European Reformation Heritage

A channel devoted to the rich history and tradition of our European Reformation. Occasional natural health, church father quotes and other edifying materials will also at times be posted.

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1 day, 6 hours ago
European Reformation Heritage
1 day, 6 hours ago
European Reformation Heritage
6 days ago

I see this is getting negative feedback which is interesting. I think the concept of having ethnic nations is a thoroughly biblical one and is how God wills it to be. This due to multiple reasons I could get into but comes down to how the bible views ethnicity as being the same thing as a nation. We are told God made the nations and gives them their boundaries (Psalm 86:9, Acts 17:26) which he did by sending the three sons of Noah and their wives throughout the world by giving them different languages (Genesis 6-11). 1 Cor 14:10, "There are, it may be, so many races of voices [languages] in the world, and none of them [the races] is voiceless [without a language]."

We see throughout Scripture the saints acknowledging their special affinity to their kindred people (Esther 8:6, Romans 9:3 etc.) The natural affection (Rom 1:31, 2 Tim 3:3) mankind feels towards their own kindred is a perfectly good and natural feeling instituted by God for the preservation of the family and the nation. To rebel against this divinely instituted order would be to rebel against both God's supernatural (given in Scripture) and natural (observed from creation in nature) revealed will would be sinful.

Now of course this does not negate we should first and foremost love God. After loving God, loving our spiritual brethren (Luke 14:26 etc.) But this does not take away from the fact that mankind should and does have a special love obligation towards their kindred (that being their near family (your wife, your children, your grandparets etc.) as your extended family (being your ethnic group)). Not neglecting the fact that we should love all generally speaking.
Having defined the terms in this way I have a hard time seeing how anyone could object.

1 week ago

Tomorrow is the Lord's day! Tomorrow is the 19th Sunday after Trinity.
Every Saturday part of a reformation confession or catechism is posted. This week we have article 24 from the First Helvetic Confession.

Article 24 - The Sacred Assembly
But we consider that sacred assemblies should be conducted in such a way that above all, the Word of God is daily proclaimed to the public, that the Scriptures are daily brought out by suitable ministers and read out, that the faith of the pious should be exercised from time to time in celebrating the holy Eucharist, and that prayer for the needs of all should be constantly insisted on.
But the rest of the useless and innumerable vagaries of ceremonies, vessels, veils, clothes, candles, altars, gold, and silver, inasmuch as they serve to pervert religion, especially idols and images (which are profane and scandalous for worship), and all such profane things, let us keep far away from our sacred house.
Exodus 20Isaiah 40Acts 21 Corinthians 141 Timothy 21 Peter 41 John 5.

1 week, 5 days ago

6 That in thee may thy people joy,
wilt thou not us revive?
7 Show us thy mercy, Lord, to us
do thy salvation give.
8 I'll hear what God the Lord will speak:
to his folk he'll speak peace,
And to his saints; but let them not
return to foolishness.

9 To them that fear him surely near
is his salvation;
That glory in our land may have
her habitation.
10 Truth met with mercy, righteousness
and peace kissed mutually:
11 Truth springs from earth, and righteousness
looks down from heaven high.

12 Yea, what is good the Lord shall give;
our land shall yield increase:
13 Justice, to set us in his steps,
shall go before his face.

2 weeks ago

Tomorrow is the Lord's day! Tomorrow is the 18th Sunday after Trinity.
Every Saturday part of a reformation confession or catechism is posted. This week we have article 23 from the First Helvetic Confession.

Article 23 - Eucharist
But the mystical supper, is that which the Lord truly offers his body and blood, that is, himself to his own, so that he may live more and more in them, and they in him. Not that the bread and the wine, and the body and blood of the Lord, are united into one nature: neither locally included in them, nor by any carnal presence established. But the bread and wine are symbols from the Lord’s institution, to which the true communion of his body and blood, and is presented by the Lord himself through the ministry of the church, not as food for the perishable stomach, but as food for eternal life.
Matthew 26John 6:141 Corinthians 10.
This is why we often use this sacred food, because by this warning we look at the death and blood of the crucified, with the eyes of faith, and our salvation, not without a taste of heavenly life, and indeed with a sense of eternal life, meditating on this spiritual, life-giving and intimate food, we are refreshed with indescribable sweetness, and we rejoice with unspeakable joy, because of the life we have found, and with all our strength, we pour out thanksgiving for the wonderful favour of Christ towards us.
Thus, it is greatly undeserved that some think we give too little to the sacred symbols. For these are holy things to be venerated, and, as it were, instituted by and received from the high priest Christ, in the manner we have said presenting the things signified, bearing witness to the thing accomplished, representing things so arduous, and by a wonderful analogy of the things signified, bringing the clearest light to these mysteries. To this end they themselves supply the aid and help of the faith, and finally, in turn, they bind us, as much as a sacred oath would, to the head of Christ and the church. This is how reverently we feel about these sacred symbols. But truly we ascribe strength and power to him who gives life and sanctifies forever, who is life, to whom be praise forever and ever. Amen.

3 weeks, 1 day ago

the blasphemous sacrilege of the papist mass must be repudiated

3 weeks, 1 day ago

Those are not to be excluded from baptism, to whom the benefit of the remission of sins, and of regeneration belongs. But this benefit belongs to the infants of the church; for redemption from sin, by the blood of Christ and the Holy Ghost, the author of faith, is promised to them no less than to the adult... Those unto whom the things signified belong, unto them the sign also belongs...

-- Zacharias Ursinus, Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism

3 weeks, 4 days ago

44 "Indeed, no one can become a theologian unless he becomes one without Aristotle."

50 "Briefly, the whole Aristotle is to theology as darkness is to light. This is in opposition to the scholastics."

~St. Martin Luther — Disputation Against Scholastic Theology anno domini 1517

4 weeks ago

Tomorrow is the Lord's day! Tomorrow is the 16th Sunday after Trinity.
Every Saturday part of a reformation confession or catechism is posted. This week we have article 22 from the First Helvetic Confession.

Article 22 - Baptism
We affirm that Baptism is the institution of the Lord, and the bath of regeneration which the Lord presents to his elect, as a visible sign through the ministry of the church (as has been explained above).
With this holy bath we shall therefore bathe our infants, since it is wrong to reject those born of us (who are the Lord’s people) from the fellowship of God’s people, so long as they have not been designated reprobate by the voice of God, especially since it is to be presumed that their election is pious.
Genesis 17Luke 18Acts 10Titus 31 Corinthians 7.

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