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We are seeking momentum, freedom, inspiration and confidence to boldly go in the direction of our hearts. Chiron is healing the woulds of resentment that we must face.
Similarly, the square to the South Node in Libra is bringing up the realities of what is not "fair" or balanced. We are collectively fed up with the lack of justice, fairness, and balance within the world. We are sick and tired of playing "nice" or doing what is best for all others, and never receiving for ourselves the same treatment.
I feel this New Moon is the beginning of the sovereignty portal (which we activated last year on March 21st!). We are taking our power back. We are ending the old enslavement paradigm, and we are headed towards true liberation.
It has also been brought to my attention by the Galactics that we are undergoing a rapid acceleration of the Pole Shifts. This is both literally and figurative. The physical poles are shifting in order to balance out the planet, as it was misaligned. However, this is also happening on an internal level as we are shifting from the masculine pole to the feminine pole. Mother Earth herself holds a feminine blueprint, and we all must align by leading with the feminine energy. This means we are shifting away from the mind and into the heart. This is also means we are shifting from left brain dominant to right brain dominant. As the right brains begin to come more online, thanks to increased Solar Activity and cosmic shifts, many will feel like they are “losing their minds”. YOU ARE. We are returning instead to true Heart-Brain Connection, which is led by the right brain, balanced with the left brain, and fully connected to the heart center.
Thank you to all who are helping to participate in this process! We are all ONE, and as we undergo our own transformation + healing, we assist all others to begin their own as well.
1/11 New Moon in Capricorn: The Sovereignty Portal
As Pluto reaches his final moments in the sign of Capricorn, we are undergoing a very deep release associated with the collapse of the Matrix. The Matrix is based off of enslavement: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Humanity is enslaved to this illusion through the EGO mind which is based on FEAR. Fear is the opposite of love, and its frequency siphons our life force energy which is naturally based in love, joy, creativity, and unity.
One of the main centers of our body that has been specifically targeted, is the Root Chakra, associated with Saturn + Capricorn. The Root Chakra is what grounds us into our bodies, to the Earth, and into the present moment of now. The aligned frequency of the Root Chakra is Trust + Abundance. Our natural state of being is trust, as we know we are provided with everything we need in the moment that we need it. We are abundant in Spirit, and thus we instantly manifest abundantly through our expression, creativity, and service.
However, this chakra was poisoned and has been the most targeted by the dark in order to put us into fear and lack. This keeps us enslaved through the black magic financial system, physically exhausted through survival mode, emotionally enslaved through propaganda, and mentally and spiritually enslaved through our lack of trust in ourselves and Spirit. We have become dependent on outside forces to provide us with our needs, and we have been collectively stolen from so that we must work for the dark in order to receive our natural birthright of abundance. This is all being corrected by Pluto in his final moments in Capricorn, and will be finalized later this year when Pluto returns to the 29th degree for a short time.
I know many of you may be feeling this energy, as I personally am. It is a feeling of wanting to break free, to release everything from the past and to burst forth into something new. Yet, most of us don't really know what the "new" we wish to jump into is. There is a deep frustration, grief, and resentment for what has taken place both personally and collectively on Earth.
The Dragons are here liberating us this year from the enslavement and helping us step into our true sovereignty. The enslavement chips have been discovered by the Galactics in the past few months. These chips are low frequency pockets of density that are deeply embedded into our energy bodies. These chips emit strong frequencies of fear and lack, which drains our energetic bodies and prevents our true Crystalline Templates from coming in. These chips are also blocking our true state of abundance.
The enslavement chips are complex but seem to be working specifically through the frequencies of:
This New Moon will fall at 20 degrees Capricorn while Pluto is stationed at 29 degrees. The Moon will be trine to Uranus in Taurus and sextile to Neptune in Pisces. We are solidifying our new foundations in Capricorn as he has undergone an extreme purging and evolution. Our path forward now lies in integrity rather than success. Our time + effort is now given towards the goals and dreams that are sustainable + heart centered, not what is profitable. The trine to Uranus in Taurus assures us that this new path is rooted in alignment with Mother Earth, and abundance. The sextile to Neptune in Pisces brings a dream-like quality to this new path. We aren't completely sure where we are headed, but we are following our attunement to Source.
Now, the Moon will also be having an exact + harsh square to the North Node/Chiron in Aries, and the South Node in Libra. Here is where we come up against the final wounds from the last 15-20 years. The North Node + Chiron in Aries is bringing up a silent rage within us. This rage is deeply buried, as we acknowledge how tired, exhausted and disempowered we truly feel. In many ways, we have been running at full speed only to realize we haven't gotten very far.
SKY FALL - Adele 2024 ???
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At Skyfall
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall
Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
28th December 2023
Adele - Skyfall (Lyrics)
***🎵*** Follow the official 7clouds playlist on Spotify : ***🎧*** Adele - Skyfall (Lyrics) ***⏬*** Download / Stream: ***🔔*** Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads! ***❤️*** Follow our Spotify playlists: http…
Planet Earth is Transforming and So are all inhabitants, this is inevitibale. As we entered the Chinese New Year with the dragon, there is no denying that an increased amount of transforming Love Energy has indeed arrived. This is a Powerful Energy, that has truly blessed Humanity with the arrival of Several Strong CME Impacts, that are adjusting everyone and the Planet's energetic systems.
Although this is the Year of the Water Dragon, the Fire Dragon is also Prominant~Humanity gets the Cleansing of the water, and the Fiery Transforming Energies of the Fire~Sun Dragon. Awareness that everyone is being affected. There is no going back from Here!Through this transformation a The New Earth Manifests. This Year is about all of Humanity coming together in Each of Their Unique Grandness with Love and Compassion and building the bridges that connect and Unify. The New Earth that is Manifesting, is Humanity making the Choice, to choose Love in every moment.This incoming Love energy, is All Encompassing and is Touching everything around Humanity and within Humanity. This Energy is unstoppable and as we spiral towards the Galactic CenterAlignment, this energy will Continue to Grow and Expand across thePlanet. Love is The Real Truth, and The Actual Reality that Exists OnPlanet Earth=Heart, illusion is nothing and does not exist, and has no meaning. It's only ignorance that wants to continue the game, to be right, this Planet does not belong to ignorance, this Planet belongs to Humanity. GAME OVER~ The Light of Living Truth Wins.~PoleReversalShift? Yes~
You may hear some speaking of a pole reversal or such as a pole shift. This is true, but, not in the way you may think. It's not occurring on the outside, no this is an inside Job. This is actually occurring inside the brain, inside every human Being, a reversal to begin balanced harmonics. This is why we have shared we would see an increase in people going insane, as the incoming energies are shifting Humanity into Balanced Harmonics and rewiring the brains. For those unaware of what is occurring, will think they are losing their minds, and in fact they are.
The God Consciousness energy~Brainwave cycles vibrate at 1~4 Cycles per second. This is the current energy arriving into everyone's systems. Humanity is used to functioning at a static 60 brainwave cycles per second. This is why everyone experienced death. They simply became stressed and burned out.The Balancing of The Harmonics is "Balancing" out the Brain andBody to the Higher Frequencies of Light and Truth information. This is why we Have Highly recommended Letting Go, there is no whereto hide for Humanity. The Frequencies are like a Gushing Water Flow that is coming down out of a Waterfall at Full Speed and bringingHumanity into Forever, and Eternity. Even if they attempt to hang on, they will eventually have to Let Go. There will be nowhere to go,Change is Inevitable.Welcome to the Year of the Water~FireDragon~~Creation is Always Creating, continually in a forward movement aka Evolution, this is always and forever Expanding.Creation Occurs with or without your awareness or permission.
There is nowhere to go back to, the illusion is dissolving and Lovehas Been firmly established.~In the No Matter What, Through The Unknowable Energy of Loves brilliance, All the lies, the darkness, ignorance, naysayers, non-believers, hypocrites, rules, laws and masks will cease and dissolve,as The Light, Love and Truth will Stand Tall and Firmly. Love will beall that is Left when the old paradigm falls. The New Paradigm is aLove Story about Us ALL, and The Brilliance we all are Within theTruth in Creation,~End Transmission in All Love IS~
~ a message from Mother of all Creation
Later in the month, on January 20th, we have the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius as well as Aquarius Season. The Sun entering Aquarius alongside Pluto is a beautiful allegory of the Aquarian Codes raining down on us. The Sun will be delivering the Aquarian Codes of unity, innovation, evolution, freedom, authenticity, community and co-creation!
The Galactics have given the green light to begin activating new Angel Codes, the Dragon Template Codes. Many of you as well as many within Humanity hold Dragon Key Codes and these will now be activated, and also the intention to activate these within the grids + Humanity. I will share more on these Dragon Codes later this month.
The EGO’s biggest fear is the Dragon, because it cannot withstand the fires of truth that they represent. The EGO thrives off of enslavement, victim consciousness, fear, blame, projection, etc. We can anticipate 2024 being a very powerful year of truth and also surprises. So much of Humanity has become attached to what they “think” is happening here. Everyone is looking outside of themselves for a savior of some kind. There are so many theories, so many speculations, and so many who think they know it all.
Creation is wild, chaotic, and always changing and evolving. It is never stagnant and it never follows logical or linear patterns. Whatever you THINK is happening, is never really what is ACTUALLY happening. So many have given their power away in this process and have forgotten we are all God with God, and we are all vessels of Divine Will. Prime Source Creator is in charge of this Ascension and it will be made clear this year that Divine Will trumps all EGO, all self will, and all savior programming. As more of us step into our God Self, we become One with Source again.
This month is a powerful month of both completion + beginnings, as it is a Universal 9 month. On January 20th, we officially begin the Age of Aquarius and so we are in the process of moving through the final collapses of the old, while simultaneously preparing our vessels and bodies for the anchoring of the new templates. It is very important to take care of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies this month. Do not push yourself past your capacity, listen to your body, listen to your angels, and be dedicated to protecting your energy.
On January 11th, we have a wonderful New Moon in Capricorn. As Pluto sits at the 29th degree of Capricorn, this New Moon is a new beginning with the archetype of Capricorn. For the last 15 years, Pluto has been dismantling the systems of enslavement that have existed in the old shadows of Capricorn, and preparing this sign to be birthed into it’s new archetype. Capricorn’s new energy is that of the empowered leader, one who leads by example of integrity, discipline, and focus. Capricorn is now about sustainable success, and is completely aligned with Universal Law.
we are focused on the dissolvent of all lower implants within our energy bodies, detoxing our Etheric Bodies from all density/toxins/interference, + the alignment of our 13 chakras. This month, we will also be undergoing the final re-wiring of our energetic templates, removing the enslavement chips that have kept us in disempowerment, fear, lack and struggle. The Galactics uncovered these enslavement chips during the last few months, and these are heavily effecting all beings from taking their power back and anchoring in their sovereignty/Crystalline Templates.
It has also been brought to my attention by the Galactics that we are undergoing a rapid acceleration of the Pole Shifts. This is both literal and figurative. The physical poles are shifting in order to balance out the planet, as it was misaligned. However, this is also happening on an internal level as we are shifting from the masculine pole to the feminine pole. Mother Earth herself holds a feminine blueprint, and we all must align by leading with the feminine energy. This means we are shifting away from the mind and into the heart. This is also means we are shifting from left brain dominant to right brain dominant. As the right brains begin to come more online, thanks to increased Solar Activity and cosmic shifts, many will feel like they are “losing their minds”. YOU ARE. We are returning instead to true Heart-Brain Connection, which is led by the right brain, balanced with the left brain, and fully connected to the heart center.
Many of you may be feeling this now, which can create the feeling of dizziness, nausea, vertigo or feeling like you are on a boat. The wobble is happening as above so below, and our bodies are trying to find this new equilibrium.
2024: The Year of the Dragons~Freedom for Humanity
Happy 2024 to our entire 5D Family! This year is incredibly important and a milestone year for the Ascension Process. Since 2020, the Galactics and Prime Source Creator, Mother of All Creation, have be re-writing the divine plan based on the results of the Phase 1 Mission (2011-2023). Currently, there are 3 waves of Consciousness existing on the Planet. Here is an update on the current Ascension Energies:
The Third Wave makes up the majority of Humanity at the moment, about 85%. This third wave is still operating based on the EGO frequencies and old paradigm. This wave is particularly effected by fear and lacks discernment to be able to see truth from lies. The Dark is currently using the third wave consciousness to attempt to manifest the apocalypse timeline. Many within this wave are unknowingly the Agent Smiths of the Matrix. However, since the successful anchoring of the Crystalline Timeline on 11/11/23, this wave is now being prepared by their Higher Selves for the mass awakening. Many within this wave are currently deciding their soul contracts as to whether or not they will continue on the physical ascension timeline or not.
The Second Wavers make up about 20% of Humanity at the moment, and these are the awakeners and catalyzers. Many within this wave have woken up within the last 5-6 years and they all exist within many different spectrums. This wave was very important during the 2020-2023 process as many here assisted with the spread of truth + ground work for helping others to awaken. However, this wave is blocked from fully anchoring into the Crystalline Timeline due to the lack of EGO death work/inner work. Many here are still caught in the games of judgment, thinking they know better, lack of feeling, and disconnection from love. These wavers are now also being prepared on a Higher Self level to be able to leap into the next level of awakening.
Finally, the First Wavers currently make up about 5% of Humanity and these are the front runners. This wave has faced many challenges with holding and anchoring in the 5D energies and stabilizing the Crystalline Timeline and grids. Many in this wave are struggling with self-doubt, exhaustion, and lack of hope. This wave has received very little support and the Galactics had to continuously send in additional angelic supports for these beings. These wavers are consciously preparing their vessels for the full activation of their Crystalline Template + Blueprint to be the first wave to complete Higher Self embodiment.
The Galactics + Prime Source have decided that there will need to be some Tower moments in 2024 in order to correct the imbalances on the Planet, and to catalyze the quantum leap of all the wavers. This year is the year of the Dragon, and the Dragons will be VERY prevalent this year as they take the lead on overseeing the ascension events. 2012 was also a Dragon year which was a major turning point for the mass awakenings.
Many believe the Dragons to be another mythical creature of legend, but the Dragons did in fact inhabit the planet along with Humanity. We do not now exactly what occurred, but we know that the Dragon were eventually eradicated from the planet due to Humanity’s fear of them and attempt to control them. The Dragons cannot exist around the energy of fear, as they are the antidote to it. Just like all other Galactic Races + Mythical Archetypes, the Dragon archetypes are a part of Humanity’s blueprint.
The Dragons represent sovereignty and power, as they cannot and will not be tamed. They are pure expressions of the God Spark and they represent freedom, sovereignty, self empowerment, and they are also specialists at transmuting density and fear. The 13 Dragon Collectives will be overseeing this year’s ascension timeline and events, and they will be correcting the imbalance of the planet into Right Action, alignment with Universal Law, eradication of Fear/EGO, and also assisting us with gaining our sovereignty.
Service involves doing the internal shadow work and authentically and positively impacting those you encounter in a healing and transformative way.
As Ascending beings you will move through the next few months experiencing both activations as well as deeper purging releasing. Self reflecting and celebrating , recognising what you are still needing to release and setting the intentions to clear what no longer serves in any higher capacity.
Starseeds are receiving new light codes and activation energies that are helping to activate the higher intuition, Akashic spiritual gifts , talents and abilities as Soul Remembrance is an important part of the ascension process. 2024 is going to be a year of higher truths , awakenings and activations, there will also be increased physical changes as the body continues to Purge and upgrade.
Starseeds will experience an increased sense of inner peace, love, and joy, as well as intensified metaphysical experiences. You will experience more profound moments of enlightenment and self-actualisation .
Expect to experience a much stronger connection and unity with creator source light energy , leading to enhanced perceptions and a clearer perspective on Reality. Feeling deeply aligned with the life on our ascending planet as you become a more integral part of the new earth reality.
In loving and dedicated Ascension service
by Ascension LightWorkers. copyright ©️
This is your rebirth. Your past is healing ,your Soul is evolving to higher levels. The last few months have been challenging but also necessary to rebirth into the new version. An improved you in every level. Mentally, spiritually, and physically. You requested this higher alignment that is now taking place
You have all the inner strength you need to overcome any obstacles You are more powerful than you know . Follow the Light of your soul and remember you are healthy whole and complete . The reason that you might have been feeling off lately may possibly be because you are outgrowing your old self and are entering a new phase in life. This integration , recalibration process will activate many discomforts in the physical as it clears internal density and
Darkness .
Ascending souls are now in the new version of self , they are embodying earths new frequencies that consist of positive vibrations and higher frequencies in new earth , made up of genuine love, success, improved health , inner peace , stability fulfilment , new adventures, meeting new connections that are based in soul recognition and vibrationally aligned with higher self aspects .
Over the next 2-4 weeks many ascending will be feeling extremely high intensity energies in the Ascending collective , as you ascend you will no longer feel as affected by the 3d collective as ascending souls are vibrating at a much higher Concious timeline frequency .
This new energy can be maximised and utilised for spiritual ascension by those who feel ready. The energy will pass through the awakening collective here on earth changing so many individuals for their highest good and for the highest good of all .
You are reaching your higher timelines. You now recognise that Fear is an illusion. You have a deep knowing that Love has already won in the quantum realities and you are witnessing many illusions on this planet , crumbling and breaking away .
Ascending souls , in Earth’s new energy, Your Beliefs shape your reality and are formed in your mind, driven by connection , imagination and emotions. Your interpretation of events determines the version of the world you experience that are fueled by your feelings, how you see and interpret the events in your time lines will determine the version of the world in which you find yourself.
Clarity and recognising your own power are essential, Your thoughts constantly shape your world, but external influences can cause fluctuations. It is important to stay centered, live in the present moment as much as consciously possible , clearly stating your intentions for personal evolution and assistance from the higher ascension light teams .
By serving yourself, evolving, and committing to personal growth, you positively impact others. True service is not sacrificing yourself to save others, but rather doing the inner work and living in an authentic way , as a true example that inspires and heals those around you.
When you love yourself and Earth you embrace your role in redefining humanity, you radiate the changing energy. Dedicating your time and living in your divine expression . As you embody your light, you will attract like-minded individuals and expand your ascending communities .
Your state of mind is paramount. How you perceive and program reality affects your response to it. Dare to be bold, pursue what excites you, and achieve the seemingly impossible. Ascending souls have the abilities and capabilities to transform this Planet regardless of its current state.
In service to yourself, committed to personal Ascension , you uplift many others.
"Solar Flares and Consciousness"
By Raelene Byrne
A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy that has built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. Radiation is emitted across virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves at the long wavelength end, through optical emission to x-rays and gamma rays at the short wavelength end. The pineal gland which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production is sensitive to magnetic fields. According to Russian scientist A.L. Tchijevsky, 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity.
How Do Solar Flares Affect Us?
A recent study in the New Scientist magazine indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and the human biological system. The conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth is the same conduit that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic (auric) field around the human body. The increase in the frequency and amplitude of geomagnetic sun storms is causing large-scale planetary changes which include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and windstorms. There is also indication of human disturbance as result of the solar activity.
Geomagnetic Activity Influences Human Consciousness
Solar activity is known to influence human consciousness. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System, all brain activity (including equilibrium), human behavior patterns, and all of our psycho-physiological (mental/emotional/physical) responses. Symptomatically, solar flares can cause us to feel nervous, anxious, worried, jittery, dizzy, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, nauseous, and queasy. Some people may become unusually forgetful, and others may experience heart palpitations. People may also endure periods of prolonged head pressure and headaches.
Clearing Our Cellular Memories
The solar flares and photonic waves emanating from the sun are changing the fabric of our physical reality
as they exert a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear. Unprocessed emotions from past traumas and experiences are stored in the form of low frequency energy as cellular memories. Photonic waves from the sun consist of higher frequency energy that serves to elevate the lower emotional frequency of our cellular memories. As these cellular memories are re-calibrated to the higher frequency, we may find ourselves spontaneously releasing the lower emotions of sadness, anger, and grief, without knowing why.
These sudden periods of ‘release’ may last up to twenty minutes, and may also include the sensation of the body heating up in the form of a “hot flash”. It may feel like a surge of unexpected feelings has surfaced from out of the blue, and have just as suddenly dissipated.
Awakening Our Soul Purpose
The elements of our Divine Blueprint are interwoven within our cellular memory. The recent infusion of photonic energies is amplifying our cellular memory, causing various elements of our Divine Blueprint to leak into our waking consciousness. As a result, many people are beginning to remember their Soul Purpose, and are suddenly driven to make changes in their lives to realign with a sense of higher purpose.
Photonic energy blends with the vibratory frequency our thoughts, so it is vitally important that we place our attention on what we want to create, rather than what we do not want to manifest in our lives. We will manifest rapidly in the direction of our thoughts, and it is up to us to decide where to direct our attention.
For those of us in the process of positive change and transformation, this energy is empowering and advantageous. On the other hand, those who are stuck in the past through victimization and anger will continue to manifest even more negativity, until they are ready to release the old way of ‘being’ and shift to a higher, more positive vibration.
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