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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Audios for Cambridge Guide
Official IELTS Guide book which includes Instructions for all 4 skills and 8 sets of Sample Tests. I used this book while preparing my students and helped a lot.
Do you like listening to music?
Yes. I like listening to music!
A common mistake-reapeating the words in the questions. Eng ko'p uchraydigan xatolardan biri bu savoldagi so'zlarni ayni takrorlash.
There are a number of alternatives.
Like -so'zini o'rniga yana nima desa bo'ladi?
Yes. I like listening to music❌️
Yes. It is my cup of tea.
Of course. I am into it.
Definitely. I love music.
Yes. I'm intrested in it.
Yes. I'm obsessed with listening to classical pieces.
Of course. I'm crazy about listening to pop.
Stop repeating the word LIKE ❌️
Har qanaqa holat bo'lishi mumkin, test sanasini o'zgarishtirishizga to'g'ri kelishi mumkin, balki siz sertifikatizni yuqotib qo'yishiz mumkin...
The given plan illustrates the possible layout of a new town.
Overall, the town is predicted to have more residential areas than industrial and recreational zones. In addition, the centre will be more accessible due the availibility of roads from every corner.
In the middle of the plan there will be a square separated specifically for two bus stops and two parking lots,which are accessible from all directions. The square is surrounded by six residential blocks and two recreational areas : one to the south and the other to the west,all being encircled by a large ring road.
Almost all the areas at the outskirt of the town are planned to be for housing , except for the two large sections on the north and south-east corner where industries will be located/set up. The third recreational area will be placed in the south of the plan just below the ring road and on the left-hand side of the road.
Finally, there are four main roads,which will give more accessibility to the town from 4 directions, leading to the centre.
Time 23 minutes.
Word count: around 180
Approximate band: 7.0-7.5
??? Bepul 3 Kunlik IELTS Writing Task 1 challenge! Great news! 3-day free Writing Task 1 Challenge by IELTS 8.5 Holder! Lessons will be conducted in Livestream video will be recorded and pdf or doc versions of the lesson will be uploaded! No degree or prior…
The diagram illustrates the process of manufacturing recycled paper.
Overall, this is a fully-automated mechanical process comprising four main stages: pulp creation, filtration, cleansing, and paper production. The production requires a set of sophisticated machines ranging from conveyor belt to water rollers.
The first stage starts with the collection of used paper, which is placed onto a conveyor belt. The paper is then transferred into a pulping machine, where it is mixed with water and chemicals to break it down into a slurry.
During the second stage, the pulpy mixture is sieved, which results in a more homogeneous and cleaner pulp. The third stage is the cleaning phase, where the pulp is thoroughly washed with water and soap. Additionally, the air is fed into the pulp so that smaller impurities, such as ink particles, can be removed. The pulp thereafter undergoes another round of chemical and water treatment.
Once the cleaning step has been completed, the pulp is laid out on a conveyor belt and passed through heated rollers, which press and dry the pulp into paper. The paper is subsequently rolled up, resulting in rolls of recycled paper ready for distribution and use.
Word count: 195 words
Today's report in Livestream!
How to organise your Task 1
How to write an Introduction
How to select main features and writing a topic sentence
Word count around 244
Approximate band 7.0+
For the first time there have been some hesitation . So sorry. Thank you for Everyone who joined
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago