
Behold the Continents — Visible and Invisible — Moving Again.
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

8 months ago
8 months ago


8 months, 1 week ago
«Speak your latent conviction, and it …

«Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost — and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgement… Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark… Every true man is a cause, a country, and an age… Let us stun and astonish the intruding rabble of men and books and institutions, by a simple declaration of the divine fact. Bid the invaders take the shoes from off their feet, for God is here within… let us enter into the state of war, and wake Thor and Woden, courage and constancy… Abide in the simple and noble regions of thy life, obey thy heart, and thou shalt reproduce the Foreworld again… So use all that is called Fortune. Most men gamble with her, and gain all, and lose all, as her wheel rolls. But do thou leave as unlawful these winnings, and deal with Cause and Effect, the chancellors of God. In the Will work and acquire, and thou hast chained the wheel of Chance, and shalt sit hereafter out of fear from her rotations. A political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick, or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event, raises your spirits, and you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.»

— Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance” (1841)

8 months, 1 week ago

"There are only two roles for humans in this world: those who remember and those who are remembered."

Yukio Mishima, The Temple of Dawn

8 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Morning stroll

Morning stroll

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Peace & love!

Peace & love!

10 months, 3 weeks ago
COMING SOON from PRAV Publishing:

COMING SOON from PRAV Publishing:

A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World

by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell

It has been now two hundred thirty-one years since Edmund Burke wrote of the materialistic revolutionaries in France: “The age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.” The passage of time has long since rendered the verdict that those were vatic words rather than reactionary contrivances, nearer to the spirit of Cassandra than to those of the last Pisistratids.

In A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World, Alexander Ford and Jack Parnell unveil a no-holds-barred assault on the citadels of Burke’s sophists, revealing that modernism and all of its progeny are essentially linguistic phenomena. What emerges from two centuries of academic haze is a lucid and elemental picture of the metaphysical disposition which defined the pre-industrial world. In this collection of swift essays and striking aphorisms, Nietzsche and Cioran talk to priests, Wittgenstein and Dugina face the eschaton, Krier and Evola critique consumerism, and Soviet and American Housing are haunted by the spirits of the home. A Slow Death is a dramatic confrontation too long in the making, an urgent questioning, and a radical answering.

10 months, 3 weeks ago

So much death! So many dead friends….

Until you learn to live with this, upon this, you’re not ready for what comes next. Maybe you weren't even truly living right here and now.

For every one of ours, how many of theirs? How much of us?
At a certain point, things become incalculable.
They become meditative.
They become the future.
They become the question: How can we be and do differently?

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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago