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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

👌Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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By Chandan Kr Sah
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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

6 months, 4 weeks ago
Eng koʻp ishlatiladigan “In, On, At” …

Eng koʻp ishlatiladigan “In, On, At” predloglarining ishlatilish holatlari👆👆

7 months ago

Boshlangʻich suhbat uchun asosiy savol- javoblar👆

7 months ago

Dictation qilishni bilmaysizmi?
Listening past chiqyaptimi?
Muammo emas
Men strukturasini o'rgataman😉

Dictation qilish strukturasi:

1.BBC podcastni matni bilan ko'rib chiqasiz 📖

2.BBC podcastni to'xtatib
eshitib yozasiz🎧

4.Oʻsha podcastni matnini ko'rib qizil rushka bilan qilgan xatoni topib yozasiz📝

Balingizni haqiqatdan oshirib beradigan struktura. Oʻzimda sinalgan

7 months ago
7 months ago

Barcha qatnashganlarga rahmat

Tez orada vebinarimizning yozib olingan variantini tashlaymiz

7 months ago

Savollar bormi?

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Official Telegram Channel by Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com
Welcome to this official Channel of Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com - On this page you will get all the updated information on Sarkari Result website from time to time.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

👌Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
Contact @GKGSAdminBot
Channel Link-

By Chandan Kr Sah
Email- [email protected]

Must Subscribe Us On YouTube -

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

📌 YouTube channel link :-

🥇 telegram channel - @rojgaarwithankit

🥈 telegram channel - @RojgarwithankitRailway

📌 RWA helpline number - 9818489147

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago