Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Betorspin Official Telegram Group
Betorspin Giriş :
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
1 Background: Public Health Exchanges,the deadline to submit internship forms is on the 1st of June 2024. Through this email, we would like to convey some important information and reminders. 2 Deadline: 1st June 2024, 11:59 GMT
3 Application Form:here
4 Post MM24 PHEx Regulations:here 5 What do you need to do? 1 Read the email carefully and follow the instructions.
2 Submit your Internship forms before the Deadline.
Dear SCOPHeroes, SCOPEnguins and Exchanges Enthusiasts around the world,
Public Health Exchange is a collaboration between the Standing Committee on Public Health with the Standing Committee on Professional Exchanges aiming to empower and educate medical students in the field ofPublic Health. The call for the June Cycle PHEx IFs submission is open now! Please read this email carefully for more detailed information.
We would suggest that you pay attention to the comments on the internship form to guide you and make it easier for you to fill it!
What do you need to do?
• Step 1: Download the Internship Form Template (HERE).
• Step 2: Read the instructions attached to the email sent to you
• Step 3: Replace “(( ___ ))” with the relevant details.
• Step 4: Fill the ENTIRE Internship form along with yourlocal officer and tutor.
• Step 5: Ensure signature and stamp of both theNPO and NEO.
• Step 6: Rename your IFs in .pdf format, named as: NMO name_PHEx-IF_LC name
(For Example: TurkMSIC Türkiye_PHEx-IF_Yeditepe)
• Step 7: Fill in the application form.
(Fill in the form once for every Internship Forms. eg. If you have 3 Internship Forms, please fill in the form three times)
• Step 8: Keep an eye out for our response!
The deadline to submit Internship Projects is 11:59 GMT, 1st of June 2024
For all internship forms, you will be notified by 14th of June 2024 about the status of approval. In case any Internship is not approved, we will send our inputs and provide you a 10-day window period to resend corrected IFs.
Helpful Documents:
• You can use the internship forms in the Public Health Exchanges 2024-25 Database as an example. You can access this database by clicking here.
• You can also use the skills checklists to help you fill the form.
• The PHEx regulations Post MM24
The PHEx regulation;
“The Public Health Exchange Coordinator must fill the Internship Form and/or send their Internship Forms to the SCOPH GA through the specified method of communication by the latest 11:59 GMT, 1st January or 1st June to have the project approved by the SCOPH Director for the March Meeting or August Meeting respectively.”
Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you want. We would be more than happy to help! We hope to see amazing proposals from all of you!!!
**NB: You are required to pay the registration fee as well as other mandatory fees before applying to EMSA-Ethiopia, the money is to be refunded to you upon return of your trip. Registration link will be sent to you once you make the payment to EMSA-Ethiopia.
Be sure to talk to @betaniya or @aymendurri before proceeding with this application. Summary
1 Background: 1st Call for trainers and participants for SamuRai Training in Fukuoka
2 Information Summary:
• Introduction: 10th, August, 2024 | ONLINE
• Main: From 16th to 18th, August, 2024 | Fukuoka, Japan
• Registration Fee: 250 USD for participants, trainers fee will be covered
3 How to submit an application:
1 Application Form for Participants
2 Application Form for Trainers
4 Relevant Links:
• Invitation Package (link)
• Preliminary Workshop Proposal(link)
5 Deadline: May 31st (Fri), 23:59 GMT +0**
Dear IFMSA Members and Capacity Building Enthusiast,
I hope this email finds you well,
With utmost joy, We are now opening the 1st Call for trainers and participants
for SRT?
This is the first SRT in the history of IFMSA-Japan.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you.
Details of our SRT is here:
[Event Name] SamuRai Training in Fukuoka
1 Online introduction Session: 10th, August, 2024 2-3 hours at night (JST)
2 On-site Main Session: Fukuoka, Japan: 16th - 18th, August, 2024 Fukuoka
250 USD for participants, Trainers Fee will be covered
Fee includes breakfast for 3 days, lunch for 3 days, dinner for 2 days, venue for 3 days, and accommodation for 2 nights.
The first day will start at 8 a.m. Please note that the previous night's stay is not included.
You can apply in one of the three workshops that we will host:
1. Training New Trainers (TNT)
2. Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET)
3. Training Public Health Trainers (TPHT)
You can find more information about each workshop and the event in our Invitation Package & workshop proposal below.
Invitation Package: HERE
Workshop proposals: HERE
Don't miss the chance to join this SRT by filling in the application form.
Participants application form:
Trainers application form:
Deadline for application for both trainers and participants: 31st, May, 2024 23:59 GMT+0
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Best wishes from Japan,
**NB: You are required to pay the registration fee as well as other mandatory fees before applying to EMSA-Ethiopia, the money is to be refunded to you upon return of your trip. Registration link will be sent to you once you make the payment to EMSA-Ethiopia.
Be sure to talk to @betaniya or @aymendurri before proceeding with this application.**
Background: Call For Participants For GoSCORP Jordan 2024
Important information:
Dates: 11th-31st August, 2024
Location: Amman, Jordan
Fees: 495 USD
What you need to do:
1. Read the email
2. Check the invitation package here
3. Check our Instagram page here
4. Apply as a participant
Application Deadline: 28th of May 2024 at 23:59 GMT.
Lovely SCORPions around the globe,
We are excited to announce the opening of the call for participants for GoSCORP Jordan 2024 taking place from the 11th till the 31st of August in Amman, the city of the seven hills!
GoSCORP is a SCORP-related unilateral exchange that brings together human rights advocates like you from around the world to engage in exciting sessions and fulfilling volunteerism. GoSCORP Jordan aims to empower human rights advocates with knowledge and skills to lead a more just and equitable tomorrow. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in engaging discussions, attend insightful sessions and contribute to the development of the Jordanian communities.
In addition to the exciting capacity building sessions and volunteerism, participants will have the chance to be introduced to the vast Jordanian heritage and vibrant culture. GoSCORP Jordan 2024 will be an eye-opening, inner peace building and mind blowing experience; offering the chance of personal development and making lifelong friends!
Participation fees are 495 USD which will include accommodation, transportation, 3 meals per day and the cost of most social programs.
Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
• Read the invitation package here and let us read your application.
• Make sure to apply before 28th of May 2024 at 23:59 GMT.
Spread the word and share this opportunity with other passionate individuals who might be interested!
**1 Background: Applications for the WFME World Conference 2025 Student Taskforce are now open!
2 Information Summary:** The WFME Youth Taskforce consists of international students(including recent graduates i.e. within 2 years of graduation) and trainees participating and assisting in the WFME World Conference 2025. 1 The conference will take place between the 25-28th of May 2025
2 Deadline- 17th May, 2024, 23:59 GMT
3 What you need to do: 1 Read the email carefully.
2 Read the application tips document and the FAQ guide.
3 Take the plunge and apply!
4 Relevant Links:
1 Tips and FAQ document: HERE 2 Application: HERE
Dear medical students/trainees worldwide,
It is our pleasure to invite you to apply to become part of the WFME Youth Taskforce 2025. Please complete the full application form below to be considered for the YouthTaskforce.
The WFME Youth Taskforce comprises a team of enthusiastic international medical students(Including recent graduates i.e. within 2 years of graduation) and trainees who participate and assist in the WFME Conference! The World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) aims to enhance the quality of medical education worldwide. WFME’s priorities include the promotion of accreditation through the WFME Recognition of Accreditation Programme, raising the standards for basic and postgraduate medical education and continuing professional development through the publication of expert consensus of minimum and quality standards, and maintaining the World Directory of Medical Schools.
WFME is offering a cohort of international medical students/trainees the chance to attend the WFME World Conference for free. The accommodation and meals will be covered for you and partial financial aid for travel expenses will also be possible. In exchange, the chosen members are asked to assist in basic tasks related to helping with practical issues and assisting participants during the conference.
The conference will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, between the 25th and 28th of May 2025. (Please note that the first working day of the Youth Taskforce will be May 25. Therefore the arrival day will be May 24 and the departure day May 28).
The final number and distribution of slots will be informed in due course in time for the selection of the team.
All applications will be judged by the WFME Youth Taskforce Coordinator team.
Selection will be made based on:
- Motivation
- Relevant experience
- Plans for the use of the experience gained
- Geographical and gender diversity
More information on the selection criteria and what makes a good application can be found HERE
17th of May, 23:59 GMT. You can find the application form by clicking HERE. Applications must be accepted before the deadline.
For more information related to WFME, the WFME World Conference, and the Youth Taskforce, please visit the website -
Please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].
Good luck with your application! We look forward to welcoming you into the WFME YTF family.
1. Background: Announcement of Sustainable SCORP Online Campaign
2. Relevant Links:
a. SCORP Facebook Group: here
Coming Soon: Sustainable SCORP Campaign
Dearest SCORPions,
We hope this email finds you having a great week so far.
We are coming today with exciting news!! If you are interested to know more about SCORP international work, join us in our upcoming activity: Sustainable SCORP Campaign.
This campaign will focus on raising awareness about 2 of the most important concepts in SCORP, SCORP Strategic Plan and Focus Areas. And how they can contribute to building a more sustainable SCORP.
What are the activities and the schedule of the campaign?
at 16:00GMT
Social Media Campaign Explaining SCORP Focus Areas.
SCORP Focus Areas Weekend.
at 16:00GMT
Social Media Campaign Explaining SCORP Strategic Plan 2022-25.
Sustainable SCORP Webinar.
A surprise (stay tuned hehehe).
**The registration for the campaign’s events will open tomorrow!!
Where can you follow the campaign?
You can follow the campaign in SCORP Email Servers and SCORP Facebook Group (here).
Together, we can create a sustainable SCORP for generations to come. Join us for this inspiring and informative campaign and be part of the change! Stay tuned for more posts and follow us on our communication platforms.
See you soon <3
On behalf of SCORP IT 23/24,
With sustainable love,
Mohammed, Ellaf and Asmaa.
Log in or sign up to view
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
**NB: You are required to pay the registration fee as well as other mandatory fees before applying to EMSA-Ethiopia, the money is to be refunded to you upon return of your trip. Registration link will be sent to you once you make the payment to EMSA-Ethiopia.
Be sure to talk to @betaniya or @aymendurri before proceeding with this application. Summary:**
1 Background:2nd Combined Call for Hong Kong SRT 2024
2 Date and location:18th to 21st July 2024 in Hong Kong
3 Workshops and positions available:
1 Training New Trainers (TNT): Trainers and Trainees/Participants
2 Training Public Health Trainers (TPHT): ONLY Trainees/Participants
3 Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT): Trainers and Trainees/Participants
4 Application forms:
1 Trainers:
2 Trainees/Participants:
5 Invitation package: here
6 Participation fee:
1 Trainers: free of charge
2 Trainees/Participants: 220 Euros
7 Deadline: 23:59 GMT+0, 26th April 2024
Dear IFMSA family and CB enthusiasts,
We hope this email finds you well!
I am writing to announce that the 2nd Combined Call for AMSAHK-Hong Kong's first-ever SRT is now OPEN! The event will be held in Hong Kong from 18th to 21st July 2024. I invite you all to read the Invitation Package for our SRT here to learn more about what we offer in this SRT.
Meanwhile, the results of the 1st Combined Call have been sent to all applicants via the email they provided us with. Please ask your members who have applied during the 1st Combined Call to check their email inboxes (including their spam email inboxes).
For the 2nd Combined Call, are looking for the following ONLY:
1 Training New Trainers (TNT): Trainers and Trainees/Participants
2 Training Public Health Trainers (TPHT): ONLY Trainees/Participants
3 Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT): Trainers and Trainees/Participants
You can find the workshop proposals as below:
1 Training New Trainers (TNT): here
2 Training Public Health Trainers (TPHT): here
3 Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT): here
The application forms are as below:
• Trainer's application form:
• Trainee/Participant's application form:
The participation of trainers will be free of charge, while the participation fee for international trainees/participants will be 220 Euros.
The deadline of application will be 23:59 GMT+0, 26th April 2024.
Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. Please also follow our Instagram page @srthongkong for updates.
Thank you, and I hope to meet you all in Hong Kong soon!
Warm hugs,
On behalf of the AMSAHK SRT 2024 Organising Committee
**NB: You are required to pay the registration fee as well as other mandatory fees before applying to EMSA-Ethiopia, the money is to be refunded to you upon return of your trip. Registration link will be sent to you once you make the payment to EMSA-Ethiopia.
Be sure to talk to @betaniya or @aymendurri before proceeding with this application.
Event: HelMSIC lnternational Training 2024 (HIT)
Date:** May 8th - 12th 2024
Participants Application Form:
Invitation Booklet: []([link]([]
DL for Participants Application: 04/03/24 23:59 (GMT +3)
Dear IFMSA members,
HelMSIC -Hellenic Medical Students’ International Committee- strikes back with a new version of the SRT that will remain unforgettable to everyone that will be part of it. As we are willing to continuously develop our capacity building and at the same time offer medical students the chance to develop themselves the same skills… we’re here to present to you:
HelMSIC International Training - HIT 2024!
HIT - HelMSIC International Training is a peer education training workshop addressed to medical students from around the globe. This year HIT includes the following workshops:
TNT|Training New Trainers
PRET|Professional & Research Exchange Training
HRMP|Human Rights for Medical Practitioners
PRACT|Public Relations Communication & Advocacy Training
Each of these workshops aims to educate medical students on soft skills, exchanges, human rights and public relations, through peer education methods. The workshops last 4 days each and take place simultaneously. All of them will be held in English.
Dates | 8 - 12 May 2024
Venue & Accommodation| Athens, Greece (
HIT is a unique opportunity to improve your skills and acquire knowledge, while you interact and cooperate with medical students from all over the world. Don’t hesitate to take the chance and be a part of it!
You can find more information about HIT and the workshops on our Instagram Account and our Facebook event.
Early Fee: 130€ [DL: 24/02]
Late Fee: 180€ [DL: 04/03]
*The participation fee includes full boarding (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for every day of the training event and accommodation for all five days (check-in 26/04 and check-out 30/04 - 4 overnight stays).
For more information, you can contact our National Training Director at [email protected] or the Registration Team at [email protected]
We are anticipating welcoming you to Greece this April!
It’s your chance to be part of HIT this time!
HIT 2024 | Invitation Booklet
Read HIT 2024 | Invitation Booklet by HelMSIC TSD on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!
• Summary: Open Space Discussion “Women Youth Leadership” as part of the international campaign for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science • When: 12th February at 14:00 GMT. • Where: Zoom. Registration link HERE.
Dear SCORAngels,
We are happy to invite you to the “Women Youth Leadership” discussion this Monday, February 12th, at 14:00 GMT.
What's the occasion?
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science recognises and celebrates the achievements of women and girls in STEM fields. It emphasises gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the scientific community.
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established an annual International Day dedicated to acknowledging the vital role of women and girls in science and technology. This resolution laid the foundation for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated every year on February 11.
This year's focus
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a platform to advocate for complete and equal access to and involvement in scientific pursuits for women and girls. In this year’s celebration, the primary focus revolves around the theme "Closing the Gender Gap in Science: Accelerating Action," culminating in an event hosted by the UN on February 9.
IFMSA aims to raise awareness and support the topic through a social media campaign from the 8th to the 11th of February and an Open Space Discussion on the 12th with previous IFMSA members who are women holding Leadership positions. This OSD will take place in an inspiring and welcoming environment. It will provide a platform for women role models in science to share their experiences, challenges, and successes.
You can register for the OSD using this link.
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: OSD: Empowering the next generation - Women and Girls in Science. After registering…
A SCOME Memory is a captivating narrative that highlights your journey in medical education, including challenges, new experiences, achievements, and future goals. It offers valuable insight into personal and professional growth within the field of medical education, inspiring readers along the way, or pprovides a comprehensive overview of the significant events, breakthroughs, updates, results, and emerging trends in your medical education.The chronicle serves as an informational resource, sharing lessons learned with those interested in medical education and SCOME.
Title: Clear and well defined (80-100 characters)
Length: Up to 150 words.
Language: Article must be written in English.
Profile picture of the author
Brief biography of the author: Up to 50-80 words (written in third-person perspective and including contact information)
Photos (in high quality, with at least 300 dpi and in JPEG or PNG formats)
Do not miss the Deadlines!
Please submit your application through this form by the respective deadlines:
Contributors: 20th February, 23:59 GMT
Activities, Opportunities, CB Section, Memories & Articles: 24th February, 23:59 GMT
Join us in shaping the SCOME Newsletter into an inspiring platform for all medical education enthusiasts!
1 Background: This email is to inform you of the PreMM 24 - 3rd call for participants and trainers
2 Positions available:
1 Participants for selected workshops
2 Trainers for selected workshops
3 Relevant documents to submit:Submission made through the Application Form
4 Relevant links and resources:
1 Participants Application Form:here
2 Trainers Application Form:here
3 Invitation Package for MM24:here
5 Important Deadlines
1 Date of the PreGA: 26th February to 1st March
2 3rd Call for Participants: 17th December to 27th December
3 3rd Call for Trainers: 17th December to 27th December
Dear IFMSA Family,
I hope this email finds you enjoying the transition of the seasons and the beauty of nature.
This email is to officially announce the selected workshops for the PreGA to be held in Ambato, Ecuador from the26th of February to the 1st of March 2024.and open the 3rd call for participants and trainers.
We are looking for participants for these 6 workshops:
1 Training New Research Trainers (TNRT)
2 Training New Exchange Trainer - TNET
3 FAL: Financial Management, Administration and Logistics Organization Workshop
4 Training Medical Education Trainers (TMET)
5 GPHE: Gender and Public Health Emergencies
6 International Training on Disaster Medicine (ITDM)
We are looking for trainers for the following workshops only:
1 Training New Research Trainers (TNRT)
2 Training New Exchange Trainer - TNET
3 FAL: Financial Management, Administration and Logistics Organization Workshop
We look forward to successfully executing these workshops with the help of our amazing trainers and participants. If you are interested in being a part of this event you can apply from the links below:
Call for Participants:here
DL: 17th December to 27th December, 23:59 GMT
Call for Trainers:here
DL: 17th December to 27th December, 23:59 GMT
For more information about the GA and the preGA, you can refer to the invitation package linked here. In case of any queries please do not hesitate to reach out to the relevant officials.
Looking forward to reading your applications!
Google Docs
[preMM24] Call for Participants
Dear IFMSA Family, Please fill this form out if you are interested in being a participant for any of the following workshops at the PreGA 24: Training New Research Trainers (TNRT) Training New Exchange Trainer - TNET FAL: Financial Management, Administration…
Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Betorspin Official Telegram Group
Betorspin Giriş :
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago