such luminaries as Rudolf Steiner and Emanuel Swedenborg. He combined the talents of social reformer, artist, scientist, visionary, and mystic to formulate ideas that were so far ahead of their time they seemed doomed, until recently, to be ignored.

This work represents the first important breakthrough in our comprehension of Egypt since Champollion deciphered the Rosetta Stone. The author's penetration of its symbolism and his intuitive reading of the hieroglyphs situates Egypt, not Greece, as the cradle of our Western heritage. His work serves as a guide that will initiate the reader into the authentic tone, structure, and mentality of Egyptian wisdom.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Blood and Soil

Blood and Soil
Anna Bramwell

One of the rare unbiased accounts of National Socialist political history, this book follows the career of Richard Walther Darré as minister of agriculture for the NSDAP. Darré was an influential figure who developed the titular ideology of "Blood and Soil" - a revolutionary system of natural conservation that placed specific emphasis on the rural peasantry as custodians of nature and the foundation of racial purity.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Various authors

Early in the early 17th century, a series of manifestos proclaiming the existence of a mysterious esoteric brotherhood circulated among the intellectual elite of northern Europe. In the veiled language of alchemical symbolism, these manifestos outlined a process of initiation by which entrance to the invisible Brotherhood of the Rose Cross might be gained. As with earlier alchemical literature, the manifestos were eventually read by outsiders who took their allegorical content literally, believing the Rosicrucians to be a group of secretive occultists. It should be obvious that no such groups or individuals have any connection whatsoever to the original sources presented in this volume.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Germany's Third Empire

Germany's Third Empire
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck

In 1923, when Germany was in the throes of revolution, Moeller van den Bruck envisioned a Germany that was radical, traditional and nationalistic. Angered by the harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, and frustrated by the reforms of the Weimar Republic, he examined all of the major political doctrines of his day and found them wanting. Instead, he called for a return to empire - an empire of all German-speaking peoples, with a social hierarchy based upon communal values and German traditions.

3 months ago
A System of Caucasian Yoga

A System of Caucasian Yoga
Count Stefan Walewski

In the early fifties of the last century, a strange book entitled A System of Caucasian Yoga appeared in the United States. The book was written by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski, a Polish diplomat who claimed to have received its contents from a mysterious neo-Zoroastrian brotherhood located in the remote Caucasus.

Soon after the manuscript was published in 1955, the members of an esoteric association – those who met them recalled their name as “Mazdaznan” – considering the disclosure of its secret practices dangerous, had the book withdrawn from the market by court order. Of the original printing only three hundred copies survived.

3 months ago
The Destruction of Freemasonry

The Destruction of Freemasonry
Erich Ludendorff

General Erich Ludendorff's major work The Destruction of Freemasonry exposes the true nature of this subversive cult with rare evidence from primary sources. First published in 1927, it was significantly reworked for the 1930 edition that remained in circulation with minor changes until at least 1938. The English translation presented here is technically accurate, but contained several false statements about both Ludendorff and Hitler that were inserted by the publisher. These statements have been removed from the present edition.

3 months ago
Worldview and Movement

Worldview and Movement
Povl Riis-Knudsen

“National Socialism – the Biological World View” was first published in Danish in 1985. Extracts from the booklet have been reprinted in a Danish school book, broadcast on national radio and read in public debates. It is a major ideological work and the philosophical counterpart of Knudsen’s tactical reflections in his booklet “National Socialism – A Left Wing Movement”. Both works are presented here in full.

Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen was born in 1949 at Aalborg, Denmark, the son of a Danish Waffen-SS Hauptscharführer. He founded and later directed several National Socialist groups in Denmark and was the leader of the General Secretary of The World Union of National Socialists (WUNS). His writing represents ideological and political realism as it was taught by Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell.

5 months, 1 week ago
The Essentials of Esoteric Hitlerism

The Essentials of Esoteric Hitlerism
Jason Thompkins

Here are 100 verses that explain, in depth, the initial aim of Esoteric Hitlerism, the birth of the Son of Man, and the clothing of the Astral Body with Immortality. These verses were translated years before “The Golden Cord” and “The Ultimate Avatar” were published in English. Everything one needs to know about Esoteric Hitlerism is found within these pages.

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